1020 lines
39 KiB
1020 lines
39 KiB
import io
import textwrap
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from .._utils import bits_for, flatten
from ..hdl import ast, rec, ir, mem, xfrm
__all__ = ["convert", "convert_fragment"]
class _Namer:
def __init__(self):
self._anon = 0
self._index = 0
self._names = set()
def anonymous(self):
name = "U$${}".format(self._anon)
assert name not in self._names
self._anon += 1
return name
def _make_name(self, name, local):
if name is None:
self._index += 1
name = "${}".format(self._index)
elif not local and name[0] not in "\\$":
name = "\\{}".format(name)
while name in self._names:
self._index += 1
name = "{}${}".format(name, self._index)
return name
class _BufferedBuilder:
def __init__(self):
self._buffer = io.StringIO()
def __str__(self):
return self._buffer.getvalue()
def _append(self, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
self._buffer.write(fmt.format(*args, **kwargs))
class _ProxiedBuilder:
def _append(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.rtlil._append(*args, **kwargs)
class _AttrBuilder:
_escape_map = str.maketrans({
"\"": "\\\"",
"\\": "\\\\",
"\t": "\\t",
"\r": "\\r",
"\n": "\\n",
def _attribute(self, name, value, *, indent=0):
if isinstance(value, str):
self._append("{}attribute \\{} \"{}\"\n",
" " * indent, name, value.translate(self._escape_map))
self._append("{}attribute \\{} {}\n",
" " * indent, name, int(value))
def _attributes(self, attrs, *, src=None, **kwargs):
for name, value in attrs.items():
self._attribute(name, value, **kwargs)
if src:
self._attribute("src", src, **kwargs)
class _Builder(_Namer, _BufferedBuilder):
def module(self, name=None, attrs={}):
name = self._make_name(name, local=False)
return _ModuleBuilder(self, name, attrs)
class _ModuleBuilder(_Namer, _BufferedBuilder, _AttrBuilder):
def __init__(self, rtlil, name, attrs):
self.rtlil = rtlil
self.name = name
self.attrs = {"generator": "nMigen"}
def __enter__(self):
self._append("module {}\n", self.name)
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
def wire(self, width, port_id=None, port_kind=None, name=None, attrs={}, src=""):
self._attributes(attrs, src=src, indent=1)
name = self._make_name(name, local=False)
if port_id is None:
self._append(" wire width {} {}\n", width, name)
assert port_kind in ("input", "output", "inout")
self._append(" wire width {} {} {} {}\n", width, port_kind, port_id, name)
return name
def connect(self, lhs, rhs):
self._append(" connect {} {}\n", lhs, rhs)
def memory(self, width, size, name=None, attrs={}, src=""):
self._attributes(attrs, src=src, indent=1)
name = self._make_name(name, local=False)
self._append(" memory width {} size {} {}\n", width, size, name)
return name
def cell(self, kind, name=None, params={}, ports={}, attrs={}, src=""):
self._attributes(attrs, src=src, indent=1)
name = self._make_name(name, local=False)
self._append(" cell {} {}\n", kind, name)
for param, value in params.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
self._append(" parameter \\{} \"{}\"\n",
param, value.translate(self._escape_map))
elif isinstance(value, int):
self._append(" parameter \\{} {}'{:b}\n",
param, bits_for(value), value)
elif isinstance(value, float):
self._append(" parameter real \\{} \"{!r}\"\n",
param, value)
elif isinstance(value, ast.Const):
self._append(" parameter \\{} {}'{:b}\n",
param, len(value), value.value)
assert False, "Bad parameter {!r}".format(value)
for port, wire in ports.items():
self._append(" connect {} {}\n", port, wire)
self._append(" end\n")
return name
def process(self, name=None, attrs={}, src=""):
name = self._make_name(name, local=True)
return _ProcessBuilder(self, name, attrs, src)
class _ProcessBuilder(_BufferedBuilder, _AttrBuilder):
def __init__(self, rtlil, name, attrs, src):
self.rtlil = rtlil
self.name = name
self.attrs = {}
self.src = src
def __enter__(self):
self._attributes(self.attrs, src=self.src, indent=1)
self._append(" process {}\n", self.name)
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
self._append(" end\n")
def case(self):
return _CaseBuilder(self, indent=2)
def sync(self, kind, cond=None):
return _SyncBuilder(self, kind, cond)
class _CaseBuilder(_ProxiedBuilder):
def __init__(self, rtlil, indent):
self.rtlil = rtlil
self.indent = indent
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
def assign(self, lhs, rhs):
self._append("{}assign {} {}\n", " " * self.indent, lhs, rhs)
def switch(self, cond, attrs={}, src=""):
return _SwitchBuilder(self.rtlil, cond, attrs, src, self.indent)
class _SwitchBuilder(_ProxiedBuilder, _AttrBuilder):
def __init__(self, rtlil, cond, attrs, src, indent):
self.rtlil = rtlil
self.cond = cond
self.attrs = attrs
self.src = src
self.indent = indent
def __enter__(self):
self._attributes(self.attrs, src=self.src, indent=self.indent)
self._append("{}switch {}\n", " " * self.indent, self.cond)
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
self._append("{}end\n", " " * self.indent)
def case(self, *values, attrs={}, src=""):
self._attributes(attrs, src=src, indent=self.indent + 1)
if values == ():
self._append("{}case\n", " " * (self.indent + 1))
self._append("{}case {}\n", " " * (self.indent + 1),
", ".join("{}'{}".format(len(value), value) for value in values))
return _CaseBuilder(self.rtlil, self.indent + 2)
class _SyncBuilder(_ProxiedBuilder):
def __init__(self, rtlil, kind, cond):
self.rtlil = rtlil
self.kind = kind
self.cond = cond
def __enter__(self):
if self.cond is None:
self._append(" sync {}\n", self.kind)
self._append(" sync {} {}\n", self.kind, self.cond)
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
def update(self, lhs, rhs):
self._append(" update {} {}\n", lhs, rhs)
def src(src_loc):
if src_loc is None:
return None
file, line = src_loc
return "{}:{}".format(file, line)
def srcs(src_locs):
return "|".join(sorted(filter(lambda x: x, map(src, src_locs))))
class LegalizeValue(Exception):
def __init__(self, value, branches, src_loc):
self.value = value
self.branches = list(branches)
self.src_loc = src_loc
class _ValueCompilerState:
def __init__(self, rtlil):
self.rtlil = rtlil
self.wires = ast.SignalDict()
self.driven = ast.SignalDict()
self.ports = ast.SignalDict()
self.anys = ast.ValueDict()
self.expansions = ast.ValueDict()
def add_driven(self, signal, sync):
self.driven[signal] = sync
def add_port(self, signal, kind):
assert kind in ("i", "o", "io")
if kind == "i":
kind = "input"
elif kind == "o":
kind = "output"
elif kind == "io":
kind = "inout"
self.ports[signal] = (len(self.ports), kind)
def resolve(self, signal, prefix=None):
if len(signal) == 0:
return "{ }", "{ }"
if signal in self.wires:
return self.wires[signal]
if signal in self.ports:
port_id, port_kind = self.ports[signal]
port_id = port_kind = None
if prefix is not None:
wire_name = "{}_{}".format(prefix, signal.name)
wire_name = signal.name
wire_curr = self.rtlil.wire(width=signal.width, name=wire_name,
port_id=port_id, port_kind=port_kind,
if signal in self.driven and self.driven[signal]:
wire_next = self.rtlil.wire(width=signal.width, name=wire_curr + "$next",
wire_next = None
self.wires[signal] = (wire_curr, wire_next)
return wire_curr, wire_next
def resolve_curr(self, signal, prefix=None):
wire_curr, wire_next = self.resolve(signal, prefix)
return wire_curr
def expand(self, value):
if not self.expansions:
return value
return self.expansions.get(value, value)
def expand_to(self, value, expansion):
assert value not in self.expansions
self.expansions[value] = expansion
del self.expansions[value]
class _ValueCompiler(xfrm.ValueVisitor):
def __init__(self, state):
self.s = state
def on_unknown(self, value):
if value is None:
return None
def on_ClockSignal(self, value):
raise NotImplementedError # :nocov:
def on_ResetSignal(self, value):
raise NotImplementedError # :nocov:
def on_Sample(self, value):
raise NotImplementedError # :nocov:
def on_Initial(self, value):
raise NotImplementedError # :nocov:
def on_Record(self, value):
return self(ast.Cat(value.fields.values()))
def on_Cat(self, value):
return "{{ {} }}".format(" ".join(reversed([self(o) for o in value.parts])))
def _prepare_value_for_Slice(self, value):
raise NotImplementedError # :nocov:
def on_Slice(self, value):
if value.start == 0 and value.stop == len(value.value):
return self(value.value)
sigspec = self._prepare_value_for_Slice(value.value)
if value.start == value.stop:
return "{}"
elif value.start + 1 == value.stop:
return "{} [{}]".format(sigspec, value.start)
return "{} [{}:{}]".format(sigspec, value.stop - 1, value.start)
def on_ArrayProxy(self, value):
index = self.s.expand(value.index)
if isinstance(index, ast.Const):
if index.value < len(value.elems):
elem = value.elems[index.value]
elem = value.elems[-1]
return self.match_shape(elem, *value.shape())
max_index = 1 << len(value.index)
max_elem = len(value.elems)
raise LegalizeValue(value.index, range(min(max_index, max_elem)), value.src_loc)
class _RHSValueCompiler(_ValueCompiler):
operator_map = {
(1, "~"): "$not",
(1, "-"): "$neg",
(1, "b"): "$reduce_bool",
(1, "r|"): "$reduce_or",
(1, "r&"): "$reduce_and",
(1, "r^"): "$reduce_xor",
(2, "+"): "$add",
(2, "-"): "$sub",
(2, "*"): "$mul",
(2, "//"): "$div",
(2, "%"): "$mod",
(2, "**"): "$pow",
(2, "<<"): "$sshl",
(2, ">>"): "$sshr",
(2, "&"): "$and",
(2, "^"): "$xor",
(2, "|"): "$or",
(2, "=="): "$eq",
(2, "!="): "$ne",
(2, "<"): "$lt",
(2, "<="): "$le",
(2, ">"): "$gt",
(2, ">="): "$ge",
(3, "m"): "$mux",
def on_value(self, value):
return super().on_value(self.s.expand(value))
def on_Const(self, value):
if isinstance(value.value, str):
return "{}'{}".format(value.width, value.value)
value_twos_compl = value.value & ((1 << value.width) - 1)
return "{}'{:0{}b}".format(value.width, value_twos_compl, value.width)
def on_AnyConst(self, value):
if value in self.s.anys:
return self.s.anys[value]
res_bits, res_sign = value.shape()
res = self.s.rtlil.wire(width=res_bits, src=src(value.src_loc))
self.s.rtlil.cell("$anyconst", ports={
"\\Y": res,
}, params={
"WIDTH": res_bits,
}, src=src(value.src_loc))
self.s.anys[value] = res
return res
def on_AnySeq(self, value):
if value in self.s.anys:
return self.s.anys[value]
res_bits, res_sign = value.shape()
res = self.s.rtlil.wire(width=res_bits, src=src(value.src_loc))
self.s.rtlil.cell("$anyseq", ports={
"\\Y": res,
}, params={
"WIDTH": res_bits,
}, src=src(value.src_loc))
self.s.anys[value] = res
return res
def on_Signal(self, value):
wire_curr, wire_next = self.s.resolve(value)
return wire_curr
def on_Operator_unary(self, value):
arg, = value.operands
if value.operator in ("u", "s"):
# These operators don't change the bit pattern, only its interpretation.
return self(arg)
arg_bits, arg_sign = arg.shape()
res_bits, res_sign = value.shape()
res = self.s.rtlil.wire(width=res_bits, src=src(value.src_loc))
self.s.rtlil.cell(self.operator_map[(1, value.operator)], ports={
"\\A": self(arg),
"\\Y": res,
}, params={
"A_SIGNED": arg_sign,
"A_WIDTH": arg_bits,
"Y_WIDTH": res_bits,
}, src=src(value.src_loc))
return res
def match_shape(self, value, new_bits, new_sign):
if isinstance(value, ast.Const):
return self(ast.Const(value.value, ast.Shape(new_bits, new_sign)))
value_bits, value_sign = value.shape()
if new_bits <= value_bits:
return self(ast.Slice(value, 0, new_bits))
res = self.s.rtlil.wire(width=new_bits, src=src(value.src_loc))
self.s.rtlil.cell("$pos", ports={
"\\A": self(value),
"\\Y": res,
}, params={
"A_SIGNED": value_sign,
"A_WIDTH": value_bits,
"Y_WIDTH": new_bits,
}, src=src(value.src_loc))
return res
def on_Operator_binary(self, value):
lhs, rhs = value.operands
lhs_bits, lhs_sign = lhs.shape()
rhs_bits, rhs_sign = rhs.shape()
if lhs_sign == rhs_sign or value.operator in ("<<", ">>", "**"):
lhs_wire = self(lhs)
rhs_wire = self(rhs)
lhs_sign = rhs_sign = True
lhs_bits = rhs_bits = max(lhs_bits, rhs_bits)
lhs_wire = self.match_shape(lhs, lhs_bits, lhs_sign)
rhs_wire = self.match_shape(rhs, rhs_bits, rhs_sign)
res_bits, res_sign = value.shape()
res = self.s.rtlil.wire(width=res_bits, src=src(value.src_loc))
self.s.rtlil.cell(self.operator_map[(2, value.operator)], ports={
"\\A": lhs_wire,
"\\B": rhs_wire,
"\\Y": res,
}, params={
"A_SIGNED": lhs_sign,
"A_WIDTH": lhs_bits,
"B_SIGNED": rhs_sign,
"B_WIDTH": rhs_bits,
"Y_WIDTH": res_bits,
}, src=src(value.src_loc))
if value.operator in ("//", "%"):
# RTLIL leaves division by zero undefined, but we require it to return zero.
divmod_res = res
res = self.s.rtlil.wire(width=res_bits, src=src(value.src_loc))
self.s.rtlil.cell("$mux", ports={
"\\A": divmod_res,
"\\B": self(ast.Const(0, ast.Shape(res_bits, res_sign))),
"\\S": self(lhs == 0),
"\\Y": res,
}, params={
"WIDTH": res_bits
}, src=src(value.src_loc))
return res
def on_Operator_mux(self, value):
sel, val1, val0 = value.operands
val1_bits, val1_sign = val1.shape()
val0_bits, val0_sign = val0.shape()
res_bits, res_sign = value.shape()
val1_bits = val0_bits = res_bits = max(val1_bits, val0_bits, res_bits)
val1_wire = self.match_shape(val1, val1_bits, val1_sign)
val0_wire = self.match_shape(val0, val0_bits, val0_sign)
res = self.s.rtlil.wire(width=res_bits, src=src(value.src_loc))
self.s.rtlil.cell("$mux", ports={
"\\A": val0_wire,
"\\B": val1_wire,
"\\S": self(sel),
"\\Y": res,
}, params={
"WIDTH": res_bits
}, src=src(value.src_loc))
return res
def on_Operator(self, value):
if len(value.operands) == 1:
return self.on_Operator_unary(value)
elif len(value.operands) == 2:
return self.on_Operator_binary(value)
elif len(value.operands) == 3:
assert value.operator == "m"
return self.on_Operator_mux(value)
raise TypeError # :nocov:
def _prepare_value_for_Slice(self, value):
if isinstance(value, (ast.Signal, ast.Slice, ast.Cat)):
sigspec = self(value)
sigspec = self.s.rtlil.wire(len(value), src=src(value.src_loc))
self.s.rtlil.connect(sigspec, self(value))
return sigspec
def on_Part(self, value):
lhs, rhs = value.value, value.offset
if value.stride != 1:
rhs *= value.stride
lhs_bits, lhs_sign = lhs.shape()
rhs_bits, rhs_sign = rhs.shape()
res_bits, res_sign = value.shape()
res = self.s.rtlil.wire(width=res_bits, src=src(value.src_loc))
# Note: Verilog's x[o+:w] construct produces a $shiftx cell, not a $shift cell.
# However, Migen's semantics defines the out-of-range bits to be zero, so it is correct
# to use a $shift cell here instead, even though it produces less idiomatic Verilog.
self.s.rtlil.cell("$shift", ports={
"\\A": self(lhs),
"\\B": self(rhs),
"\\Y": res,
}, params={
"A_SIGNED": lhs_sign,
"A_WIDTH": lhs_bits,
"B_SIGNED": rhs_sign,
"B_WIDTH": rhs_bits,
"Y_WIDTH": res_bits,
}, src=src(value.src_loc))
return res
def on_Repl(self, value):
return "{{ {} }}".format(" ".join(self(value.value) for _ in range(value.count)))
class _LHSValueCompiler(_ValueCompiler):
def on_Const(self, value):
raise TypeError # :nocov:
def on_AnyConst(self, value):
raise TypeError # :nocov:
def on_AnySeq(self, value):
raise TypeError # :nocov:
def on_Operator(self, value):
raise TypeError # :nocov:
def match_shape(self, value, new_bits, new_sign):
value_bits, value_sign = value.shape()
if new_bits == value_bits:
return self(value)
elif new_bits < value_bits:
return self(ast.Slice(value, 0, new_bits))
else: # new_bits > value_bits
dummy_bits = new_bits - value_bits
dummy_wire = self.s.rtlil.wire(dummy_bits)
return "{{ {} {} }}".format(dummy_wire, self(value))
def on_Signal(self, value):
if value not in self.s.driven:
raise ValueError("No LHS wire for non-driven signal {}".format(repr(value)))
wire_curr, wire_next = self.s.resolve(value)
return wire_next or wire_curr
def _prepare_value_for_Slice(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, (ast.Signal, ast.Slice, ast.Cat, rec.Record))
return self(value)
def on_Part(self, value):
offset = self.s.expand(value.offset)
if isinstance(offset, ast.Const):
if offset.value == len(value.value):
dummy_wire = self.s.rtlil.wire(value.width)
return dummy_wire
return self(ast.Slice(value.value,
offset.value * value.stride,
offset.value * value.stride + value.width))
# Only so many possible parts. The amount of branches is exponential; if value.offset
# is large (e.g. 32-bit wide), trying to naively legalize it is likely to exhaust
# system resources.
max_branches = len(value.value) // value.stride + 1
raise LegalizeValue(value.offset,
range((1 << len(value.offset)) // value.stride)[:max_branches],
def on_Repl(self, value):
raise TypeError # :nocov:
class _StatementCompiler(xfrm.StatementVisitor):
def __init__(self, state, rhs_compiler, lhs_compiler):
self.state = state
self.rhs_compiler = rhs_compiler
self.lhs_compiler = lhs_compiler
self._case = None
self._test_cache = {}
self._has_rhs = False
self._wrap_assign = False
def case(self, switch, values, attrs={}, src=""):
old_case = self._case
with switch.case(*values, attrs=attrs, src=src) as self._case:
self._case = old_case
def _check_rhs(self, value):
if self._has_rhs or next(iter(value._rhs_signals()), None) is not None:
self._has_rhs = True
def on_Assign(self, stmt):
lhs_bits, lhs_sign = stmt.lhs.shape()
rhs_bits, rhs_sign = stmt.rhs.shape()
if lhs_bits == rhs_bits:
rhs_sigspec = self.rhs_compiler(stmt.rhs)
# In RTLIL, LHS and RHS of assignment must have exactly same width.
rhs_sigspec = self.rhs_compiler.match_shape(
stmt.rhs, lhs_bits, lhs_sign)
if self._wrap_assign:
# In RTLIL, all assigns are logically sequenced before all switches, even if they are
# interleaved in the source. In nMigen, the source ordering is used. To handle this
# mismatch, we wrap all assigns following a switch in a dummy switch.
with self._case.switch("{ }") as wrap_switch:
with wrap_switch.case() as wrap_case:
wrap_case.assign(self.lhs_compiler(stmt.lhs), rhs_sigspec)
self._case.assign(self.lhs_compiler(stmt.lhs), rhs_sigspec)
def on_property(self, stmt):
en_wire = self.rhs_compiler(stmt._en)
check_wire = self.rhs_compiler(stmt._check)
self.state.rtlil.cell("$" + stmt._kind, ports={
"\\A": check_wire,
"\\EN": en_wire,
}, src=src(stmt.src_loc))
on_Assert = on_property
on_Assume = on_property
on_Cover = on_property
def on_Switch(self, stmt):
if not self.state.expansions:
# We repeatedly translate the same switches over and over (see the LHSGroupAnalyzer
# related code below), and translating the switch test only once helps readability.
if stmt not in self._test_cache:
self._test_cache[stmt] = self.rhs_compiler(stmt.test)
test_sigspec = self._test_cache[stmt]
# However, if the switch test contains an illegal value, then it may not be cached
# (since the illegal value will be repeatedly replaced with different constants), so
# don't cache anything in that case.
test_sigspec = self.rhs_compiler(stmt.test)
with self._case.switch(test_sigspec, src=src(stmt.src_loc)) as switch:
for values, stmts in stmt.cases.items():
case_attrs = {}
if values in stmt.case_src_locs:
case_attrs["src"] = src(stmt.case_src_locs[values])
if isinstance(stmt.test, ast.Signal) and stmt.test.decoder:
decoded_values = []
for value in values:
if "-" in value:
decoded_values.append(stmt.test.decoder(int(value, 2)))
case_attrs["nmigen.decoding"] = "|".join(decoded_values)
with self.case(switch, values, attrs=case_attrs):
self._wrap_assign = False
self._wrap_assign = True
def on_statement(self, stmt):
except LegalizeValue as legalize:
with self._case.switch(self.rhs_compiler(legalize.value),
src=src(legalize.src_loc)) as switch:
shape = legalize.value.shape()
tests = ["{:0{}b}".format(v, shape.width) for v in legalize.branches]
if tests:
tests[-1] = "-" * shape.width
for branch, test in zip(legalize.branches, tests):
with self.case(switch, (test,)):
self._wrap_assign = False
branch_value = ast.Const(branch, shape)
with self.state.expand_to(legalize.value, branch_value):
self._wrap_assign = True
def on_statements(self, stmts):
for stmt in stmts:
def _convert_fragment(builder, fragment, name_map, hierarchy):
if isinstance(fragment, ir.Instance):
port_map = OrderedDict()
for port_name, (value, dir) in fragment.named_ports.items():
port_map["\\{}".format(port_name)] = value
if fragment.type[0] == "$":
return fragment.type, port_map
return "\\{}".format(fragment.type), port_map
module_name = hierarchy[-1] or "anonymous"
module_attrs = OrderedDict()
if len(hierarchy) == 1:
module_attrs["top"] = 1
module_attrs["nmigen.hierarchy"] = ".".join(name or "anonymous" for name in hierarchy)
with builder.module(module_name, attrs=module_attrs) as module:
compiler_state = _ValueCompilerState(module)
rhs_compiler = _RHSValueCompiler(compiler_state)
lhs_compiler = _LHSValueCompiler(compiler_state)
stmt_compiler = _StatementCompiler(compiler_state, rhs_compiler, lhs_compiler)
verilog_trigger = None
verilog_trigger_sync_emitted = False
# Register all signals driven in the current fragment. This must be done first, as it
# affects further codegen; e.g. whether \sig$next signals will be generated and used.
for domain, signal in fragment.iter_drivers():
compiler_state.add_driven(signal, sync=domain is not None)
# Transform all signals used as ports in the current fragment eagerly and outside of
# any hierarchy, to make sure they get sensible (non-prefixed) names.
for signal in fragment.ports:
compiler_state.add_port(signal, fragment.ports[signal])
# Transform all clocks clocks and resets eagerly and outside of any hierarchy, to make
# sure they get sensible (non-prefixed) names. This does not affect semantics.
for domain, _ in fragment.iter_sync():
cd = fragment.domains[domain]
if cd.rst is not None:
# Transform all subfragments to their respective cells. Transforming signals connected
# to their ports into wires eagerly makes sure they get sensible (prefixed with submodule
# name) names.
memories = OrderedDict()
for subfragment, sub_name in fragment.subfragments:
if not subfragment.ports:
if sub_name is None:
sub_name = module.anonymous()
sub_params = OrderedDict()
if hasattr(subfragment, "parameters"):
for param_name, param_value in subfragment.parameters.items():
if isinstance(param_value, mem.Memory):
memory = param_value
if memory not in memories:
memories[memory] = module.memory(width=memory.width, size=memory.depth,
name=memory.name, attrs=memory.attrs)
addr_bits = bits_for(memory.depth)
data_parts = []
data_mask = (1 << memory.width) - 1
for addr in range(memory.depth):
if addr < len(memory.init):
data = memory.init[addr] & data_mask
data = 0
data_parts.append("{:0{}b}".format(data, memory.width))
module.cell("$meminit", ports={
"\\ADDR": rhs_compiler(ast.Const(0, addr_bits)),
"\\DATA": "{}'".format(memory.width * memory.depth) +
}, params={
"MEMID": memories[memory],
"ABITS": addr_bits,
"WIDTH": memory.width,
"WORDS": memory.depth,
param_value = memories[memory]
sub_params[param_name] = param_value
sub_type, sub_port_map = \
_convert_fragment(builder, subfragment, name_map,
hierarchy=hierarchy + (sub_name,))
sub_ports = OrderedDict()
for port, value in sub_port_map.items():
if not isinstance(subfragment, ir.Instance):
for signal in value._rhs_signals():
compiler_state.resolve_curr(signal, prefix=sub_name)
sub_ports[port] = rhs_compiler(value)
module.cell(sub_type, name=sub_name, ports=sub_ports, params=sub_params,
# If we emit all of our combinatorial logic into a single RTLIL process, Verilog
# simulators will break horribly, because Yosys write_verilog transforms RTLIL processes
# into always @* blocks with blocking assignment, and that does not create delta cycles.
# Therefore, we translate the fragment as many times as there are independent groups
# of signals (a group is a transitive closure of signals that appear together on LHS),
# splitting them into many RTLIL (and thus Verilog) processes.
lhs_grouper = xfrm.LHSGroupAnalyzer()
for group, group_signals in lhs_grouper.groups().items():
lhs_group_filter = xfrm.LHSGroupFilter(group_signals)
group_stmts = lhs_group_filter(fragment.statements)
with module.process(name="$group_{}".format(group)) as process:
with process.case() as case:
# For every signal in comb domain, assign \sig$next to the reset value.
# For every signal in sync domains, assign \sig$next to the current
# value (\sig).
for domain, signal in fragment.iter_drivers():
if signal not in group_signals:
if domain is None:
prev_value = ast.Const(signal.reset, signal.width)
prev_value = signal
case.assign(lhs_compiler(signal), rhs_compiler(prev_value))
# Convert statements into decision trees.
stmt_compiler._case = case
stmt_compiler._has_rhs = False
stmt_compiler._wrap_assign = False
# Verilog `always @*` blocks will not run if `*` does not match anything, i.e.
# if the implicit sensitivity list is empty. We check this while translating,
# by looking for any signals on RHS. If there aren't any, we add some logic
# whose only purpose is to trigger Verilog simulators when it converts
# through RTLIL and to Verilog, by populating the sensitivity list.
# Unfortunately, while this workaround allows true (event-driven) Verilog
# simulators to work properly, and is universally ignored by synthesizers,
# Verilator rejects it.
# Running the Yosys proc_prune pass converts such pathological `always @*`
# blocks to `assign` statements, so this workaround can be removed completely
# once support for Yosys 0.9 is dropped.
if not stmt_compiler._has_rhs:
if verilog_trigger is None:
verilog_trigger = \
module.wire(1, name="$verilog_initial_trigger")
case.assign(verilog_trigger, verilog_trigger)
# For every signal in the sync domain, assign \sig's initial value (which will
# end up as the \init reg attribute) to the reset value.
with process.sync("init") as sync:
for domain, signal in fragment.iter_sync():
if signal not in group_signals:
wire_curr, wire_next = compiler_state.resolve(signal)
sync.update(wire_curr, rhs_compiler(ast.Const(signal.reset, signal.width)))
# The Verilog simulator trigger needs to change at time 0, so if we haven't
# yet done that in some process, do it.
if verilog_trigger and not verilog_trigger_sync_emitted:
sync.update(verilog_trigger, "1'0")
verilog_trigger_sync_emitted = True
# For every signal in every sync domain, assign \sig to \sig$next. The sensitivity
# list, however, differs between domains: for domains with sync reset, it is
# `[pos|neg]edge clk`, for sync domains with async reset it is `[pos|neg]edge clk
# or posedge rst`.
for domain, signals in fragment.drivers.items():
if domain is None:
signals = signals & group_signals
if not signals:
cd = fragment.domains[domain]
triggers = []
triggers.append((cd.clk_edge + "edge", compiler_state.resolve_curr(cd.clk)))
if cd.async_reset:
triggers.append(("posedge", compiler_state.resolve_curr(cd.rst)))
for trigger in triggers:
with process.sync(*trigger) as sync:
for signal in signals:
wire_curr, wire_next = compiler_state.resolve(signal)
sync.update(wire_curr, wire_next)
# Any signals that are used but neither driven nor connected to an input port always
# assume their reset values. We need to assign the reset value explicitly, since only
# driven sync signals are handled by the logic above.
# Because this assignment is done at a late stage, a single Signal object can get assigned
# many times, once in each module it is used. This is a deliberate decision; the possible
# alternatives are to add ports for undriven signals (which requires choosing one module
# to drive it to reset value arbitrarily) or to replace them with their reset value (which
# removes valuable source location information).
driven = ast.SignalSet()
for domain, signals in fragment.iter_drivers():
driven.update(flatten(signal._lhs_signals() for signal in signals))
for subfragment, sub_name in fragment.subfragments:
for wire in compiler_state.wires:
if wire in driven:
wire_curr, _ = compiler_state.wires[wire]
module.connect(wire_curr, rhs_compiler(ast.Const(wire.reset, wire.width)))
# Collect the names we've given to our ports in RTLIL, and correlate these with the signals
# represented by these ports. If we are a submodule, this will be necessary to create a cell
# for us in the parent module.
port_map = OrderedDict()
for signal in fragment.ports:
port_map[compiler_state.resolve_curr(signal)] = signal
# Finally, collect tha names we've given to each wire in RTLIL, and provide these to
# the caller, to allow manipulating them in the toolchain.
for signal in compiler_state.wires:
wire_name = compiler_state.resolve_curr(signal)
if wire_name.startswith("\\"):
wire_name = wire_name[1:]
name_map[signal] = hierarchy + (wire_name,)
return module.name, port_map
def convert_fragment(fragment, name="top"):
assert isinstance(fragment, ir.Fragment)
builder = _Builder()
name_map = ast.SignalDict()
_convert_fragment(builder, fragment, name_map, hierarchy=(name,))
return str(builder), name_map
def convert(elaboratable, name="top", platform=None, **kwargs):
fragment = ir.Fragment.get(elaboratable, platform).prepare(**kwargs)
il_text, name_map = convert_fragment(fragment, name)
return il_text