468 lines
18 KiB
468 lines
18 KiB
from abc import abstractproperty
from ..hdl import *
from ..lib.cdc import ResetSynchronizer
from ..build import *
__all__ = ["XilinxSpartan3APlatform", "XilinxSpartan6Platform"]
# The interface to Spartan 3 and 6 are substantially the same. Handle
# differences internally using one class and expose user-aliases for
# convenience.
class XilinxSpartan3Or6Platform(TemplatedPlatform):
Required tools:
* ISE toolchain:
* ``xst``
* ``ngdbuild``
* ``map``
* ``par``
* ``bitgen``
The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable
``NMIGEN_ENV_ISE``, if present.
Available overrides:
* ``script_after_run``: inserts commands after ``run`` in XST script.
* ``add_constraints``: inserts commands in UCF file.
* ``xst_opts``: adds extra options for ``xst``.
* ``ngdbuild_opts``: adds extra options for ``ngdbuild``.
* ``map_opts``: adds extra options for ``map``.
* ``par_opts``: adds extra options for ``par``.
* ``bitgen_opts``: adds extra and overrides default options for ``bitgen``;
default options: ``-g Compress``.
Build products:
* ``{{name}}.srp``: synthesis report.
* ``{{name}}.ngc``: synthesized RTL.
* ``{{name}}.bld``: NGDBuild log.
* ``{{name}}.ngd``: design database.
* ``{{name}}_map.map``: MAP log.
* ``{{name}}_map.mrp``: mapping report.
* ``{{name}}_map.ncd``: mapped netlist.
* ``{{name}}.pcf``: physical constraints.
* ``{{name}}_par.par``: PAR log.
* ``{{name}}_par_pad.txt``: I/O usage report.
* ``{{name}}_par.ncd``: place and routed netlist.
* ``{{name}}.drc``: DRC report.
* ``{{name}}.bgn``: BitGen log.
* ``{{name}}.bit``: binary bitstream with metadata.
* ``{{name}}.bin``: raw binary bitstream.
toolchain = "ISE"
device = abstractproperty()
package = abstractproperty()
speed = abstractproperty()
required_tools = [
def family(self):
device = self.device.upper()
if device.startswith("XC3S"):
if device.endswith("A"):
return "3A"
elif device.endswith("E"):
raise NotImplementedError("""Spartan 3E family is not supported
as a nMigen platform.""")
raise NotImplementedError("""Spartan 3 family is not supported
as a nMigen platform.""")
elif device.startswith("XC6S"):
return "6"
assert False
file_templates = {
"build_{{name}}.sh": r"""
# {{autogenerated}}
set -e{{verbose("x")}}
if [ -z "$BASH" ] ; then exec /bin/bash "$0" "$@"; fi
[ -n "${{platform._toolchain_env_var}}" ] && . "${{platform._toolchain_env_var}}"
"{{name}}.v": r"""
/* {{autogenerated}} */
"{{name}}.debug.v": r"""
/* {{autogenerated}} */
"{{name}}.prj": r"""
# {{autogenerated}}
{% for file in platform.iter_extra_files(".vhd", ".vhdl") -%}
vhdl work {{file}}
{% endfor %}
{% for file in platform.iter_extra_files(".v") -%}
verilog work {{file}}
{% endfor %}
verilog work {{name}}.v
"{{name}}.xst": r"""
# {{autogenerated}}
-ifn {{name}}.prj
-ofn {{name}}.ngc
-top {{name}}
{% if platform.family in ["3", "3E", "3A"] %}
-use_new_parser yes
{% endif %}
-p {{platform.device}}{{platform.package}}-{{platform.speed}}
{{get_override("script_after_run")|default("# (script_after_run placeholder)")}}
"{{name}}.ucf": r"""
# {{autogenerated}}
{% for port_name, pin_name, attrs in platform.iter_port_constraints_bits() -%}
{% set port_name = port_name|replace("[", "<")|replace("]", ">") -%}
NET "{{port_name}}" LOC={{pin_name}};
{% for attr_name, attr_value in attrs.items() -%}
NET "{{port_name}}" {{attr_name}}={{attr_value}};
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for net_signal, port_signal, frequency in platform.iter_clock_constraints() -%}
NET "{{net_signal|hierarchy("/")}}" TNM_NET="PRD{{net_signal|hierarchy("/")}}";
TIMESPEC "TS{{net_signal|hierarchy("/")}}"=PERIOD "PRD{{net_signal|hierarchy("/")}}" {{1000000000/frequency}} ns HIGH 50%;
{% endfor %}
{{get_override("add_constraints")|default("# (add_constraints placeholder)")}}
command_templates = [
-ifn {{name}}.xst
-uc {{name}}.ucf
-o {{name}}_map.ncd
{{get_override("bitgen_opts")|default(["-g Compress"])|options}}
-g Binary:Yes
def create_missing_domain(self, name):
# Xilinx devices have a global write enable (GWE) signal that asserted during configuraiton
# and deasserted once it ends. Because it is an asynchronous signal (GWE is driven by logic
# syncronous to configuration clock, which is not used by most designs), even though it is
# a low-skew global network, its deassertion may violate a setup/hold constraint with
# relation to a user clock. The recommended solution is to use a BUFGCE driven by the EOS
# signal (if available). For details, see:
# * https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/44174.html
# * https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/white_papers/wp272.pdf
if self.family != "6":
# Spartan 3 lacks a STARTUP primitive with EOS output; use a simple ResetSynchronizer
# in that case, as is the default.
return super().create_missing_domain(name)
if name == "sync" and self.default_clk is not None:
clk_i = self.request(self.default_clk).i
if self.default_rst is not None:
rst_i = self.request(self.default_rst).i
m = Module()
eos = Signal()
m.submodules += Instance("STARTUP_SPARTAN6", o_EOS=eos)
m.domains += ClockDomain("sync", reset_less=self.default_rst is None)
m.submodules += Instance("BUFGCE", i_CE=eos, i_I=clk_i, o_O=ClockSignal("sync"))
if self.default_rst is not None:
m.submodules.reset_sync = ResetSynchronizer(rst_i, domain="sync")
return m
def _get_xdr_buffer(self, m, pin, *, i_invert=False, o_invert=False):
def get_dff(clk, d, q):
# SDR I/O is performed by packing a flip-flop into the pad IOB.
for bit in range(len(q)):
m.submodules += Instance("FDCE",
def get_iddr(clk, d, q0, q1):
for bit in range(len(q0)):
m.submodules += Instance("IDDR2",
p_INIT_Q0=0, p_INIT_Q1=0,
i_C0=clk, i_C1=~clk,
i_S=Const(0), i_R=Const(0),
o_Q0=q0[bit], o_Q1=q1[bit]
def get_oddr(clk, d0, d1, q):
for bit in range(len(q)):
m.submodules += Instance("ODDR2",
i_C0=clk, i_C1=~clk,
i_S=Const(0), i_R=Const(0),
i_D0=d0[bit], i_D1=d1[bit],
def get_ineg(y, invert):
if invert:
a = Signal.like(y, name_suffix="_n")
m.d.comb += y.eq(~a)
return a
return y
def get_oneg(a, invert):
if invert:
y = Signal.like(a, name_suffix="_n")
m.d.comb += y.eq(~a)
return y
return a
if "i" in pin.dir:
if pin.xdr < 2:
pin_i = get_ineg(pin.i, i_invert)
elif pin.xdr == 2:
pin_i0 = get_ineg(pin.i0, i_invert)
pin_i1 = get_ineg(pin.i1, i_invert)
if "o" in pin.dir:
if pin.xdr < 2:
pin_o = get_oneg(pin.o, o_invert)
elif pin.xdr == 2:
pin_o0 = get_oneg(pin.o0, o_invert)
pin_o1 = get_oneg(pin.o1, o_invert)
i = o = t = None
if "i" in pin.dir:
i = Signal(pin.width, name="{}_xdr_i".format(pin.name))
if "o" in pin.dir:
o = Signal(pin.width, name="{}_xdr_o".format(pin.name))
if pin.dir in ("oe", "io"):
t = Signal(1, name="{}_xdr_t".format(pin.name))
if pin.xdr == 0:
if "i" in pin.dir:
i = pin_i
if "o" in pin.dir:
o = pin_o
if pin.dir in ("oe", "io"):
t = ~pin.oe
elif pin.xdr == 1:
if "i" in pin.dir:
get_dff(pin.i_clk, i, pin_i)
if "o" in pin.dir:
get_dff(pin.o_clk, pin_o, o)
if pin.dir in ("oe", "io"):
get_dff(pin.o_clk, ~pin.oe, t)
elif pin.xdr == 2:
if "i" in pin.dir:
# Re-register first input before it enters fabric. This allows both inputs to
# enter fabric on the same clock edge, and adds one cycle of latency.
i0_ff = Signal.like(pin_i0, name_suffix="_ff")
get_dff(pin.i_clk, i0_ff, pin_i0)
get_iddr(pin.i_clk, i, i0_ff, pin_i1)
if "o" in pin.dir:
get_oddr(pin.o_clk, pin_o0, pin_o1, o)
if pin.dir in ("oe", "io"):
get_dff(pin.o_clk, ~pin.oe, t)
assert False
return (i, o, t)
def get_input(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("single-ended input", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, i_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("IBUF",
return m
def get_output(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("single-ended output", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("OBUF",
return m
def get_tristate(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("single-ended tristate", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("OBUFT",
return m
def get_input_output(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("single-ended input/output", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, i_invert=invert, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("IOBUF",
return m
def get_diff_input(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("differential input", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, i_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(p_port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("IBUFDS",
i_I=p_port[bit], i_IB=n_port[bit],
return m
def get_diff_output(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("differential output", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(p_port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("OBUFDS",
o_O=p_port[bit], o_OB=n_port[bit]
return m
def get_diff_tristate(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("differential tristate", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(p_port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("OBUFTDS",
o_O=p_port[bit], o_OB=n_port[bit]
return m
def get_diff_input_output(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("differential input/output", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, i_invert=invert, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(p_port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("IOBUFDS",
io_IO=p_port[bit], io_IOB=n_port[bit]
return m
# The synchronizer implementations below apply the ASYNC_REG attribute. This attribute
# prevents inference of shift registers from synchronizer FFs, and constraints the FFs
# to be placed as close as possible, ideally in one CLB. This attribute only affects
# the synchronizer FFs themselves.
def get_ff_sync(self, ff_sync):
if ff_sync._max_input_delay is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("Platform '{}' does not support constraining input delay "
"for FFSynchronizer"
m = Module()
flops = [Signal(ff_sync.i.shape(), name="stage{}".format(index),
reset=ff_sync._reset, reset_less=ff_sync._reset_less,
attrs={"ASYNC_REG": "TRUE"})
for index in range(ff_sync._stages)]
for i, o in zip((ff_sync.i, *flops), flops):
m.d[ff_sync._o_domain] += o.eq(i)
m.d.comb += ff_sync.o.eq(flops[-1])
return m
def get_async_ff_sync(self, async_ff_sync):
if self._max_input_delay is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("Platform '{}' does not support constraining input delay "
"for AsyncFFSynchronizer"
m = Module()
m.domains += ClockDomain("async_ff", async_reset=True, local=True)
flops = [Signal(1, name="stage{}".format(index), reset=1,
attrs={"ASYNC_REG": "TRUE"})
for index in range(async_ff_sync._stages)]
for i, o in zip((0, *flops), flops):
m.d.async_ff += o.eq(i)
if async_ff_sync._edge == "pos":
m.d.comb += ResetSignal("async_ff").eq(asnyc_ff_sync.i)
m.d.comb += ResetSignal("async_ff").eq(~asnyc_ff_sync.i)
m.d.comb += [
return m
XilinxSpartan3APlatform = XilinxSpartan3Or6Platform
XilinxSpartan6Platform = XilinxSpartan3Or6Platform