New syntax for FormatVolumeOptions
This commit is contained in:
@ -1114,22 +1114,74 @@ impl OemCpConverter for LossyOemCpConverter {
pub(crate) static LOSSY_OEM_CP_CONVERTER: LossyOemCpConverter = LossyOemCpConverter { _dummy: () };
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FormatOptions {
pub bytes_per_sector: Option<u16>,
pub total_sectors: u32,
pub bytes_per_cluster: Option<u32>,
pub fat_type: Option<FatType>,
pub root_entries: Option<u16>,
pub media: Option<u8>,
pub sectors_per_track: Option<u16>,
pub heads: Option<u16>,
pub drive_num: Option<u8>,
pub volume_id: Option<u32>,
pub volume_label: Option<[u8; 11]>,
// force usage of Default trait by struct users
_end: [u8;0],
pub struct FormatVolumeOptions {
bytes_per_sector: u16,
total_sectors: u32,
bytes_per_cluster: Option<u32>,
fat_type: Option<FatType>,
root_entries: Option<u16>,
media: Option<u8>,
sectors_per_track: Option<u16>,
heads: Option<u16>,
drive_num: Option<u8>,
volume_id: Option<u32>,
volume_label: Option<[u8; 11]>,
impl FormatVolumeOptions {
pub fn new(total_sectors: u32, bytes_per_sector: u16) -> Self {
FormatVolumeOptions {
pub fn bytes_per_cluster(mut self, bytes_per_cluster: u32) -> Self {
self.bytes_per_cluster = Some(bytes_per_cluster);
pub fn fat_type(mut self, fat_type: FatType) -> Self {
self.fat_type = Some(fat_type);
pub fn root_entries(mut self, root_entries: u16) -> Self {
self.root_entries = Some(root_entries);
pub fn media(mut self, media: u8) -> Self {
|||| = Some(media);
pub fn sectors_per_track(mut self, sectors_per_track: u16) -> Self {
self.sectors_per_track = Some(sectors_per_track);
pub fn heads(mut self, heads: u16) -> Self {
self.heads = Some(heads);
pub fn drive_num(mut self, drive_num: u8) -> Self {
self.drive_num = Some(drive_num);
pub fn volume_id(mut self, volume_id: u32) -> Self {
self.volume_id = Some(volume_id);
pub fn volume_label(mut self, volume_label: [u8; 11]) -> Self {
self.volume_label = Some(volume_label);
const KB: u64 = 1024;
@ -1176,8 +1228,7 @@ fn determine_bytes_per_cluster(total_bytes: u64, fat_type: FatType, bytes_per_se
fn determine_sectors_per_fat(total_sectors: u32, reserved_sectors: u16, fats: u8, root_dir_sectors: u32,
sectors_per_cluster: u8, fat_type: FatType) -> u32 {
// TODO: use _fat_entries_per_sector
// FIXME: this is for FAT16/32
// TODO: check if this calculation is always correct (especially for FAT12)
let tmp_val1 = total_sectors - (reserved_sectors as u32 + root_dir_sectors as u32);
let mut tmp_val2 = (256 * sectors_per_cluster as u32) + fats as u32;
if fat_type == FatType::Fat32 {
@ -1185,22 +1236,12 @@ fn determine_sectors_per_fat(total_sectors: u32, reserved_sectors: u16, fats: u8
} else if fat_type == FatType::Fat12 {
tmp_val2 = tmp_val2 / 3 * 4
let sectors_per_fat = (tmp_val1 + (tmp_val2 - 1)) / tmp_val2;
// total_sectors = reserved_sectors + sectors_per_fat * fats + data_sectors
// sectors_per_fat >= data_sectors / sectors_per_cluster / fat_entries_per_sector
// sectors_per_fat >= (total_sectors - reserved_sectors - sectors_per_fat * fats) / sectors_per_cluster / fat_entries_per_sector
// sectors_per_fat + sectors_per_fat * fats / sectors_per_cluster / fat_entries_per_sector >= (total_sectors - reserved_sectors) / sectors_per_cluster / fat_entries_per_sector
// sectors_per_fat * (1 + fats / sectors_per_cluster / fat_entries_per_sector) >= (total_sectors - reserved_sectors) / sectors_per_cluster / fat_entries_per_sector
// sectors_per_fat >= (total_sectors - reserved_sectors) / sectors_per_cluster / fat_entries_per_sector / (1 + fats / sectors_per_cluster / fat_entries_per_sector)
// fat_entries_per_sector = bytes_per_sector / bytes_per_fat_entry = fat16: 512/2
(tmp_val1 + (tmp_val2 - 1)) / tmp_val2
fn format_bpb(options: &FormatOptions) -> io::Result<(BiosParameterBlock, FatType)> {
fn format_bpb(options: &FormatVolumeOptions) -> io::Result<(BiosParameterBlock, FatType)> {
// TODO: maybe total_sectors could be optional?
let bytes_per_sector = options.bytes_per_sector.unwrap_or(512);
let bytes_per_sector = options.bytes_per_sector;
let total_sectors = options.total_sectors;
let total_bytes = total_sectors as u64 * bytes_per_sector as u64;
let fat_type = options.fat_type.unwrap_or_else(|| determine_fat_type(total_bytes));
@ -1209,6 +1250,7 @@ fn format_bpb(options: &FormatOptions) -> io::Result<(BiosParameterBlock, FatTyp
let sectors_per_cluster = (bytes_per_cluster / bytes_per_sector as u32) as u8;
// Note: most of implementations use 32 reserved sectors for FAT32 but it's wasting of space
// We use 4 because there are two boot sectors and one FS Info sector (1 sector remains unused)
let reserved_sectors: u16 = if fat_type == FatType::Fat32 { 4 } else { 1 };
let fats = 2u8;
@ -1217,19 +1259,23 @@ fn format_bpb(options: &FormatOptions) -> io::Result<(BiosParameterBlock, FatTyp
let root_dir_bytes = root_entries as u32 * DIR_ENTRY_SIZE as u32;
let root_dir_sectors = (root_dir_bytes + bytes_per_sector as u32 - 1) / bytes_per_sector as u32;
if total_sectors <= reserved_sectors as u32 + root_dir_sectors as u32 + 16 {
// Check if volume has enough space to accomodate reserved sectors, FAT, root directory and some data space
// Having less than 8 sectors for FAT and data would make a little sense
if total_sectors <= reserved_sectors as u32 + root_dir_sectors as u32 + 8 {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Volume is too small",));
//let fat_entries_per_sector = bytes_per_sector * 8 / fat_type.bits_per_fat_entry() as u16;
// calculate File Allocation Table size
let sectors_per_fat = determine_sectors_per_fat(total_sectors, reserved_sectors, fats, root_dir_sectors,
sectors_per_cluster, fat_type);
// drive_num should be 0 for floppy disks and 0x80 for hard disks - determine it using FAT type
let drive_num = options.drive_num.unwrap_or_else(|| if fat_type == FatType::Fat12 { 0 } else { 0x80 });
// reserved_0 is always zero
let reserved_0 = [0u8; 12];
// setup volume label
let mut volume_label = [0u8; 11];
if let Some(volume_label_from_opts) = options.volume_label {
@ -1237,6 +1283,7 @@ fn format_bpb(options: &FormatOptions) -> io::Result<(BiosParameterBlock, FatTyp
volume_label.copy_from_slice("NO NAME ".as_bytes());
// setup fs_type_label field
let mut fs_type_label = [0u8; 8];
let fs_type_label_str = match fat_type {
FatType::Fat12 => "FAT12 ",
@ -1245,6 +1292,7 @@ fn format_bpb(options: &FormatOptions) -> io::Result<(BiosParameterBlock, FatTyp
// create Bios Parameter Block struct
let bpb = BiosParameterBlock {
@ -1275,6 +1323,7 @@ fn format_bpb(options: &FormatOptions) -> io::Result<(BiosParameterBlock, FatTyp
// Check if number of clusters is proper for used FAT type
if FatType::from_clusters(bpb.total_clusters()) != fat_type {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Total number of clusters and FAT type does not match. Try other volume size"));
@ -1301,7 +1350,7 @@ fn write_zeros_until_end_of_sector<T: ReadWriteSeek>(mut disk: T, bytes_per_sect
fn format_boot_sector(options: &FormatOptions) -> io::Result<(BootRecord, FatType)> {
fn format_boot_sector(options: &FormatVolumeOptions) -> io::Result<(BootRecord, FatType)> {
let mut boot: BootRecord = Default::default();
let (bpb, fat_type) = format_bpb(options)?;
boot.bpb = bpb;
@ -1336,10 +1385,13 @@ fn format_boot_sector(options: &FormatOptions) -> io::Result<(BootRecord, FatTyp
Ok((boot, fat_type))
// alternative names: create_filesystem, init_filesystem, prepare_fs
pub fn format_volume<T: ReadWriteSeek>(mut disk: T, options: FormatOptions) -> io::Result<()> {
pub fn format_volume<T: ReadWriteSeek>(mut disk: T, options: FormatVolumeOptions) -> io::Result<()> {
// Create boot sector, validate and write to storage device
let (boot, fat_type) = format_boot_sector(&options)?;
boot.serialize(&mut disk)?;
// Make sure entire logical sector is updated (serialize method always writes 512 bytes)
let bytes_per_sector = boot.bpb.bytes_per_sector;
write_zeros_until_end_of_sector(&mut disk, bytes_per_sector)?;
@ -1360,7 +1412,7 @@ pub fn format_volume<T: ReadWriteSeek>(mut disk: T, options: FormatOptions) -> i
write_zeros_until_end_of_sector(&mut disk, bytes_per_sector)?;
// FATs
// format File Allocation Table
let sectors_per_fat: u32 = boot.bpb.sectors_per_fat();
let bytes_per_fat: u32 = sectors_per_fat * bytes_per_sector as u32;
let reserved_sectors = boot.bpb.reserved_sectors;
@ -1372,7 +1424,7 @@ pub fn format_volume<T: ReadWriteSeek>(mut disk: T, options: FormatOptions) -> i
format_fat(&mut fat_slice, fat_type,, bytes_per_fat, boot.bpb.total_clusters())?;
// Root directory
// init root directory - zero root directory region for FAT12/16 and alloc first root directory cluster for FAT32
let root_dir_pos = fat_pos + bytes_per_fat as u64 * boot.bpb.fats as u64;
let root_dir_sectors: u32 = boot.bpb.root_dir_sectors();
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ fn basic_fs_test(fs: &FileSystem) {
assert_eq!(filenames, ["subdir1", "new-name.txt"]);
fn test_format_fs(opts: fatfs::FormatOptions, total_bytes: u64) -> FileSystem {
fn test_format_fs(opts: fatfs::FormatVolumeOptions, total_bytes: u64) -> FileSystem {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let storage_vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(total_bytes as usize);
let storage_cur = io::Cursor::new(storage_vec);
@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ fn test_format_fs(opts: fatfs::FormatOptions, total_bytes: u64) -> FileSystem {
fn test_format_1mb() {
let total_bytes = 1 * MB;
let mut opts: fatfs::FormatOptions = Default::default();
opts.total_sectors = (total_bytes / 512) as u32;
let opts = fatfs::FormatVolumeOptions::new((total_bytes / 512) as u32, 512);
let fs = test_format_fs(opts, total_bytes);
assert_eq!(fs.fat_type(), fatfs::FatType::Fat12);
@ -72,8 +71,7 @@ fn test_format_1mb() {
fn test_format_8mb() {
let total_bytes = 8 * MB;
let mut opts: fatfs::FormatOptions = Default::default();
opts.total_sectors = (total_bytes / 512) as u32;
let opts = fatfs::FormatVolumeOptions::new((total_bytes / 512) as u32, 512);
let fs = test_format_fs(opts, total_bytes);
assert_eq!(fs.fat_type(), fatfs::FatType::Fat16);
@ -81,8 +79,7 @@ fn test_format_8mb() {
fn test_format_50mb() {
let total_bytes = 50 * MB;
let mut opts: fatfs::FormatOptions = Default::default();
opts.total_sectors = (total_bytes / 512) as u32;
let opts = fatfs::FormatVolumeOptions::new((total_bytes / 512) as u32, 512);
let fs = test_format_fs(opts, total_bytes);
assert_eq!(fs.fat_type(), fatfs::FatType::Fat16);
@ -91,17 +88,14 @@ fn test_format_50mb() {
fn test_format_512mb() {
let total_bytes = 2 * 1024 * MB;
let mut opts: fatfs::FormatOptions = Default::default();
opts.total_sectors = (total_bytes / 512) as u32;
let opts = fatfs::FormatVolumeOptions::new((total_bytes / 512) as u32, 512);
let fs = test_format_fs(opts, total_bytes);
assert_eq!(fs.fat_type(), fatfs::FatType::Fat32);
fn create_format_options(total_bytes: u64, bytes_per_sector: Option<u16>) -> fatfs::FormatOptions {
let mut opts: fatfs::FormatOptions = Default::default();
opts.total_sectors = (total_bytes / bytes_per_sector.unwrap_or(512) as u64) as u32;
opts.bytes_per_sector = bytes_per_sector;
fn create_format_options(total_bytes: u64, bytes_per_sector: Option<u16>) -> fatfs::FormatVolumeOptions {
let total_sectors = (total_bytes / bytes_per_sector.unwrap_or(512) as u64) as u32;
fatfs::FormatVolumeOptions::new(total_sectors, bytes_per_sector.unwrap_or(512))
Reference in New Issue
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