
314 lines
10 KiB

from enum import Enum
from ..hdl.ast import *
from ..hdl.rec import *
from .utils import *
class UnsignedEnum(Enum):
FOO = 1
BAR = 2
BAZ = 3
class LayoutTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
def test_fields(self):
layout = Layout.cast([
("cyc", 1),
("data", signed(32)),
("stb", 1, DIR_FANOUT),
("ack", 1, DIR_FANIN),
("info", [
("a", 1),
("b", 1),
self.assertEqual(layout["cyc"], ((1, False), DIR_NONE))
self.assertEqual(layout["data"], ((32, True), DIR_NONE))
self.assertEqual(layout["stb"], ((1, False), DIR_FANOUT))
self.assertEqual(layout["ack"], ((1, False), DIR_FANIN))
sublayout = layout["info"][0]
self.assertEqual(layout["info"][1], DIR_NONE)
self.assertEqual(sublayout["a"], ((1, False), DIR_NONE))
self.assertEqual(sublayout["b"], ((1, False), DIR_NONE))
def test_enum_field(self):
layout = Layout.cast([
("enum", UnsignedEnum),
("enum_dir", UnsignedEnum, DIR_FANOUT),
self.assertEqual(layout["enum"], ((2, False), DIR_NONE))
self.assertEqual(layout["enum_dir"], ((2, False), DIR_FANOUT))
def test_range_field(self):
layout = Layout.cast([
("range", range(0, 7)),
self.assertEqual(layout["range"], ((3, False), DIR_NONE))
def test_slice_tuple(self):
layout = Layout.cast([
("a", 1),
("b", 2),
("c", 3)
expect = Layout.cast([
("a", 1),
("c", 3)
self.assertEqual(layout["a", "c"], expect)
def test_wrong_field(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Field (1,) has invalid layout: should be either (name, shape) or "
"(name, shape, direction)"):
def test_wrong_name(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Field (1, 1) has invalid name: should be a string"):
Layout.cast([(1, 1)])
def test_wrong_name_duplicate(self):
with self.assertRaises(NameError,
msg="Field ('a', 2) has a name that is already present in the layout"):
Layout.cast([("a", 1), ("a", 2)])
def test_wrong_direction(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Field ('a', 1, 0) has invalid direction: should be a Direction "
"instance like DIR_FANIN"):
Layout.cast([("a", 1, 0)])
def test_wrong_shape(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Field ('a', 'x') has invalid shape: should be castable to Shape or "
"a list of fields of a nested record"):
Layout.cast([("a", "x")])
class RecordTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
def test_basic(self):
r = Record([
("stb", 1),
("data", 32),
("info", [
("a", 1),
("b", 1),
self.assertEqual(repr(r), "(rec r stb data (rec r__info a b))")
self.assertEqual(len(r), 35)
self.assertIsInstance(r.stb, Signal)
self.assertEqual(r.stb.name, "r__stb")
self.assertEqual(r["stb"].name, "r__stb")
self.assertTrue(hasattr(r, "stb"))
self.assertFalse(hasattr(r, "xxx"))
def test_unnamed(self):
r = [Record([
("stb", 1)
self.assertEqual(repr(r), "(rec <unnamed> stb)")
self.assertEqual(r.stb.name, "stb")
def test_iter(self):
r = Record([
("data", 4),
("stb", 1),
self.assertEqual(repr(r[0]), "(slice (rec r data stb) 0:1)")
self.assertEqual(repr(r[0:3]), "(slice (rec r data stb) 0:3)")
def test_wrong_field(self):
r = Record([
("stb", 1),
("ack", 1),
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
msg="Record 'r' does not have a field 'en'. Did you mean one of: stb, ack?"):
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
msg="Record 'r' does not have a field 'en'. Did you mean one of: stb, ack?"):
def test_wrong_field_unnamed(self):
r = [Record([
("stb", 1),
("ack", 1),
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
msg="Unnamed record does not have a field 'en'. Did you mean one of: stb, ack?"):
def test_construct_with_fields(self):
ns = Signal(1)
nr = Record([
("burst", 1)
r = Record([
("stb", 1),
("info", [
("burst", 1)
], fields={
"stb": ns,
"info": nr
self.assertIs(r.stb, ns)
self.assertIs(r.info, nr)
def test_like(self):
r1 = Record([("a", 1), ("b", 2)])
r2 = Record.like(r1)
self.assertEqual(r1.layout, r2.layout)
self.assertEqual(r2.name, "r2")
r3 = Record.like(r1, name="foo")
self.assertEqual(r3.name, "foo")
r4 = Record.like(r1, name_suffix="foo")
self.assertEqual(r4.name, "r1foo")
def test_like_modifications(self):
r1 = Record([("a", 1), ("b", [("s", 1)])])
self.assertEqual(r1.a.name, "r1__a")
self.assertEqual(r1.b.name, "r1__b")
self.assertEqual(r1.b.s.name, "r1__b__s")
r1.a.reset = 1
r1.b.s.reset = 1
r2 = Record.like(r1)
self.assertEqual(r2.a.reset, 1)
self.assertEqual(r2.b.s.reset, 1)
self.assertEqual(r2.a.name, "r2__a")
self.assertEqual(r2.b.name, "r2__b")
self.assertEqual(r2.b.s.name, "r2__b__s")
def test_slice_tuple(self):
r1 = Record([("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("c", 3)])
r2 = r1["a", "c"]
self.assertEqual(r2.layout, Layout([("a", 1), ("c", 3)]))
self.assertIs(r2.a, r1.a)
self.assertIs(r2.c, r1.c)
class ConnectTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
def setUp_flat(self):
self.core_layout = [
("addr", 32, DIR_FANOUT),
("data_r", 32, DIR_FANIN),
("data_w", 32, DIR_FANIN),
self.periph_layout = [
("addr", 32, DIR_FANOUT),
("data_r", 32, DIR_FANIN),
("data_w", 32, DIR_FANIN),
def setUp_nested(self):
self.core_layout = [
("addr", 32, DIR_FANOUT),
("data", [
("r", 32, DIR_FANIN),
("w", 32, DIR_FANIN),
self.periph_layout = [
("addr", 32, DIR_FANOUT),
("data", [
("r", 32, DIR_FANIN),
("w", 32, DIR_FANIN),
def test_flat(self):
core = Record(self.core_layout)
periph1 = Record(self.periph_layout)
periph2 = Record(self.periph_layout)
stmts = core.connect(periph1, periph2)
self.assertRepr(stmts, """(
(eq (sig periph1__addr) (sig core__addr))
(eq (sig periph2__addr) (sig core__addr))
(eq (sig core__data_r) (| (sig periph1__data_r) (sig periph2__data_r)))
(eq (sig core__data_w) (| (sig periph1__data_w) (sig periph2__data_w)))
def test_flat_include(self):
core = Record(self.core_layout)
periph1 = Record(self.periph_layout)
periph2 = Record(self.periph_layout)
stmts = core.connect(periph1, periph2, include={"addr": True})
self.assertRepr(stmts, """(
(eq (sig periph1__addr) (sig core__addr))
(eq (sig periph2__addr) (sig core__addr))
def test_flat_exclude(self):
core = Record(self.core_layout)
periph1 = Record(self.periph_layout)
periph2 = Record(self.periph_layout)
stmts = core.connect(periph1, periph2, exclude={"addr": True})
self.assertRepr(stmts, """(
(eq (sig core__data_r) (| (sig periph1__data_r) (sig periph2__data_r)))
(eq (sig core__data_w) (| (sig periph1__data_w) (sig periph2__data_w)))
def test_nested(self):
core = Record(self.core_layout)
periph1 = Record(self.periph_layout)
periph2 = Record(self.periph_layout)
stmts = core.connect(periph1, periph2)
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertRepr(stmts, """(
(eq (sig periph1__addr) (sig core__addr))
(eq (sig periph2__addr) (sig core__addr))
(eq (sig core__data__r) (| (sig periph1__data__r) (sig periph2__data__r)))
(eq (sig core__data__w) (| (sig periph1__data__w) (sig periph2__data__w)))
def test_wrong_include_exclude(self):
core = Record(self.core_layout)
periph = Record(self.periph_layout)
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
msg="Cannot include field 'foo' because it is not present in record 'core'"):
core.connect(periph, include={"foo": True})
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
msg="Cannot exclude field 'foo' because it is not present in record 'core'"):
core.connect(periph, exclude={"foo": True})
def test_wrong_direction(self):
recs = [Record([("x", 1)]) for _ in range(2)]
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Cannot connect field 'x' of unnamed record because it does not have "
"a direction"):
def test_wrong_missing_field(self):
core = Record([("addr", 32, DIR_FANOUT)])
periph = Record([])
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
msg="Cannot connect field 'addr' of record 'core' to subordinate record 'periph' "
"because the subordinate record does not have this field"):