{ pkgs ? import {} }: let win = (import ./default.nix { inherit pkgs; }); in win.makeWindowsImage { # Custom base iso # windowsImage = pkgs.fetchurl { # url = "https://software-download.microsoft.com/download/sg/17763.107.101029-1455.rs5_release_svc_refresh_CLIENT_LTSC_EVAL_x64FRE_en-us.iso"; # sha256 = "668fe1af70c2f7416328aee3a0bb066b12dc6bbd2576f40f812b95741e18bc3a"; # }; # User accounts users = { artiq = { # sshKeys = [ # "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIEmJW3Z+1ZNNVao2jcipQQxiEN27jtpl40fq3Je+jgir" # ]; password = "1234"; # description = "Default user"; # displayName = "Display name"; groups = [ "Administrators" ]; }; }; # Will also enable ssh # These impure commands need sandbox disabled or run outside of the sandbox impureMode = true; # impureShellCommands = [ # "powershell.exe echo Hello" # ]; fullName = "M-Labs"; organization = "m-labs"; administratorPassword = "12345"; # Auto login defaultUser = "artiq"; # services = { # # Enable remote management # WinRm = { # Status = "Running"; # PassThru = true; # }; # }; # License key # productKey = "iboughtthisone"; # Locales # uiLanguage = "en-US"; # inputLocale = "en-US"; # userLocale = "en-US"; # systemLocale = "en-US"; # packages = [ # ( # win.pkgs.makeMSIPkg { # # Note: File not in repository, it's meant as an example to subsitute # name = "notepadplusplus"; # msi = ./Notepad++7.7.msi; # # Custom cert # # cert = ./notepad++-cert.cer # } # ) # ( # win.pkgs.makeCrossPkg { # name = "hello"; # pkg = pkgs.pkgsCross.mingwW64.hello; # } # ) # ]; }