from enum import Enum from collections import OrderedDict from functools import reduce from .. import tracer from .._utils import union, deprecated from .ast import * __all__ = ["Direction", "DIR_NONE", "DIR_FANOUT", "DIR_FANIN", "Layout", "Record"] Direction = Enum('Direction', ('NONE', 'FANOUT', 'FANIN')) DIR_NONE = Direction.NONE DIR_FANOUT = Direction.FANOUT DIR_FANIN = Direction.FANIN class Layout: @staticmethod def cast(obj, *, src_loc_at=0): if isinstance(obj, Layout): return obj return Layout(obj, src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at) def __init__(self, fields, *, src_loc_at=0): self.fields = OrderedDict() for field in fields: if not isinstance(field, tuple) or len(field) not in (2, 3): raise TypeError("Field {!r} has invalid layout: should be either " "(name, shape) or (name, shape, direction)" .format(field)) if len(field) == 2: name, shape = field direction = DIR_NONE if isinstance(shape, list): shape = Layout.cast(shape) else: name, shape, direction = field if not isinstance(direction, Direction): raise TypeError("Field {!r} has invalid direction: should be a Direction " "instance like DIR_FANIN" .format(field)) if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Field {!r} has invalid name: should be a string" .format(field)) if not isinstance(shape, Layout): try: shape = Shape.cast(shape, src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at) except Exception as error: raise TypeError("Field {!r} has invalid shape: should be castable to Shape " "or a list of fields of a nested record" .format(field)) if name in self.fields: raise NameError("Field {!r} has a name that is already present in the layout" .format(field)) self.fields[name] = (shape, direction) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, tuple): return Layout([ (name, shape, dir) for (name, (shape, dir)) in self.fields.items() if name in item ]) return self.fields[item] def __iter__(self): for name, (shape, dir) in self.fields.items(): yield (name, shape, dir) def __eq__(self, other): return self.fields == other.fields # Unlike most Values, Record *can* be subclassed. class Record(Value): @staticmethod def like(other, *, name=None, name_suffix=None, src_loc_at=0): if name is not None: new_name = str(name) elif name_suffix is not None: new_name = + str(name_suffix) else: new_name = tracer.get_var_name(depth=2 + src_loc_at, default=None) def concat(a, b): if a is None: return b return "{}__{}".format(a, b) fields = {} for field_name in other.fields: field = other[field_name] if isinstance(field, Record): fields[field_name] =, name=concat(new_name, field_name), src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at) else: fields[field_name] =, name=concat(new_name, field_name), src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at) return Record(other.layout, name=new_name, fields=fields, src_loc_at=1) def __init__(self, layout, *, name=None, fields=None, src_loc_at=0): if name is None: name = tracer.get_var_name(depth=2 + src_loc_at, default=None) = name self.src_loc = tracer.get_src_loc(src_loc_at) def concat(a, b): if a is None: return b return "{}__{}".format(a, b) self.layout = Layout.cast(layout, src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at) self.fields = OrderedDict() for field_name, field_shape, field_dir in self.layout: if fields is not None and field_name in fields: field = fields[field_name] if isinstance(field_shape, Layout): assert isinstance(field, Record) and field_shape == field.layout else: assert isinstance(field, Signal) and field_shape == field.shape() self.fields[field_name] = field else: if isinstance(field_shape, Layout): self.fields[field_name] = Record(field_shape, name=concat(name, field_name), src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at) else: self.fields[field_name] = Signal(field_shape, name=concat(name, field_name), src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at) def __getattr__(self, name): return self[name] def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, str): try: return self.fields[item] except KeyError: if is None: reference = "Unnamed record" else: reference = "Record '{}'".format( raise AttributeError("{} does not have a field '{}'. Did you mean one of: {}?" .format(reference, item, ", ".join(self.fields))) from None elif isinstance(item, tuple): return Record(self.layout[item], fields={ field_name: field_value for field_name, field_value in self.fields.items() if field_name in item }) else: return super().__getitem__(item) def shape(self): return Shape(sum(len(f) for f in self.fields.values())) def _lhs_signals(self): return union((f._lhs_signals() for f in self.fields.values()), start=SignalSet()) def _rhs_signals(self): return union((f._rhs_signals() for f in self.fields.values()), start=SignalSet()) def __repr__(self): fields = [] for field_name, field in self.fields.items(): if isinstance(field, Signal): fields.append(field_name) else: fields.append(repr(field)) name = if name is None: name = "" return "(rec {} {})".format(name, " ".join(fields)) def connect(self, *subordinates, include=None, exclude=None): def rec_name(record): if is None: return "unnamed record" else: return "record '{}'".format( for field in include or {}: if field not in self.fields: raise AttributeError("Cannot include field '{}' because it is not present in {}" .format(field, rec_name(self))) for field in exclude or {}: if field not in self.fields: raise AttributeError("Cannot exclude field '{}' because it is not present in {}" .format(field, rec_name(self))) stmts = [] for field in self.fields: if include is not None and field not in include: continue if exclude is not None and field in exclude: continue shape, direction = self.layout[field] if not isinstance(shape, Layout) and direction == DIR_NONE: raise TypeError("Cannot connect field '{}' of {} because it does not have " "a direction" .format(field, rec_name(self))) item = self.fields[field] subord_items = [] for subord in subordinates: if field not in subord.fields: raise AttributeError("Cannot connect field '{}' of {} to subordinate {} " "because the subordinate record does not have this field" .format(field, rec_name(self), rec_name(subord))) subord_items.append(subord.fields[field]) if isinstance(shape, Layout): sub_include = include[field] if include and field in include else None sub_exclude = exclude[field] if exclude and field in exclude else None stmts += item.connect(*subord_items, include=sub_include, exclude=sub_exclude) else: if direction == DIR_FANOUT: stmts += [sub_item.eq(item) for sub_item in subord_items] if direction == DIR_FANIN: stmts += [item.eq(reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, subord_items))] return stmts