This plan defines concrete performance goals, specifies which parties are responsible for specific deliverables and defines a project management structure. The aim is to provide sufficient specification and structure at the outset that all parties feel comfortable with their responsibilities and minimizes conflict.
The plan includes design choices that simplify Sayma and lower costs. The github Sayma Issue tracking contains a long list of bug fixes and modifications to v1 ( The plan calls out explicit specifications in cases where there is not a clear consensus in the Issues.
ARL will serve as Technical Point of Contact (TPOC) for the contracts.
## Tasks
Developer tasks are labeled HTj, Ojk and Mjk (jk integers) and are not divisible. If a task or feature is not assigned to a Developer then that Developer is not responsible for it.
## Design Review
The design review consists of three steps: HT1, HT1.5 and HT2. The Hardware Developer has primary responsibility for the design review. Certain review tasks are delegated to other Developers as detailed below. Tracking of design review tasks is in a google docs spreadsheet communicated under separate cover.
## Handling Hardware Flaws
The Software and Gateware Developer and Integration and Timing Developer have tasks which depend on proper functionality of the Sayma v2 hardware. The Hardware Developer testing and reporting expectations are detailed in HT3.
### Flaw found in HT3
If the HT3 report indicates a failing component or subsystem, a Developer working on a dependent task may at its option pursue the following options
- cancel dependent task(s)
- renegotiate contract terms for dependent task(s) with TPOC
### Flaw found after HT3
If a component or subsystem receives passing marks on the HT3 report but a Developer finds a hardware problem after receiving the Sayma v2 hardware the following applies. Said Developer shall
- report the problem and work with the Hardware Developer to identify a patch
- budget 24 hours for hardware-flaw related debugging
- apply white wire patches
- budget for two shipments of PCBs back to Hardware Developer for rework
If shipment budget or hardware-flaw budget is exhausted the Developer may
- cancel dependent task(s) and receive payment for up to 50% task cost
- renegotiate contract terms for dependent task(s) with TPOC
I don't know how to reconcile requests to freeze the design with well motivated but invasive requests to change the design. Let's discuss how to proceed at a programatic level at the Friday conference call.
Deterministic phase alignment between DACs on separate Sayma PCBs between power cycles is an important design criterion and should be considered at all stages of design. This implies a) SYSREF is aligned with RTIO clock b) DAC clocks are synchronized to local SYSREF edges.
Phase stability between DACs on separate Sayma PCBs is an important design criterion and should be considered at all stages of the design. This assumes that DAC-FPGA synchronization.
- Test conditions
- SAWG output on all channels on two Sayma boards, 400 MHz continuous RF
- Assume laboratory temperature stability +/- 0.5 C
Low cross talk between adjacent analog channels on same AFE is an important design criterion and should be considered at all stages of the design (particularly layout).
The Hardware Developer is responsible for hardware design and manufacturing. Testing responsibilities of the Hardware Developer are those detailed in HT3.
The Hardware Developer has deliverables designated HTn. Written progress reports
High-level schematics for all PCBs to include component part numbers, high-level component interconnection, power budget, high-level layout of all PCBs including location of ICs, board-to-board headers, RF shielding, heat sinks, mechanical support and front panel design. Post design files to github and tag. Participate in design review on github.
HT1 delivery is complete when the Software and Gateware Developer, Integration and Timing Developer and UMD/ARL sign off on the drawings.
Detailed schematics for all PCBs, finished component interconnections, signal integrity analysis, thermal analysis, power analysis, final PCB routing. Post design files to github and tag. Participate in final design review, accept delegated responsibilities from Software and Gateware Developer Design. Output is layout ready for manufacture.
Hardware Developer shall lead HT2 design review. This design review is in collaboration with scientists and other developers. The review will not be comprehensive. It will focus on differences between v1 and v2 of the hardware. Shall include validation of FPGA pinout.
- Signal integrity testing using any suitable IP (eg Xilinx) for all ICs. Tested individually.
- Design and implement test to simulate heavy loading of a system configured as TS2. The test is expected to simultaneously exercise the following subsystems
- I2C, SPI, address all ICs round robin at full speed
- 2 TestMod installed dissipating representative power
- AD built-in DAC JESD PRBS test at 10 Gb/s lane for both DACs
- SDRAM PRBS write-then-read at [TODO ____ data rate]
- The Hardware Developer retains the following for testing and as backups in case of system integrator hardware failure: 2 AMC, 2 RTM, 4 AFE, 1 Metlino
HT3 delivery is complete when the Software and Gateware Developer and Integration and Timing Developer confirm receipt of hardware.
## __HT4__ documentation and MMC
- Support system integrators by github Issue system.
- If bug fixes are substantial (eg replacing multi-pin SMD), system integrators may at their option return boards to the Hardware Developer for repair. System integrator pays shipping inbound, Hardware Developer pays shipping outbound.
- Each board should have a serial number, and a wiki page where everyone who reworks the board has to document what they did. Other notes about that particular board and its specific bugs can be added there.
- MMC and Exar configuration
- Publish source on github within sinara-hw domain.
- Explicit instructions for building and flashing.
- Mimic ARTIQ release structure: tag official releases, change log.
- Formal hardware documentation maintained in github
- Follow ARTIQ model using Sphinx.
- Setup automatic rendering on readthedocs with webhook to git pushes.
- Embed link in github that links to readthedocs.
- scope: expected content is superset of existing Sayma v1 documentation
- scope: documentation to also include the following github Issues
- UMD/ARL will return TS-MTCA and clock hardware to the Hardware Developer 1 month after delivery. All other parts will remain property of UMD.
HT5 delivery is complete when UMD confirms receipt of the demonstration system /and/ TPOC successfully runs test code. TPOC has 7 business days to conduct tests.
## __HT6__ round up
- Update schematics and layout to remedy bugs.
- Publish to github list of factory acceptance tests including expected results and failure criteria.
Dependency: Software and Gateware Developer is responsible for supplying AD9154 support at the level of M25 and M32. Integration and Timing Developer will handle debugging of ADF4356 and AD9154 as relates to ST4.
Code submitted for inclusion in ARTIQ shall comply with CONTRIBUTING.rst (
The Software and Gateware Developer is responsible for gateware and software needed to provide ARTIQ support and to implement SAWG. All software and gateware development items include:
- Test benches or unit tests for gateware and software
All MTk items include support of code in ARTIQ for 3 years from start of contract including documentation of public APIs, maintenance of developed CI infrastructure, publication of CI results.
The developer’s work consists of deliverables MTk below. Written progress reports are due
- on 1st and 15th of the month
- on 1st of the month after OT1 and HT5 are complete
## __MT1__ SAWG
MT1 is a port of SAWG v1.0 designed for Sayma v1 to Sayma v2. Additional improvements in SAWG are also specified. The improvements include consideration of future modulation by RTIO and by Modulation by local DSP.
Each MTk includes a short report and option to implement.
- __M11__ Support SAWG v2.0
- Develop code for Sayma v2 SAWG+JESD+fpga clock tree at 1 GSPS.
- Implement new Sayma v2 sysref synchronization scheme.
- __M12__ SAWG v2.1 element: Measure resource usage and limit number of channels if unable to fit.
- __M13__ SAWG v2.1 element: Evaluate clocking SAWG or parts of it at 250 MHz (2x f_rtio)
- __M14__ SAWG v2.1 element: Determine number of CORDIC stages, width, phase resolution to achieve a specified spur suppression under specified conditions
- __M15__ SAWG v2.1 element: Design transaction based SAWG RTIO protocol (rewrite protocol to stage interpolator settings over one or few non-concurrent RTIO output channels, then activate synchronously with a single RTIO output event). Discuss and determine data partitioning among interpolators and SAWG channels.
- __M16__ SAWG v2.1 element: Design fractional representation of high-order spline interpolator coefficients (i.e. instead of 64 bits, just 16 denominator + 16 numerator bits for the 3rd order spline coefficient). This also allows getting rid of the SAWG clock stretcher that was never officially supported.
- __M17__ SAWG v2.1 element: Evaluate SAWG DUC redesign with 3 or 4 bit frequency and phase resolution based on multipliers instead of parallel cordics.
- __M18__ SAWG v2.1 element: Evaluate resource consumption of modulation ports for after spline interpolators.
- Multiplicative for amplitude, additive and saturating for frequency and phase.
- No support for configurable clipping amplitude at modulation summing junctions. Clipping is always on.
## __MT2__ Sayma v2 Planning
- __M21__ Develop fixed test pattern generator (4-point sine on odd channels and ramps with major carry toggles on even channels) as a compile time alternative to SAWG.
- __MT22__ Review and verify Sayma v2 design from the FPGA perspective. Do this by building a stub ARTIQ target and test compilation -- depends on obtaining netlist for FPGAs from Hardware Developer (HT2). This will verify IO assignments and usage patterns around the following subsystems
- ethernet
- transceivers
- clocking
- flash
- RTM interface
- AFE ports
- FMC ports
- __MT23__ Review of the scheme for synchronization between pairs of Sayma boards.
## __MT3__ Sayma v2 ARTIQ Support
- __M31__ Review the code emerging from O14 and O15. Support merge into ARTIQ. Aspects included in review: DRTIO-on-RTM, DRTIO clock
recovery on RTM, JESD204B deterministic latency/synchronization.
[TODO: does this include DDMTD?]
- __M32__ Work with TPOC to develop test cases for SAWG v2.1 with ST1 and ST2 in mind. Split into manual test cases and tests amendable to continuous integration (CI). Procure hardware needed for hardware-in-the-loop tests.
- __M33__ Support for Sayma_AMC to include the following
- power up
- boot tasks including JTAG, loading flash & FPGA
- ethernet
- I2C EEPROM (MAC address and board serial numbers)
- clocking (including DRTIO clock recovery)
- RTIO transcievers
- FMC connectors
[- TODO anything missing?]
- build infrastructure and packaging
- __M34__ Support for Sayma_RTM to include the following
- power up
- boot tasks including JTAG (slave serial) loading of flash & FPGA
- RTM clocking
- develop DRTIO for AMC FPGA to RTM FPGA link
- SPI to HMC830 and AD9154
- AFE interfaces
- build infrastructure and packaging
[- TODO anything missing?]
- dependency: M33
- __M35__ Support for BaseMod to include the following
- attenuator shift register
- DRTIO control of RF switches using TTL PHY
- dependency: M34
- __M36__ Validate RF output using SAWG v1.0. This tests operation of SAWG as developed for Sayma v1 works on Sayma v2. It tests the following elements.
- clocking of AD9154
- SYSREF syncing of DAC and JESD core
- JESD204B to AD9154
- SAWG v1.0 integration
- dependency: M34
- __M37__ SAWG v2.0
- ensure passage of tests ST1, ST2 and ST4
- Double check ST3 using code supplied under task O14
- dependencies: M36, O14
- __M38__ SAWG v2.1
- ensure proper implementation of features in SAWG v2.1
- confirm that ST1, ST2, ST3 and ST4 tests still pass
- dependency: M37
- __M39__ Documentation
- integrate manual and automated CI tests into ARTIQ infrastructure
- document manual and automated CI tests, hardware-in-the-loop infrastructure
- document CI infrastructure and how to run CI tests
- support Hardware Developer and TPOC in reproducing CI tests
Use github Issue tracking for test results and bug tracking. Link back to the old sinara-hw/sinara Issues as needed but don’t conduct new discussions in sinara-hw/sinara.
Weekly discussions via google hangout during period of performance. Attendance of at least one team member for each Developer team is expected. Discussion limited to 30 minutes per week. UMD/ARL involvement if requested by MC.
Master of Ceremonies (MC) expectations:
- Solicit agenda items from group. Select agenda topics that can be completed in 30 minutes.
- Regulate discussion so that planned agenda items are covered. For technical matters that prove contentious or detailed, shift discussion to github Issue.
- Publish agenda > 4 hours prior to meeting start.
- Launch google hangout > 5 minutes in advance of meeting start.
- Schedule next meeting time using doodle; advertise meeting time in UTC
- Each week rotate responsibilities for MC and minutes-taking between Developers and UMD/ARL
Agenda items must include:
- vote on acceptance of last meeting's minutes
- designate next meeting's MC
- designate next meeting minutes-taker
- ask participants to reflect on how the meeting went and what to do better next week