763 lines
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763 lines
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# nmigen: UnusedElaboratable=no
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum
from ..hdl.ast import *
from ..hdl.cd import *
from ..hdl.dsl import *
from .utils import *
class DSLTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.s1 = Signal()
self.s2 = Signal()
self.s3 = Signal()
self.c1 = Signal()
self.c2 = Signal()
self.c3 = Signal()
self.w1 = Signal(4)
def test_cant_inherit(self):
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="Instead of inheriting from `Module`, inherit from `Elaboratable` and "
"return a `Module` from the `elaborate(self, platform)` method"):
class ORGate(Module):
def test_d_comb(self):
m = Module()
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
self.assertEqual(m._driving[self.c1], None)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """(
(eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1))
def test_d_sync(self):
m = Module()
m.d.sync += self.c1.eq(1)
self.assertEqual(m._driving[self.c1], "sync")
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """(
(eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1))
def test_d_pix(self):
m = Module()
m.d.pix += self.c1.eq(1)
self.assertEqual(m._driving[self.c1], "pix")
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """(
(eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1))
def test_d_index(self):
m = Module()
m.d["pix"] += self.c1.eq(1)
self.assertEqual(m._driving[self.c1], "pix")
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """(
(eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1))
def test_d_no_conflict(self):
m = Module()
m.d.comb += self.w1[0].eq(1)
m.d.comb += self.w1[1].eq(1)
def test_d_conflict(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="Driver-driver conflict: trying to drive (sig c1) from d.sync, but it "
"is already driven from d.comb"):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
m.d.sync += self.c1.eq(1)
def test_d_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
msg="Cannot assign 'd.pix' attribute; did you mean 'd.pix +='?"):
m.d.pix = None
def test_d_asgn_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="Only assignments and property checks may be appended to d.sync"):
m.d.sync += Switch(self.s1, {})
def test_comb_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
msg="'Module' object has no attribute 'comb'; did you mean 'd.comb'?"):
m.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
def test_sync_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
msg="'Module' object has no attribute 'sync'; did you mean 'd.sync'?"):
m.sync += self.c1.eq(1)
def test_attr_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
msg="'Module' object has no attribute 'nonexistentattr'"):
def test_d_suspicious(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertWarns(SyntaxWarning,
msg="Using '<module>.d.submodules' would add statements to clock domain "
"'submodules'; did you mean <module>.submodules instead?"):
m.d.submodules += []
def test_clock_signal(self):
m = Module()
m.d.comb += ClockSignal("pix").eq(ClockSignal())
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(eq (clk pix) (clk sync))
def test_reset_signal(self):
m = Module()
m.d.comb += ResetSignal("pix").eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(eq (rst pix) (const 1'd1))
def test_sample_domain(self):
m = Module()
i = Signal()
o1 = Signal()
o2 = Signal()
o3 = Signal()
m.d.sync += o1.eq(Past(i))
m.d.pix += o2.eq(Past(i))
m.d.pix += o3.eq(Past(i, domain="sync"))
f = m.elaborate(platform=None)
self.assertRepr(f.statements, """
(eq (sig o1) (sample (sig i) @ sync[1]))
(eq (sig o2) (sample (sig i) @ pix[1]))
(eq (sig o3) (sample (sig i) @ sync[1]))
def test_If(self):
m = Module()
with m.If(self.s1):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (cat (sig s1))
(case 1 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
def test_If_Elif(self):
m = Module()
with m.If(self.s1):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
with m.Elif(self.s2):
m.d.sync += self.c2.eq(0)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (cat (sig s1) (sig s2))
(case -1 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
(case 1- (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd0)))
def test_If_Elif_Else(self):
m = Module()
with m.If(self.s1):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
with m.Elif(self.s2):
m.d.sync += self.c2.eq(0)
with m.Else():
m.d.comb += self.c3.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (cat (sig s1) (sig s2))
(case -1 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
(case 1- (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd0)))
(default (eq (sig c3) (const 1'd1)))
def test_If_If(self):
m = Module()
with m.If(self.s1):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
with m.If(self.s2):
m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (cat (sig s1))
(case 1 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
(switch (cat (sig s2))
(case 1 (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
def test_If_nested_If(self):
m = Module()
with m.If(self.s1):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
with m.If(self.s2):
m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (cat (sig s1))
(case 1 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1))
(switch (cat (sig s2))
(case 1 (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
def test_If_dangling_Else(self):
m = Module()
with m.If(self.s1):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
with m.If(self.s2):
m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
with m.Else():
m.d.comb += self.c3.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (cat (sig s1))
(case 1
(eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1))
(switch (cat (sig s2))
(case 1 (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
(eq (sig c3) (const 1'd1))
def test_Elif_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="Elif without preceding If"):
with m.Elif(self.s2):
def test_Else_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="Else without preceding If/Elif"):
with m.Else():
def test_If_wide(self):
m = Module()
with m.If(self.w1):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (cat (b (sig w1)))
(case 1 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
def test_If_signed_suspicious(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertWarns(SyntaxWarning,
msg="Signed values in If/Elif conditions usually result from inverting Python "
"booleans with ~, which leads to unexpected results: ~True is -2, which is "
"truthful. Replace `~flag` with `not flag`. (If this is a false positive, "
"silence this warning with `m.If(x)` → `m.If(x.bool())`.)"):
with m.If(~True):
def test_Elif_signed_suspicious(self):
m = Module()
with m.If(0):
with self.assertWarns(SyntaxWarning,
msg="Signed values in If/Elif conditions usually result from inverting Python "
"booleans with ~, which leads to unexpected results: ~True is -2, which is "
"truthful. Replace `~flag` with `not flag`. (If this is a false positive, "
"silence this warning with `m.If(x)` → `m.If(x.bool())`.)"):
with m.Elif(~True):
def test_if_If_Elif_Else(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="`if m.If(...):` does not work; use `with m.If(...)`"):
if m.If(0):
with m.If(0):
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="`if m.Elif(...):` does not work; use `with m.Elif(...)`"):
if m.Elif(0):
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="`if m.Else(...):` does not work; use `with m.Else(...)`"):
if m.Else():
def test_Switch(self):
m = Module()
with m.Switch(self.w1):
with m.Case(3):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
with m.Case("11--"):
m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
with m.Case("1 0--"):
m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (sig w1)
(case 0011 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
(case 11-- (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
(case 10-- (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
def test_Switch_default_Case(self):
m = Module()
with m.Switch(self.w1):
with m.Case(3):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
with m.Case():
m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (sig w1)
(case 0011 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
(default (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
def test_Switch_default_Default(self):
m = Module()
with m.Switch(self.w1):
with m.Case(3):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
with m.Default():
m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (sig w1)
(case 0011 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
(default (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
def test_Switch_const_test(self):
m = Module()
with m.Switch(1):
with m.Case(1):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (const 1'd1)
(case 1 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
def test_Switch_enum(self):
class Color(Enum):
RED = 1
BLUE = 2
m = Module()
se = Signal(Color)
with m.Switch(se):
with m.Case(Color.RED):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (sig se)
(case 01 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
def test_Case_width_wrong(self):
class Color(Enum):
RED = 0b10101010
m = Module()
with m.Switch(self.w1):
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="Case pattern '--' must have the same width as switch value (which is 4)"):
with m.Case("--"):
with self.assertWarns(SyntaxWarning,
msg="Case pattern '10110' is wider than switch value (which has width 4); "
"comparison will never be true"):
with m.Case(0b10110):
with self.assertWarns(SyntaxWarning,
msg="Case pattern '10101010' (Color.RED) is wider than switch value "
"(which has width 4); comparison will never be true"):
with m.Case(Color.RED):
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (sig w1) )
def test_Case_bits_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with m.Switch(self.w1):
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="Case pattern 'abc' must consist of 0, 1, and - (don't care) bits, "
"and may include whitespace"):
with m.Case("abc"):
def test_Case_pattern_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with m.Switch(self.w1):
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="Case pattern must be an integer, a string, or an enumeration, not 1.0"):
with m.Case(1.0):
def test_Case_outside_Switch_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="Case is not permitted outside of Switch"):
with m.Case():
def test_If_inside_Switch_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with m.Switch(self.s1):
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="If is not permitted directly inside of Switch; "
"it is permitted inside of Switch Case"):
with m.If(self.s2):
def test_FSM_basic(self):
a = Signal()
b = Signal()
c = Signal()
m = Module()
with m.FSM():
with m.State("FIRST"):
m.d.comb += a.eq(1)
m.next = "SECOND"
with m.State("SECOND"):
m.d.sync += b.eq(~b)
with m.If(c):
m.next = "FIRST"
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (sig fsm_state)
(case 0
(eq (sig a) (const 1'd1))
(eq (sig fsm_state) (const 1'd1))
(case 1
(eq (sig b) (~ (sig b)))
(switch (cat (sig c))
(case 1
(eq (sig fsm_state) (const 1'd0)))
self.assertEqual({repr(k): v for k, v in m._driving.items()}, {
"(sig a)": None,
"(sig fsm_state)": "sync",
"(sig b)": "sync",
frag = m.elaborate(platform=None)
fsm = frag.find_generated("fsm")
self.assertIsInstance(fsm.state, Signal)
self.assertEqual(fsm.encoding, OrderedDict({
"FIRST": 0,
"SECOND": 1,
self.assertEqual(fsm.decoding, OrderedDict({
0: "FIRST",
def test_FSM_reset(self):
a = Signal()
m = Module()
with m.FSM(reset="SECOND"):
with m.State("FIRST"):
m.d.comb += a.eq(0)
m.next = "SECOND"
with m.State("SECOND"):
m.next = "FIRST"
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (sig fsm_state)
(case 0
(eq (sig a) (const 1'd0))
(eq (sig fsm_state) (const 1'd1))
(case 1
(eq (sig fsm_state) (const 1'd0))
def test_FSM_ongoing(self):
a = Signal()
b = Signal()
m = Module()
with m.FSM() as fsm:
m.d.comb += b.eq(fsm.ongoing("SECOND"))
with m.State("FIRST"):
m.d.comb += a.eq(fsm.ongoing("FIRST"))
with m.State("SECOND"):
self.assertEqual(m._generated["fsm"].state.reset, 1)
self.maxDiff = 10000
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(eq (sig b) (== (sig fsm_state) (const 1'd0)))
(eq (sig a) (== (sig fsm_state) (const 1'd1)))
(switch (sig fsm_state)
(case 1
(case 0
def test_FSM_empty(self):
m = Module()
with m.FSM():
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
def test_FSM_wrong_domain(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError,
msg="FSM may not be driven by the 'comb' domain"):
with m.FSM(domain="comb"):
def test_FSM_wrong_undefined(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(NameError,
msg="FSM state 'FOO' is referenced but not defined"):
with m.FSM() as fsm:
def test_FSM_wrong_redefined(self):
m = Module()
with m.FSM():
with m.State("FOO"):
with self.assertRaises(NameError,
msg="FSM state 'FOO' is already defined"):
with m.State("FOO"):
def test_FSM_wrong_next(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="Only assignment to `m.next` is permitted"):
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="`m.next = <...>` is only permitted inside an FSM state"):
m.next = "FOO"
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="`m.next = <...>` is only permitted inside an FSM state"):
with m.FSM():
m.next = "FOO"
def test_If_inside_FSM_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with m.FSM():
with m.State("FOO"):
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
msg="If is not permitted directly inside of FSM; "
"it is permitted inside of FSM State"):
with m.If(self.s2):
def test_auto_pop_ctrl(self):
m = Module()
with m.If(self.w1):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
(switch (cat (b (sig w1)))
(case 1 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
(eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1))
def test_submodule_anon(self):
m1 = Module()
m2 = Module()
m1.submodules += m2
self.assertEqual(m1._anon_submodules, [m2])
self.assertEqual(m1._named_submodules, {})
def test_submodule_anon_multi(self):
m1 = Module()
m2 = Module()
m3 = Module()
m1.submodules += m2, m3
self.assertEqual(m1._anon_submodules, [m2, m3])
self.assertEqual(m1._named_submodules, {})
def test_submodule_named(self):
m1 = Module()
m2 = Module()
m1.submodules.foo = m2
self.assertEqual(m1._anon_submodules, [])
self.assertEqual(m1._named_submodules, {"foo": m2})
def test_submodule_named_index(self):
m1 = Module()
m2 = Module()
m1.submodules["foo"] = m2
self.assertEqual(m1._anon_submodules, [])
self.assertEqual(m1._named_submodules, {"foo": m2})
def test_submodule_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Trying to add 1, which does not implement .elaborate(), as a submodule"):
m.submodules.foo = 1
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Trying to add 1, which does not implement .elaborate(), as a submodule"):
m.submodules += 1
def test_submodule_named_conflict(self):
m1 = Module()
m2 = Module()
m1.submodules.foo = m2
with self.assertRaises(NameError, msg="Submodule named 'foo' already exists"):
m1.submodules.foo = m2
def test_submodule_get(self):
m1 = Module()
m2 = Module()
m1.submodules.foo = m2
m3 = m1.submodules.foo
self.assertEqual(m2, m3)
def test_submodule_get_index(self):
m1 = Module()
m2 = Module()
m1.submodules["foo"] = m2
m3 = m1.submodules["foo"]
self.assertEqual(m2, m3)
def test_submodule_get_unset(self):
m1 = Module()
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError, msg="No submodule named 'foo' exists"):
m2 = m1.submodules.foo
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError, msg="No submodule named 'foo' exists"):
m2 = m1.submodules["foo"]
def test_domain_named_implicit(self):
m = Module()
m.domains += ClockDomain("sync")
self.assertEqual(len(m._domains), 1)
def test_domain_named_explicit(self):
m = Module()
m.domains.foo = ClockDomain()
self.assertEqual(len(m._domains), 1)
self.assertEqual(m._domains[0].name, "foo")
def test_domain_add_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Only clock domains may be added to `m.domains`, not 1"):
m.domains.foo = 1
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Only clock domains may be added to `m.domains`, not 1"):
m.domains += 1
def test_domain_add_wrong_name(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(NameError,
msg="Clock domain name 'bar' must match name in `m.domains.foo += ...` syntax"):
m.domains.foo = ClockDomain("bar")
def test_lower(self):
m1 = Module()
m1.d.comb += self.c1.eq(self.s1)
m2 = Module()
m2.d.comb += self.c2.eq(self.s2)
m2.d.sync += self.c3.eq(self.s3)
m1.submodules.foo = m2
f1 = m1.elaborate(platform=None)
self.assertRepr(f1.statements, """
(eq (sig c1) (sig s1))
self.assertEqual(f1.drivers, {
None: SignalSet((self.c1,))
self.assertEqual(len(f1.subfragments), 1)
(f2, f2_name), = f1.subfragments
self.assertEqual(f2_name, "foo")
self.assertRepr(f2.statements, """
(eq (sig c2) (sig s2))
(eq (sig c3) (sig s3))
self.assertEqual(f2.drivers, {
None: SignalSet((self.c2,)),
"sync": SignalSet((self.c3,))
self.assertEqual(len(f2.subfragments), 0)