Refine assertions for case with replacements in sorting network

Donald Sebastian Leung 2020-10-22 13:32:12 +08:00
コミット 25a8a741bb


@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class OutputNetwork(Elaboratable):
# Otherwise, if there are replacements:
# - Channel numbers are not unique
# - Not all outputs are valid
# - All channel numbers in the input appear somewhere as a
# - All channel numbers in the input appear exactly once as a
# valid output
with m.Else():
m.d.comb += Assert(~channels_unique)
@ -180,11 +180,14 @@ class OutputNetwork(Elaboratable):
m.d.comb += all_valid.eq(0)
m.d.comb += Assert(~all_valid)
for input_node in self.input:
appeared_valid = Signal()
for output_node in self.output:
with m.If((Past(, clocks=network_latency) == & output_node.valid):
m.d.comb += appeared_valid.eq(1)
m.d.comb += Assert(appeared_valid)
input_channel_valid_once = Const(0)
for node1 in range(len(self.output)):
accum = (Past(, clocks=network_latency) == self.output[node1] & self.output[node1].valid
for node2 in range(len(self.output)):
if node1 != node2:
accum = accum & ((Past(, clocks=network_latency) != self.output[node2] | ~self.output[node2].valid)
input_channel_valid_once = input_channel_valid_once | accum
m.d.comb += Assert(input_channel_valid_once)
def elaborate(self, platform):
return self.m