{ pkgs, artiq-full }: let matplotlib-qt = (pkgs.python3Packages.matplotlib.override { enableQt = true; }); in { artiq-example-user-env = pkgs.runCommand "artiq-example-user-env" { buildInputs = [ (pkgs.python3.withPackages(ps: [ artiq-full.artiq artiq-full.artiq-comtools artiq-full.wand artiq-full.flake8-artiq artiq-full.lda artiq-full.korad_ka3005p artiq-full.novatech409b artiq-full.thorlabs_tcube artiq-full.artiq-board-kc705-nist_clock artiq-full.artiq-board-kasli-oregon ps.paramiko ps.pandas ps.numpy ps.scipy # our newer llvmlite conflicts with the one in nixpkgs (21.05), reenable after nixpkgs updates llvmlite #ps.numba ps.bokeh matplotlib-qt # cirq is broken and doesn't build (as of 20.09.3281.06b11191834) #(ps.cirq.override { matplotlib = matplotlib-qt; }) # qiskit does not work with matplotlib-qt #ps.qiskit ])) artiq-full.openocd pkgs.gtkwave pkgs.spyder pkgs.R ]; } "touch $out"; }