# rtio-nmigen Formally verified implementation of the ARTIQ RTIO core in nMigen ## Progress - Devise a suitable migration strategy for `artiq.gateware.rtio` from Migen to nMigen - [x] Implement the core in nMigen - - [x] `rtio.cri` (`Interface` and `CRIDecoder` only) - - [x] `rtio.rtlink` - - [x] `rtio.sed.layouts` - - [x] `rtio.sed.output_network` - - [x] `rtio.sed.output_driver` - [ ] Add suitable assertions for verification (BMC / unbounded proof?) - - [ ] `rtio.cri` (`Interface` and `CRIDecoder` only) - - [ ] `rtio.rtlink` - - [ ] `rtio.sed.layouts` - - [ ] `rtio.sed.output_network` - Sorting network (high priority) - - [ ] `rtio.sed.output_driver` - [ ] Restructure to code to follow nMigen convention and re-validate existing assertions ## License Copyright (C) 2020 M-Labs Limited. [LGPLv3](./LICENSE) or any later version