#[cfg(all(not(feature = "std"), feature = "alloc"))] use alloc::{String, Vec}; use core::char; use core::iter::FromIterator; use core::{fmt, str}; use io; use io::prelude::*; use io::Cursor; use byteorder::LittleEndian; use byteorder_ext::{ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt}; use dir::{Dir, DirRawStream}; use file::File; use fs::{FatType, FileSystem, OemCpConverter, ReadWriteSeek}; use time::{Date, DateTime}; bitflags! { /// A FAT file attributes. #[derive(Default)] pub struct FileAttributes: u8 { const READ_ONLY = 0x01; const HIDDEN = 0x02; const SYSTEM = 0x04; const VOLUME_ID = 0x08; const DIRECTORY = 0x10; const ARCHIVE = 0x20; const LFN = Self::READ_ONLY.bits | Self::HIDDEN.bits | Self::SYSTEM.bits | Self::VOLUME_ID.bits; } } // Size of single directory entry in bytes pub(crate) const DIR_ENTRY_SIZE: u64 = 32; // Directory entry flags available in first byte of the short name pub(crate) const DIR_ENTRY_DELETED_FLAG: u8 = 0xE5; pub(crate) const DIR_ENTRY_REALLY_E5_FLAG: u8 = 0x05; // Length in characters of a LFN fragment packed in one directory entry pub(crate) const LFN_PART_LEN: usize = 13; // Bit used in order field to mark last LFN entry pub(crate) const LFN_ENTRY_LAST_FLAG: u8 = 0x40; /// Decoded file short name #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub(crate) struct ShortName { name: [u8; 12], len: u8, } impl ShortName { const PADDING: u8 = ' ' as u8; pub(crate) fn new(raw_name: &[u8; 11]) -> Self { // get name components length by looking for space character let name_len = raw_name[0..8].iter().rposition(|x| *x != Self::PADDING).map(|p| p + 1).unwrap_or(0); let ext_len = raw_name[8..11] .iter() .rposition(|x| *x != Self::PADDING) .map(|p| p + 1) .unwrap_or(0); let mut name = [Self::PADDING; 12]; name[..name_len].copy_from_slice(&raw_name[..name_len]); let total_len = if ext_len > 0 { name[name_len] = '.' as u8; name[name_len + 1..name_len + 1 + ext_len].copy_from_slice(&raw_name[8..8 + ext_len]); // Return total name length name_len + 1 + ext_len } else { // No extension - return length of name part name_len }; // FAT encodes character 0xE5 as 0x05 because 0xE5 marks deleted files if name[0] == DIR_ENTRY_REALLY_E5_FLAG { name[0] = 0xE5; } // Short names in FAT filesystem are encoded in OEM code-page ShortName { name, len: total_len as u8, } } fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.name[..self.len as usize] } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] fn to_string(&self, oem_cp_converter: &OemCpConverter) -> String { // Strip non-ascii characters from short name let char_iter = self.as_bytes().iter().cloned().map(|c| oem_cp_converter.decode(c)); // Build string from character iterator String::from_iter(char_iter) } fn eq_ignore_case(&self, name: &str, oem_cp_converter: &OemCpConverter) -> bool { // Strip non-ascii characters from short name let byte_iter = self.as_bytes().iter().cloned(); let char_iter = byte_iter.map(|c| oem_cp_converter.decode(c)); let uppercase_char_iter = char_iter.flat_map(|c| c.to_uppercase()); // Build string from character iterator uppercase_char_iter.eq(name.chars().flat_map(|c| c.to_uppercase())) } } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub(crate) struct DirFileEntryData { name: [u8; 11], attrs: FileAttributes, reserved_0: u8, create_time_0: u8, create_time_1: u16, create_date: u16, access_date: u16, first_cluster_hi: u16, modify_time: u16, modify_date: u16, first_cluster_lo: u16, size: u32, } impl DirFileEntryData { pub(crate) fn new(name: [u8; 11], attrs: FileAttributes) -> Self { DirFileEntryData { name, attrs, ..Default::default() } } pub(crate) fn renamed(&self, new_name: [u8; 11]) -> Self { let mut sfn_entry = self.clone(); sfn_entry.name = new_name; sfn_entry } pub(crate) fn name(&self) -> &[u8; 11] { &self.name } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] fn lowercase_name(&self) -> ShortName { let mut name_copy: [u8; 11] = self.name; if self.lowercase_basename() { for c in &mut name_copy[..8] { *c = (*c as char).to_ascii_lowercase() as u8; } } if self.lowercase_ext() { for c in &mut name_copy[8..] { *c = (*c as char).to_ascii_lowercase() as u8; } } ShortName::new(&name_copy) } pub(crate) fn first_cluster(&self, fat_type: FatType) -> Option { let first_cluster_hi = if fat_type == FatType::Fat32 { self.first_cluster_hi } else { 0 }; let n = ((first_cluster_hi as u32) << 16) | self.first_cluster_lo as u32; if n == 0 { None } else { Some(n) } } pub(crate) fn set_first_cluster(&mut self, cluster: Option, fat_type: FatType) { let n = cluster.unwrap_or(0); if fat_type == FatType::Fat32 { self.first_cluster_hi = (n >> 16) as u16; } self.first_cluster_lo = (n & 0xFFFF) as u16; } pub(crate) fn size(&self) -> Option { if self.is_file() { Some(self.size) } else { None } } fn set_size(&mut self, size: u32) { self.size = size; } pub(crate) fn is_dir(&self) -> bool { self.attrs.contains(FileAttributes::DIRECTORY) } fn is_file(&self) -> bool { !self.is_dir() } fn lowercase_basename(&self) -> bool { self.reserved_0 & (1 << 3) != 0 } fn lowercase_ext(&self) -> bool { self.reserved_0 & (1 << 4) != 0 } fn created(&self) -> DateTime { DateTime::decode(self.create_date, self.create_time_1, self.create_time_0) } fn accessed(&self) -> Date { Date::decode(self.access_date) } fn modified(&self) -> DateTime { DateTime::decode(self.modify_date, self.modify_time, 0) } pub(crate) fn set_created(&mut self, date_time: DateTime) { self.create_date = date_time.date.encode(); let encoded_time = date_time.time.encode(); self.create_time_1 = encoded_time.0; self.create_time_0 = encoded_time.1; } pub(crate) fn set_accessed(&mut self, date: Date) { self.access_date = date.encode(); } pub(crate) fn set_modified(&mut self, date_time: DateTime) { self.modify_date = date_time.date.encode(); self.modify_time = date_time.time.encode().0; } pub(crate) fn serialize(&self, wrt: &mut Write) -> io::Result<()> { wrt.write_all(&self.name)?; wrt.write_u8(self.attrs.bits())?; wrt.write_u8(self.reserved_0)?; wrt.write_u8(self.create_time_0)?; wrt.write_u16::(self.create_time_1)?; wrt.write_u16::(self.create_date)?; wrt.write_u16::(self.access_date)?; wrt.write_u16::(self.first_cluster_hi)?; wrt.write_u16::(self.modify_time)?; wrt.write_u16::(self.modify_date)?; wrt.write_u16::(self.first_cluster_lo)?; wrt.write_u32::(self.size)?; Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn is_deleted(&self) -> bool { self.name[0] == DIR_ENTRY_DELETED_FLAG } pub(crate) fn set_deleted(&mut self) { self.name[0] = DIR_ENTRY_DELETED_FLAG; } pub(crate) fn is_end(&self) -> bool { self.name[0] == 0 } pub(crate) fn is_volume(&self) -> bool { self.attrs.contains(FileAttributes::VOLUME_ID) } } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub(crate) struct DirLfnEntryData { order: u8, name_0: [u16; 5], attrs: FileAttributes, entry_type: u8, checksum: u8, name_1: [u16; 6], reserved_0: u16, name_2: [u16; 2], } impl DirLfnEntryData { pub(crate) fn new(order: u8, checksum: u8) -> Self { DirLfnEntryData { order, checksum, attrs: FileAttributes::LFN, ..Default::default() } } pub(crate) fn copy_name_from_slice(&mut self, lfn_part: &[u16; LFN_PART_LEN]) { self.name_0.copy_from_slice(&lfn_part[0..5]); self.name_1.copy_from_slice(&lfn_part[5..5 + 6]); self.name_2.copy_from_slice(&lfn_part[11..11 + 2]); } pub(crate) fn copy_name_to_slice(&self, lfn_part: &mut [u16]) { debug_assert!(lfn_part.len() == LFN_PART_LEN); lfn_part[0..5].copy_from_slice(&self.name_0); lfn_part[5..11].copy_from_slice(&self.name_1); lfn_part[11..13].copy_from_slice(&self.name_2); } pub(crate) fn serialize(&self, wrt: &mut Write) -> io::Result<()> { wrt.write_u8(self.order)?; for ch in self.name_0.iter() { wrt.write_u16::(*ch)?; } wrt.write_u8(self.attrs.bits())?; wrt.write_u8(self.entry_type)?; wrt.write_u8(self.checksum)?; for ch in self.name_1.iter() { wrt.write_u16::(*ch)?; } wrt.write_u16::(self.reserved_0)?; for ch in self.name_2.iter() { wrt.write_u16::(*ch)?; } Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] pub(crate) fn order(&self) -> u8 { self.order } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] pub(crate) fn checksum(&self) -> u8 { self.checksum } pub(crate) fn is_deleted(&self) -> bool { self.order == DIR_ENTRY_DELETED_FLAG } pub(crate) fn set_deleted(&mut self) { self.order = DIR_ENTRY_DELETED_FLAG; } pub(crate) fn is_end(&self) -> bool { self.order == 0 } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) enum DirEntryData { File(DirFileEntryData), Lfn(DirLfnEntryData), } impl DirEntryData { pub(crate) fn serialize(&self, wrt: &mut Write) -> io::Result<()> { match self { &DirEntryData::File(ref file) => file.serialize(wrt), &DirEntryData::Lfn(ref lfn) => lfn.serialize(wrt), } } pub(crate) fn deserialize(rdr: &mut Read) -> io::Result { let mut name = [0; 11]; match rdr.read_exact(&mut name) { Err(ref err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof => { // entries can occupy all clusters of directory so there is no zero entry at the end // handle it here by returning non-existing empty entry return Ok(DirEntryData::File(DirFileEntryData { ..Default::default() })); }, Err(err) => return Err(err), _ => {}, } let attrs = FileAttributes::from_bits_truncate(rdr.read_u8()?); if attrs & FileAttributes::LFN == FileAttributes::LFN { // read long name entry let mut data = DirLfnEntryData { attrs, ..Default::default() }; // use cursor to divide name into order and LFN name_0 let mut cur = Cursor::new(&name); data.order = cur.read_u8()?; cur.read_u16_into::(&mut data.name_0)?; data.entry_type = rdr.read_u8()?; data.checksum = rdr.read_u8()?; rdr.read_u16_into::(&mut data.name_1)?; data.reserved_0 = rdr.read_u16::()?; rdr.read_u16_into::(&mut data.name_2)?; Ok(DirEntryData::Lfn(data)) } else { // read short name entry let data = DirFileEntryData { name, attrs, reserved_0: rdr.read_u8()?, create_time_0: rdr.read_u8()?, create_time_1: rdr.read_u16::()?, create_date: rdr.read_u16::()?, access_date: rdr.read_u16::()?, first_cluster_hi: rdr.read_u16::()?, modify_time: rdr.read_u16::()?, modify_date: rdr.read_u16::()?, first_cluster_lo: rdr.read_u16::()?, size: rdr.read_u32::()?, }; Ok(DirEntryData::File(data)) } } pub(crate) fn is_deleted(&self) -> bool { match self { &DirEntryData::File(ref file) => file.is_deleted(), &DirEntryData::Lfn(ref lfn) => lfn.is_deleted(), } } pub(crate) fn set_deleted(&mut self) { match self { &mut DirEntryData::File(ref mut file) => file.set_deleted(), &mut DirEntryData::Lfn(ref mut lfn) => lfn.set_deleted(), } } pub(crate) fn is_end(&self) -> bool { match self { &DirEntryData::File(ref file) => file.is_end(), &DirEntryData::Lfn(ref lfn) => lfn.is_end(), } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct DirEntryEditor { data: DirFileEntryData, pos: u64, dirty: bool, } impl DirEntryEditor { fn new(data: DirFileEntryData, pos: u64) -> Self { DirEntryEditor { data, pos, dirty: false } } pub(crate) fn inner(&self) -> &DirFileEntryData { &self.data } pub(crate) fn set_first_cluster(&mut self, first_cluster: Option, fat_type: FatType) { if first_cluster != self.data.first_cluster(fat_type) { self.data.set_first_cluster(first_cluster, fat_type); self.dirty = true; } } pub(crate) fn set_size(&mut self, size: u32) { match self.data.size() { Some(n) if size != n => { self.data.set_size(size); self.dirty = true; }, _ => {}, } } pub(crate) fn set_created(&mut self, date_time: DateTime) { if date_time != self.data.created() { self.data.set_created(date_time); self.dirty = true; } } pub(crate) fn set_accessed(&mut self, date: Date) { if date != self.data.accessed() { self.data.set_accessed(date); self.dirty = true; } } pub(crate) fn set_modified(&mut self, date_time: DateTime) { if date_time != self.data.modified() { self.data.set_modified(date_time); self.dirty = true; } } pub(crate) fn flush(&mut self, fs: &FileSystem) -> io::Result<()> { if self.dirty { self.write(fs)?; self.dirty = false; } Ok(()) } fn write(&self, fs: &FileSystem) -> io::Result<()> { let mut disk = fs.disk.borrow_mut(); disk.seek(io::SeekFrom::Start(self.pos))?; self.data.serialize(&mut *disk) } } /// A FAT directory entry. /// /// `DirEntry` is returned by `DirIter` when reading a directory. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct DirEntry<'a, T: ReadWriteSeek + 'a> { pub(crate) data: DirFileEntryData, pub(crate) short_name: ShortName, #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] pub(crate) lfn_utf16: Vec, #[cfg(not(feature = "alloc"))] pub(crate) lfn_utf16: (), pub(crate) entry_pos: u64, pub(crate) offset_range: (u64, u64), pub(crate) fs: &'a FileSystem, } impl<'a, T: ReadWriteSeek> DirEntry<'a, T> { /// Returns short file name. /// /// Non-ASCII characters are replaced by the replacement character (U+FFFD). #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] pub fn short_file_name(&self) -> String { self.short_name.to_string(self.fs.options.oem_cp_converter) } /// Returns short file name as byte array slice. /// /// Characters are encoded in the OEM codepage. pub fn short_file_name_as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] { self.short_name.as_bytes() } /// Returns long file name or if it doesn't exist fallbacks to short file name. #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] pub fn file_name(&self) -> String { if self.lfn_utf16.len() > 0 { String::from_utf16_lossy(&self.lfn_utf16) } else { self.data.lowercase_name().to_string(self.fs.options.oem_cp_converter) } } /// Returns file attributes. pub fn attributes(&self) -> FileAttributes { self.data.attrs } /// Checks if entry belongs to directory. pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool { self.data.is_dir() } /// Checks if entry belongs to regular file. pub fn is_file(&self) -> bool { self.data.is_file() } pub(crate) fn first_cluster(&self) -> Option { self.data.first_cluster(self.fs.fat_type()) } fn editor(&self) -> DirEntryEditor { DirEntryEditor::new(self.data.clone(), self.entry_pos) } pub(crate) fn is_same_entry(&self, other: &DirEntry) -> bool { self.entry_pos == other.entry_pos } /// Returns `File` struct for this entry. /// /// Panics if this is not a file. pub fn to_file(&self) -> File<'a, T> { assert!(!self.is_dir(), "Not a file entry"); File::new(self.first_cluster(), Some(self.editor()), self.fs) } /// Returns `Dir` struct for this entry. /// /// Panics if this is not a directory. pub fn to_dir(&self) -> Dir<'a, T> { assert!(self.is_dir(), "Not a directory entry"); match self.first_cluster() { Some(n) => { let file = File::new(Some(n), Some(self.editor()), self.fs); Dir::new(DirRawStream::File(file), self.fs) }, None => self.fs.root_dir(), } } /// Returns file size or 0 for directory. pub fn len(&self) -> u64 { self.data.size as u64 } /// Returns file creation date and time. /// /// Resolution of the time field is 1/100s. pub fn created(&self) -> DateTime { self.data.created() } /// Returns file last access date. pub fn accessed(&self) -> Date { self.data.accessed() } /// Returns file last modification date and time. /// /// Resolution of the time field is 2s. pub fn modified(&self) -> DateTime { self.data.modified() } pub(crate) fn raw_short_name(&self) -> &[u8; 11] { &self.data.name } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] pub(crate) fn eq_name(&self, name: &str) -> bool { let self_name = self.file_name(); let self_name_lowercase_iter = self_name.chars().flat_map(|c| c.to_uppercase()); let other_name_lowercase_iter = name.chars().flat_map(|c| c.to_uppercase()); let long_name_matches = self_name_lowercase_iter.eq(other_name_lowercase_iter); let short_name_matches = self.short_name.eq_ignore_case(name, self.fs.options.oem_cp_converter); long_name_matches || short_name_matches } #[cfg(not(feature = "alloc"))] pub(crate) fn eq_name(&self, name: &str) -> bool { self.short_name.eq_ignore_case(name, self.fs.options.oem_cp_converter) } } impl<'a, T: ReadWriteSeek> fmt::Debug for DirEntry<'a, T> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { self.data.fmt(f) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use fs::LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER; #[test] fn short_name_with_ext() { let mut raw_short_name = [0u8; 11]; raw_short_name.copy_from_slice("FOO BAR".as_bytes()); assert_eq!(ShortName::new(&raw_short_name).to_string(&LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), "FOO.BAR"); raw_short_name.copy_from_slice("LOOK AT M E".as_bytes()); assert_eq!(ShortName::new(&raw_short_name).to_string(&LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), "LOOK AT.M E"); raw_short_name[0] = 0x99; raw_short_name[10] = 0x99; assert_eq!( ShortName::new(&raw_short_name).to_string(&LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), "\u{FFFD}OOK AT.M \u{FFFD}" ); assert_eq!( ShortName::new(&raw_short_name).eq_ignore_case("\u{FFFD}OOK AT.M \u{FFFD}", &LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), true ); } #[test] fn short_name_without_ext() { let mut raw_short_name = [0u8; 11]; raw_short_name.copy_from_slice("FOO ".as_bytes()); assert_eq!(ShortName::new(&raw_short_name).to_string(&LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), "FOO"); raw_short_name.copy_from_slice("LOOK AT ".as_bytes()); assert_eq!(ShortName::new(&raw_short_name).to_string(&LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), "LOOK AT"); } #[test] fn short_name_eq_ignore_case() { let mut raw_short_name = [0u8; 11]; raw_short_name.copy_from_slice("LOOK AT M E".as_bytes()); raw_short_name[0] = 0x99; raw_short_name[10] = 0x99; assert_eq!( ShortName::new(&raw_short_name).eq_ignore_case("\u{FFFD}OOK AT.M \u{FFFD}", &LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), true ); assert_eq!( ShortName::new(&raw_short_name).eq_ignore_case("\u{FFFD}ook AT.m \u{FFFD}", &LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), true ); } #[test] fn short_name_05_changed_to_e5() { let raw_short_name = [0x05; 11]; assert_eq!( ShortName::new(&raw_short_name).as_bytes(), [0xE5, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, '.' as u8, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05] ); } #[test] fn lowercase_short_name() { let mut raw_short_name = [0u8; 11]; raw_short_name.copy_from_slice("FOO RS ".as_bytes()); let mut raw_entry = DirFileEntryData { name: raw_short_name, reserved_0: (1 << 3) | (1 << 4), ..Default::default() }; assert_eq!(raw_entry.lowercase_name().to_string(&LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), "foo.rs"); raw_entry.reserved_0 = 1 << 3; assert_eq!(raw_entry.lowercase_name().to_string(&LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), "foo.RS"); raw_entry.reserved_0 = 1 << 4; assert_eq!(raw_entry.lowercase_name().to_string(&LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), "FOO.rs"); raw_entry.reserved_0 = 0; assert_eq!(raw_entry.lowercase_name().to_string(&LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER), "FOO.RS"); } }