575 lines
22 KiB
575 lines
22 KiB
from abc import abstractproperty
from ..hdl import *
from ..build import *
__all__ = ["LatticeECP5Platform"]
class LatticeECP5Platform(TemplatedPlatform):
Trellis toolchain
Required tools:
* ``yosys``
* ``nextpnr-ecp5``
* ``ecppack``
The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable
``NMIGEN_ENV_Trellis``, if present.
Available overrides:
* ``verbose``: enables logging of informational messages to standard error.
* ``read_verilog_opts``: adds options for ``read_verilog`` Yosys command.
* ``synth_opts``: adds options for ``synth_ecp5`` Yosys command.
* ``script_after_read``: inserts commands after ``read_ilang`` in Yosys script.
* ``script_after_synth``: inserts commands after ``synth_ecp5`` in Yosys script.
* ``yosys_opts``: adds extra options for ``yosys``.
* ``nextpnr_opts``: adds extra options for ``nextpnr-ecp5``.
* ``ecppack_opts``: adds extra options for ``ecppack``.
* ``add_preferences``: inserts commands at the end of the LPF file.
Build products:
* ``{{name}}.rpt``: Yosys log.
* ``{{name}}.json``: synthesized RTL.
* ``{{name}}.tim``: nextpnr log.
* ``{{name}}.config``: ASCII bitstream.
* ``{{name}}.bit``: binary bitstream.
* ``{{name}}.svf``: JTAG programming vector.
Diamond toolchain
Required tools:
* ``pnmainc``
* ``ddtcmd``
The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable
``NMIGEN_ENV_Diamond``, if present.
Available overrides:
* ``script_project``: inserts commands before ``prj_project save`` in Tcl script.
* ``script_after_export``: inserts commands after ``prj_run Export`` in Tcl script.
* ``add_preferences``: inserts commands at the end of the LPF file.
* ``add_constraints``: inserts commands at the end of the XDC file.
Build products:
* ``{{name}}_impl/{{name}}_impl.htm``: consolidated log.
* ``{{name}}.bit``: binary bitstream.
* ``{{name}}.svf``: JTAG programming vector.
toolchain = None # selected when creating platform
device = abstractproperty()
package = abstractproperty()
speed = abstractproperty()
grade = "C" # [C]ommercial, [I]ndustrial
# Trellis templates
_nextpnr_device_options = {
"LFE5U-12F": "--25k",
"LFE5U-25F": "--25k",
"LFE5U-45F": "--45k",
"LFE5U-85F": "--85k",
"LFE5UM-12F": "--um-25k",
"LFE5UM-25F": "--um-25k",
"LFE5UM-45F": "--um-45k",
"LFE5UM-85F": "--um-85k",
"LFE5UM5G-12F": "--um5g-25k",
"LFE5UM5G-25F": "--um5g-25k",
"LFE5UM5G-45F": "--um5g-45k",
"LFE5UM5G-85F": "--um5g-85k",
_nextpnr_package_options = {
"BG256": "caBGA256",
"MG285": "csfBGA285",
"BG381": "caBGA381",
"BG554": "caBGA554",
"BG756": "caBGA756",
_trellis_required_tools = [
_trellis_file_templates = {
"{{name}}.il": r"""
# {{autogenerated}}
"{{name}}.debug.v": r"""
/* {{autogenerated}} */
"{{name}}.ys": r"""
# {{autogenerated}}
{% for file in platform.iter_extra_files(".v") -%}
read_verilog {{get_override("read_verilog_opts")|options}} {{file}}
{% endfor %}
{% for file in platform.iter_extra_files(".sv") -%}
read_verilog -sv {{get_override("read_verilog_opts")|options}} {{file}}
{% endfor %}
{% for file in platform.iter_extra_files(".il") -%}
read_ilang {{file}}
{% endfor %}
read_ilang {{name}}.il
{{get_override("script_after_read")|default("# (script_after_read placeholder)")}}
synth_ecp5 {{get_override("synth_opts")|options}} -top {{name}}
{{get_override("script_after_synth")|default("# (script_after_synth placeholder)")}}
write_json {{name}}.json
"{{name}}.lpf": r"""
# {{autogenerated}}
{% for port_name, pin_name, extras in platform.iter_port_constraints_bits() -%}
LOCATE COMP "{{port_name}}" SITE "{{pin_name}}";
{% if extras -%}
IOBUF PORT "{{port_name}}"
{%- for key, value in extras.items() %} {{key}}={{value}}{% endfor %};
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for net_signal, port_signal, frequency in platform.iter_clock_constraints() -%}
{% if port_signal is not none -%}
FREQUENCY PORT "{{port_signal.name}}" {{frequency}} HZ;
{% else -%}
FREQUENCY NET "{{net_signal|hierarchy(".")}}" {{frequency}} HZ;
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{get_override("add_preferences")|default("# (add_preferences placeholder)")}}
_trellis_command_templates = [
-l {{name}}.rpt
--log {{name}}.tim
--package {{platform._nextpnr_package_options[platform.package]|upper}}
--speed {{platform.speed}}
--json {{name}}.json
--lpf {{name}}.lpf
--textcfg {{name}}.config
--input {{name}}.config
--bit {{name}}.bit
--svf {{name}}.svf
# Diamond templates
_diamond_required_tools = [
_diamond_file_templates = {
"build_{{name}}.sh": r"""
# {{autogenerated}}
set -e{{verbose("x")}}
if [ -z "$BASH" ] ; then exec /bin/bash "$0" "$@"; fi
if [ -n "${{platform._toolchain_env_var}}" ]; then
bindir=$(dirname "${{platform._toolchain_env_var}}")
. "${{platform._toolchain_env_var}}"
"{{name}}.v": r"""
/* {{autogenerated}} */
"{{name}}.debug.v": r"""
/* {{autogenerated}} */
"{{name}}.tcl": r"""
prj_project new -name {{name}} -impl impl -impl_dir top_impl \
-dev {{platform.device}}-{{platform.speed}}{{platform.package}}{{platform.grade}} \
-lpf {{name}}.lpf \
-synthesis synplify
{% for file in platform.iter_extra_files(".v", ".sv", ".vhd", ".vhdl") -%}
prj_src add "{{file}}"
{% endfor %}
prj_src add {{name}}.v
prj_impl option top {{name}}
prj_src add {{name}}.sdc
{{get_override("script_project")|default("# (script_project placeholder)")}}
prj_project save
prj_run Synthesis -impl impl -forceAll
prj_run Translate -impl impl -forceAll
prj_run Map -impl impl -forceAll
prj_run PAR -impl impl -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl "impl" -forceAll -task Bitgen
{{get_override("script_after_export")|default("# (script_after_export placeholder)")}}
"{{name}}.lpf": r"""
# {{autogenerated}}
{% for port_name, pin_name, extras in platform.iter_port_constraints_bits() -%}
LOCATE COMP "{{port_name}}" SITE "{{pin_name}}";
IOBUF PORT "{{port_name}}"
{%- for key, value in extras.items() %} {{key}}={{value}}{% endfor %};
{% endfor %}
{{get_override("add_preferences")|default("# (add_preferences placeholder)")}}
"{{name}}.sdc": r"""
{% for net_signal, port_signal, frequency in platform.iter_clock_constraints() -%}
{% if port_signal is not none -%}
create_clock -name {{port_signal.name}} -period {{1000000000/frequency}} [get_ports {{port_signal.name}}]
{% else -%}
create_clock -name {{net_signal.name}} -period {{1000000000/frequency}} [get_nets {{net_signal|hierarchy("/")}}]
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{get_override("add_constraints")|default("# (add_constraints placeholder)")}}
_diamond_command_templates = [
# These don't have any usable command-line option overrides.
-oft -bit
-if {{name}}_impl/{{name}}_impl.bit -of {{name}}.bit
-oft -svfsingle -revd -op "Fast Program"
-if {{name}}_impl/{{name}}_impl.bit -of {{name}}.svf
# Common logic
def __init__(self, *, toolchain="Trellis"):
assert toolchain in ("Trellis", "Diamond")
self.toolchain = toolchain
def required_tools(self):
if self.toolchain == "Trellis":
return self._trellis_required_tools
if self.toolchain == "Diamond":
return self._diamond_required_tools
assert False
def file_templates(self):
if self.toolchain == "Trellis":
return self._trellis_file_templates
if self.toolchain == "Diamond":
return self._diamond_file_templates
assert False
def command_templates(self):
if self.toolchain == "Trellis":
return self._trellis_command_templates
if self.toolchain == "Diamond":
return self._diamond_command_templates
assert False
def default_clk_constraint(self):
if self.default_clk == "OSCG":
return Clock(310e6 / self.oscg_div)
return super().default_clk_constraint
def create_missing_domain(self, name):
# Lattice ECP5 devices have two global set/reset signals: PUR, which is driven at startup
# by the configuration logic and unconditionally resets every storage element, and GSR,
# which is driven by user logic and each storage element may be configured as affected or
# unaffected by GSR. PUR is purely asynchronous, so even though it is a low-skew global
# network, its deassertion may violate a setup/hold constraint with relation to a user
# clock. To avoid this, a GSR/SGSR instance should be driven synchronized to user clock.
if name == "sync" and self.default_clk is not None:
m = Module()
if self.default_clk == "OSCG":
if not hasattr(self, "oscg_div"):
raise ValueError("OSCG divider (oscg_div) must be an integer between 2 "
"and 128")
if not isinstance(self.oscg_div, int) or self.oscg_div < 2 or self.oscg_div > 128:
raise ValueError("OSCG divider (oscg_div) must be an integer between 2 "
"and 128, not {!r}"
clk_i = Signal()
m.submodules += Instance("OSCG", p_DIV=self.oscg_div, o_OSC=clk_i)
clk_i = self.request(self.default_clk).i
if self.default_rst is not None:
rst_i = self.request(self.default_rst).i
rst_i = Const(0)
gsr0 = Signal()
gsr1 = Signal()
# There is no end-of-startup signal on ECP5, but PUR is released after IOB enable, so
# a simple reset synchronizer (with PUR as the asynchronous reset) does the job.
m.submodules += [
Instance("FD1S3AX", p_GSR="DISABLED", i_CK=clk_i, i_D=~rst_i, o_Q=gsr0),
Instance("FD1S3AX", p_GSR="DISABLED", i_CK=clk_i, i_D=gsr0, o_Q=gsr1),
# Although we already synchronize the reset input to user clock, SGSR has dedicated
# clock routing to the center of the FPGA; use that just in case it turns out to be
# more reliable. (None of this is documented.)
Instance("SGSR", i_CLK=clk_i, i_GSR=gsr1),
# GSR implicitly connects to every appropriate storage element. As such, the sync
# domain is reset-less; domains driven by other clocks would need to have dedicated
# reset circuitry or otherwise meet setup/hold constraints on their own.
m.domains += ClockDomain("sync", reset_less=True)
m.d.comb += ClockSignal("sync").eq(clk_i)
return m
_single_ended_io_types = [
"HSUL12", "LVCMOS12", "LVCMOS15", "LVCMOS18", "LVCMOS25", "LVCMOS33", "LVTTL33",
"SSTL135_I", "SSTL135_II", "SSTL15_I", "SSTL15_II", "SSTL18_I", "SSTL18_II",
_differential_io_types = [
def should_skip_port_component(self, port, attrs, component):
# On ECP5, a differential IO is placed by only instantiating an IO buffer primitive at
# the PIOA or PIOC location, which is always the non-inverting pin.
if attrs.get("IO_TYPE", "LVCMOS25") in self._differential_io_types and component == "n":
return True
return False
def _get_xdr_buffer(self, m, pin, *, i_invert=False, o_invert=False):
def get_ireg(clk, d, q):
for bit in range(len(q)):
m.submodules += Instance("IFS1P3DX",
def get_oreg(clk, d, q):
for bit in range(len(q)):
m.submodules += Instance("OFS1P3DX",
def get_iddr(sclk, d, q0, q1):
for bit in range(len(d)):
m.submodules += Instance("IDDRX1F",
o_Q0=q0[bit], o_Q1=q1[bit]
def get_oddr(sclk, d0, d1, q):
for bit in range(len(q)):
m.submodules += Instance("ODDRX1F",
i_D0=d0[bit], i_D1=d1[bit],
def get_ineg(z, invert):
if invert:
a = Signal.like(z, name_suffix="_n")
m.d.comb += z.eq(~a)
return a
return z
def get_oneg(a, invert):
if invert:
z = Signal.like(a, name_suffix="_n")
m.d.comb += z.eq(~a)
return z
return a
if "i" in pin.dir:
if pin.xdr < 2:
pin_i = get_ineg(pin.i, i_invert)
elif pin.xdr == 2:
pin_i0 = get_ineg(pin.i0, i_invert)
pin_i1 = get_ineg(pin.i1, i_invert)
if "o" in pin.dir:
if pin.xdr < 2:
pin_o = get_oneg(pin.o, o_invert)
elif pin.xdr == 2:
pin_o0 = get_oneg(pin.o0, o_invert)
pin_o1 = get_oneg(pin.o1, o_invert)
i = o = t = None
if "i" in pin.dir:
i = Signal(pin.width, name="{}_xdr_i".format(pin.name))
if "o" in pin.dir:
o = Signal(pin.width, name="{}_xdr_o".format(pin.name))
if pin.dir in ("oe", "io"):
t = Signal(1, name="{}_xdr_t".format(pin.name))
if pin.xdr == 0:
if "i" in pin.dir:
i = pin_i
if "o" in pin.dir:
o = pin_o
if pin.dir in ("oe", "io"):
t = ~pin.oe
elif pin.xdr == 1:
# Note that currently nextpnr will not pack an FF (*FS1P3DX) into the PIO.
if "i" in pin.dir:
get_ireg(pin.i_clk, i, pin_i)
if "o" in pin.dir:
get_oreg(pin.o_clk, pin_o, o)
if pin.dir in ("oe", "io"):
get_oreg(pin.o_clk, ~pin.oe, t)
elif pin.xdr == 2:
if "i" in pin.dir:
get_iddr(pin.i_clk, i, pin_i0, pin_i1)
if "o" in pin.dir:
get_oddr(pin.o_clk, pin_o0, pin_o1, o)
if pin.dir in ("oe", "io"):
# It looks like Diamond will not pack an OREG as a tristate register in a DDR PIO.
# It is not clear what is the recommended set of primitives for this task.
# Similarly, nextpnr will not pack anything as a tristate register in a DDR PIO.
get_oreg(pin.o_clk, ~pin.oe, t)
assert False
return (i, o, t)
def get_input(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("single-ended input", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, i_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("IB",
return m
def get_output(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("single-ended output", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("OB",
return m
def get_tristate(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("single-ended tristate", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("OBZ",
return m
def get_input_output(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("single-ended input/output", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, i_invert=invert, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("BB",
return m
def get_diff_input(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("differential input", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, i_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(p_port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("IB",
return m
def get_diff_output(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("differential output", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(p_port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("OB",
return m
def get_diff_tristate(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("differential tristate", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(p_port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("OBZ",
return m
def get_diff_input_output(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
self._check_feature("differential input/output", pin, attrs,
valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
m = Module()
i, o, t = self._get_xdr_buffer(m, pin, i_invert=invert, o_invert=invert)
for bit in range(len(p_port)):
m.submodules["{}_{}".format(pin.name, bit)] = Instance("BB",
return m
# CDC primitives are not currently specialized for ECP5.
# While Diamond supports false path constraints; nextpnr-ecp5 does not.