# RISC-V Supported Instructions ## Instructions | Instruction type | Instructions | | --- | --- | | R-type | ADD, ADDW, AND, DIV, DIVU, DIVUW, DIVW, MUL, MULH, MULHSU, MULHU, MULW, OR, REM, REMU, REMUW, REMW, SLL, SLLW, SLT, SLTU, SRA, SRAW, SRL, SRLW, SUB, SUBW, XOR | | I-type | ADDI, ADDIW, ANDI, JALR, LB, LBU, LD, LH, LHU, LW, LWU, ORI, SLTI, SLTIU, XORI | | I-type (shift variation) | SLLI, SLLIW, SRAI, SRAIW, SRLI, SRLIW | | S-type | SB, SD, SH, SW | | SB-type | BEQ, BGE, BGEU, BLT, BLTU, BNE | | U-type | AUIPC, LUI | | UJ-type | JAL | | CI-type | C\_ADD, C\_ADDI, C\_ADDIW, C\_JALR, C\_JR, C\_LI, C\_MV | | CI-type (SP variation) | C\_ADDI16SP | | CI-type (ANDI variation) | C\_ANDI | | CI-type (LSP variation, 32 bit version) | C\_LWSP | | CI-type (LSP variation, 64 bit version) | C\_LDSP | | CI-type (LUI variation) | C\_LUI | | CI-type (SLI variation) | C\_SLLI | | CI-type (SRI variation) | C\_SRAI, C\_SRLI | | CIW-type | C\_ADDI4SPN | | CS-type (ALU version) | C\_ADDW, C\_AND, C\_OR, C\_SUB, C\_SUBW, C\_XOR | | CS-type (32 bit version) | C\_SW | | CS-type (64 bit version) | C\_SD | | CSS-type (32 bit version) | C\_SWSP | | CSS-type (64 bit version) | C\_SDSP | | CB-type | C\_BEQZ, C\_BNEZ | | CJ-type | C\_J, C\_JAL | | CL-type (32 bit version) | C\_LW | | CL-type (64 bit version) | C\_LD | ## Class Synopsis _Note: This section is under development and will be updated as more classes are implemented._ - `Insn`: General RISC-V instruction - `InsnRV32IRType`: RV32I R-Type Instruction - `InsnAdd`: ADD instruction - `InsnSub`: SUB instruction - `InsnSll`: SLL instruction - `InsnSlt`: SLT instruction - `InsnSltu`: SLTU instruction - `InsnXor`: XOR instruction - `InsnSrl`: SRL instruction - `InsnSra`: SRA instruction - `InsnOr`: OR instruction - `InsnAnd`: AND instruction ## Parameters TODO