From ffc74fbb8518ce9e393d251e64795f25766c1464 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Donald Sebastian Leung
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2020 12:28:05 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Remove assertions from within sorting network itself
rtio/sed/ | 98 +--------------------------------
rtio/test/sed/ | 2 +-
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rtio/sed/ b/rtio/sed/
index ed7737d..9b4755d 100644
--- a/rtio/sed/
+++ b/rtio/sed/
@@ -45,11 +45,10 @@ def cmp_wrap(a, b):
return Mux((a[-2] == a[-1]) & (b[-2] == b[-1]) & (a[-1] != b[-1]), a[-1], a < b)
class OutputNetwork(Elaboratable):
- def __init__(self, lane_count, seqn_width, layout_payload, *, fv_mode=False):
+ def __init__(self, lane_count, seqn_width, layout_payload):
self.lane_count = lane_count
self.seqn_width = seqn_width
self.layout_payload = layout_payload
- self.fv_mode = fv_mode
self.steps = boms_steps_pairs(lane_count) = [[Record(layouts.output_network_node(seqn_width, layout_payload)) for _ in range(lane_count)] for _ in range(len(self.steps) + 1)]
@@ -102,99 +101,4 @@ class OutputNetwork(Elaboratable):
for node in unchanged:
m.d.sync +=[i + 1][node].eq([i][node])
- if self.fv_mode:
- # Model arbitrary inputs for network nodes
- for i in range(self.lane_count):
- m.d.comb += self.input[i].valid.eq(1)
- m.d.comb += self.input[i].seqn.eq(AnySeq(self.seqn_width))
- m.d.comb += self.input[i].replace_occured.eq(0)
- m.d.comb += self.input[i].nondata_replace_occured.eq(0)
- for field, width in self.layout_payload:
- m.d.comb += getattr(self.input[i].payload, field).eq(AnySeq(width))
- # Indicator of when inputs from the first clock cycle make it
- # through the sorting network
- network_latency = latency(self.lane_count)
- counter = Signal(range(network_latency + 1))
- m.d.sync += counter.eq(counter + 1)
- with m.If(counter == network_latency):
- m.d.sync += counter.eq(counter)
- f_output_valid = Signal()
- m.d.comb += f_output_valid.eq(counter == network_latency)
- with m.If(f_output_valid):
- replacement_occurred = Signal()
- for node in self.output:
- with m.If(node.replace_occured):
- m.d.comb += replacement_occurred.eq(1)
- channels_unique = Signal(reset=1)
- for node1 in range(len(self.input)):
- for node2 in range(node1):
- k1 = Past(self.input[node1], clocks=network_latency)
- k2 = Past(self.input[node2], clocks=network_latency)
- with m.If(k1 == k2):
- m.d.comb += channels_unique.eq(0)
- # If there are no replacements then:
- # - Input channel numbers are unique
- # - All outputs are valid
- # - All inputs make it through the sorting network
- with m.If(~replacement_occurred):
- m.d.comb += Assert(channels_unique)
- for node in self.output:
- m.d.comb += Assert(node.valid)
- for input_node in self.input:
- appeared = Signal()
- for output_node in self.output:
- match = Signal(reset=1)
- with m.If(Past(input_node.valid, clocks=network_latency) != output_node.valid):
- m.d.comb += match.eq(0)
- with m.If(Past(input_node.seqn, clocks=network_latency) != output_node.seqn):
- m.d.comb += match.eq(0)
- with m.If(Past(input_node.replace_occured, clocks=network_latency) != output_node.replace_occured):
- m.d.comb += match.eq(0)
- with m.If(Past(input_node.nondata_replace_occured, clocks=network_latency) != output_node.nondata_replace_occured):
- m.d.comb += match.eq(0)
- for field, _ in self.layout_payload:
- with m.If(Past(getattr(input_node.payload, field), clocks=network_latency) != getattr(output_node.payload, field)):
- m.d.comb += match.eq(0)
- with m.If(match):
- m.d.comb += appeared.eq(1)
- m.d.comb += Assert(appeared)
- # Otherwise, if there are replacements:
- # - Channel numbers are not unique
- # - Not all outputs are valid
- # - All channel numbers in the input appear exactly once as a
- # valid output
- # - All valid outputs match an input modulo accounting
- # information
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += Assert(~channels_unique)
- all_valid = Signal(reset=1)
- for node in self.output:
- with m.If(~node.valid):
- m.d.comb += all_valid.eq(0)
- m.d.comb += Assert(~all_valid)
- for input_node in self.input:
- input_channel_valid_once = Const(0)
- for node1 in range(len(self.output)):
- accum = (Past(, clocks=network_latency) == self.output[node1] & self.output[node1].valid
- for node2 in range(len(self.output)):
- if node1 != node2:
- accum = accum & ((Past(, clocks=network_latency) != self.output[node2] | ~self.output[node2].valid)
- input_channel_valid_once = input_channel_valid_once | accum
- m.d.comb += Assert(input_channel_valid_once)
- for output_node in self.output:
- with m.If(output_node.valid):
- found_input = Signal()
- for input_node in self.input:
- match = Signal(reset=1)
- with m.If(Past(input_node.seqn, clocks=network_latency) != output_node.seqn):
- m.d.comb += match.eq(0)
- for field, _ in self.layout_payload:
- with m.If(Past(getattr(input_node.payload, field), clocks=network_latency) != getattr(output_node.payload, field)):
- m.d.comb += match.eq(0)
- with m.If(match):
- m.d.comb += found_input.eq(1)
- m.d.comb += Assert(found_input)
return m
diff --git a/rtio/test/sed/ b/rtio/test/sed/
index 9e4cd6c..b878d66 100644
--- a/rtio/test/sed/
+++ b/rtio/test/sed/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class OutputNetworkTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
def verify(self):
# Bounded model check
- OutputNetwork(4, 2, [("data", 32), ("channel", 3)], fv_mode=True),
+ OutputNetwork(4, 2, [("data", 32), ("channel", 3)]),
mode="bmc", depth=40)
# TODO: unbounded proof