451 lines
12 KiB
451 lines
12 KiB
// The macros break if the references are taken out, for some reason.
use std::ops::{Div, DivAssign, Mul, MulAssign};
use crate::base::storage::Storage;
use crate::base::{Const, Unit, Vector, Vector2};
use crate::geometry::{Isometry, Point2, Rotation, Similarity, Translation, UnitComplex};
use simba::simd::SimdRealField;
* This file provides:
* ===================
* UnitComplex × UnitComplex
* UnitComplex × Rotation -> UnitComplex
* Rotation × UnitComplex -> UnitComplex
* UnitComplex ÷ UnitComplex
* UnitComplex ÷ Rotation -> UnitComplex
* Rotation ÷ UnitComplex -> UnitComplex
* UnitComplex × Point
* UnitComplex × Vector
* UnitComplex × Unit<T>
* UnitComplex × Isometry<UnitComplex>
* UnitComplex × Similarity<UnitComplex>
* UnitComplex × Translation -> Isometry<UnitComplex>
* (Assignment Operators)
* UnitComplex ×= UnitComplex
* UnitComplex ×= Rotation
* UnitComplex ÷= UnitComplex
* UnitComplex ÷= Rotation
* Rotation ×= UnitComplex
* Rotation ÷= UnitComplex
// UnitComplex × UnitComplex
impl<T: SimdRealField> Mul<Self> for UnitComplex<T> {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
Unit::new_unchecked(self.into_inner() * rhs.into_inner())
impl<'a, T: SimdRealField> Mul<UnitComplex<T>> for &'a UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
type Output = UnitComplex<T>;
fn mul(self, rhs: UnitComplex<T>) -> Self::Output {
Unit::new_unchecked(self.complex() * rhs.into_inner())
impl<'b, T: SimdRealField> Mul<&'b UnitComplex<T>> for UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, rhs: &'b UnitComplex<T>) -> Self::Output {
Unit::new_unchecked(self.into_inner() * rhs.as_ref())
impl<'a, 'b, T: SimdRealField> Mul<&'b UnitComplex<T>> for &'a UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
type Output = UnitComplex<T>;
fn mul(self, rhs: &'b UnitComplex<T>) -> Self::Output {
Unit::new_unchecked(self.complex() * rhs.as_ref())
// UnitComplex ÷ UnitComplex
impl<T: SimdRealField> Div<Self> for UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
type Output = Self;
fn div(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
Unit::new_unchecked(self.into_inner() * rhs.conjugate().into_inner())
impl<'a, T: SimdRealField> Div<UnitComplex<T>> for &'a UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
type Output = UnitComplex<T>;
fn div(self, rhs: UnitComplex<T>) -> Self::Output {
Unit::new_unchecked(self.complex() * rhs.conjugate().into_inner())
impl<'b, T: SimdRealField> Div<&'b UnitComplex<T>> for UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
type Output = Self;
fn div(self, rhs: &'b UnitComplex<T>) -> Self::Output {
Unit::new_unchecked(self.into_inner() * rhs.conjugate().into_inner())
impl<'a, 'b, T: SimdRealField> Div<&'b UnitComplex<T>> for &'a UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
type Output = UnitComplex<T>;
fn div(self, rhs: &'b UnitComplex<T>) -> Self::Output {
Unit::new_unchecked(self.complex() * rhs.conjugate().into_inner())
macro_rules! complex_op_impl(
($Op: ident, $op: ident;
$($Storage: ident: $StoragesBound: ident $(<$($BoundParam: ty),*>)*),*;
$lhs: ident: $Lhs: ty, $rhs: ident: $Rhs: ty, Output = $Result: ty;
$action: expr; $($lives: tt),*) => {
impl<$($lives ,)* T: SimdRealField $(, $Storage: $StoragesBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*)*> $Op<$Rhs> for $Lhs
where T::Element: SimdRealField {
type Output = $Result;
fn $op($lhs, $rhs: $Rhs) -> Self::Output {
macro_rules! complex_op_impl_all(
($Op: ident, $op: ident;
$($Storage: ident: $StoragesBound: ident $(<$($BoundParam: ty),*>)*),*;
$lhs: ident: $Lhs: ty, $rhs: ident: $Rhs: ty, Output = $Result: ty;
[val val] => $action_val_val: expr;
[ref val] => $action_ref_val: expr;
[val ref] => $action_val_ref: expr;
[ref ref] => $action_ref_ref: expr;) => {
complex_op_impl!($Op, $op;
$($Storage: $StoragesBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*),*;
$lhs: $Lhs, $rhs: $Rhs, Output = $Result;
$action_val_val; );
complex_op_impl!($Op, $op;
$($Storage: $StoragesBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*),*;
$lhs: &'a $Lhs, $rhs: $Rhs, Output = $Result;
$action_ref_val; 'a);
complex_op_impl!($Op, $op;
$($Storage: $StoragesBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*),*;
$lhs: $Lhs, $rhs: &'b $Rhs, Output = $Result;
$action_val_ref; 'b);
complex_op_impl!($Op, $op;
$($Storage: $StoragesBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*),*;
$lhs: &'a $Lhs, $rhs: &'b $Rhs, Output = $Result;
$action_ref_ref; 'a, 'b);
// UnitComplex × Rotation
Mul, mul;
self: UnitComplex<T>, rhs: Rotation<T, 2>, Output = UnitComplex<T>;
[val val] => &self * &rhs;
[ref val] => self * &rhs;
[val ref] => &self * rhs;
[ref ref] => self * UnitComplex::from_rotation_matrix(rhs);
// UnitComplex ÷ Rotation
Div, div;
self: UnitComplex<T>, rhs: Rotation<T, 2>, Output = UnitComplex<T>;
[val val] => &self / &rhs;
[ref val] => self / &rhs;
[val ref] => &self / rhs;
[ref ref] => #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { self * UnitComplex::from_rotation_matrix(rhs).inverse() };
// Rotation × UnitComplex
Mul, mul;
self: Rotation<T, 2>, rhs: UnitComplex<T>, Output = UnitComplex<T>;
[val val] => &self * &rhs;
[ref val] => self * &rhs;
[val ref] => &self * rhs;
[ref ref] => UnitComplex::from_rotation_matrix(self) * rhs;
// Rotation ÷ UnitComplex
Div, div;
self: Rotation<T, 2>, rhs: UnitComplex<T>, Output = UnitComplex<T>;
[val val] => &self / &rhs;
[ref val] => self / &rhs;
[val ref] => &self / rhs;
[ref ref] => #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { UnitComplex::from_rotation_matrix(self) * rhs.inverse() };
// UnitComplex × Point
Mul, mul;
self: UnitComplex<T>, rhs: Point2<T>, Output = Point2<T>;
[val val] => &self * &rhs;
[ref val] => self * &rhs;
[val ref] => &self * rhs;
[ref ref] => Point2::from(self * &rhs.coords);
// UnitComplex × Vector
Mul, mul;
S: Storage<T, Const<2>>;
self: UnitComplex<T>, rhs: Vector<T, Const<2>, S>, Output = Vector2<T>;
[val val] => &self * &rhs;
[ref val] => self * &rhs;
[val ref] => &self * rhs;
[ref ref] => {
let i = self.as_ref().im.clone();
let r = self.as_ref().re.clone();
Vector2::new(r.clone() * rhs[0].clone() - i.clone() * rhs[1].clone(), i * rhs[0].clone() + r * rhs[1].clone())
// UnitComplex × Unit<Vector>
Mul, mul;
S: Storage<T, Const<2>>;
self: UnitComplex<T>, rhs: Unit<Vector<T, Const<2>, S>>, Output = Unit<Vector2<T>>;
[val val] => &self * &rhs;
[ref val] => self * &rhs;
[val ref] => &self * rhs;
[ref ref] => Unit::new_unchecked(self * rhs.as_ref());
// UnitComplex × Isometry<UnitComplex>
Mul, mul;
self: UnitComplex<T>, rhs: Isometry<T, UnitComplex<T>, 2>,
Output = Isometry<T, UnitComplex<T>, 2>;
[val val] => &self * &rhs;
[ref val] => self * &rhs;
[val ref] => &self * rhs;
[ref ref] => {
let shift = self * &rhs.translation.vector;
Isometry::from_parts(Translation::from(shift), self * &rhs.rotation)
// UnitComplex × Similarity<UnitComplex>
Mul, mul;
self: UnitComplex<T>, rhs: Similarity<T, UnitComplex<T>, 2>,
Output = Similarity<T, UnitComplex<T>, 2>;
[val val] => &self * &rhs;
[ref val] => self * &rhs;
[val ref] => &self * rhs;
[ref ref] => Similarity::from_isometry(self * &rhs.isometry, rhs.scaling());
// UnitComplex × Translation
Mul, mul;
self: UnitComplex<T>, rhs: Translation<T, 2>,
Output = Isometry<T, UnitComplex<T>, 2>;
[val val] => Isometry::from_parts(Translation::from(&self * rhs.vector), self);
[ref val] => Isometry::from_parts(Translation::from( self * rhs.vector), self.clone());
[val ref] => Isometry::from_parts(Translation::from(&self * &rhs.vector), self);
[ref ref] => Isometry::from_parts(Translation::from( self * &rhs.vector), self.clone());
// Translation × UnitComplex
Mul, mul;
self: Translation<T, 2>, right: UnitComplex<T>,
Output = Isometry<T, UnitComplex<T>, 2>;
[val val] => Isometry::from_parts(self, right);
[ref val] => Isometry::from_parts(self.clone(), right);
[val ref] => Isometry::from_parts(self, right.clone());
[ref ref] => Isometry::from_parts(self.clone(), right.clone());
// UnitComplex ×= UnitComplex
impl<T: SimdRealField> MulAssign<UnitComplex<T>> for UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: UnitComplex<T>) {
*self = self.clone() * rhs
impl<'b, T: SimdRealField> MulAssign<&'b UnitComplex<T>> for UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: &'b UnitComplex<T>) {
*self = self.clone() * rhs
// UnitComplex /= UnitComplex
impl<T: SimdRealField> DivAssign<UnitComplex<T>> for UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: UnitComplex<T>) {
*self = self.clone() / rhs
impl<'b, T: SimdRealField> DivAssign<&'b UnitComplex<T>> for UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: &'b UnitComplex<T>) {
*self = self.clone() / rhs
// UnitComplex ×= Rotation
impl<T: SimdRealField> MulAssign<Rotation<T, 2>> for UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: Rotation<T, 2>) {
*self = self.clone() * rhs
impl<'b, T: SimdRealField> MulAssign<&'b Rotation<T, 2>> for UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: &'b Rotation<T, 2>) {
*self = self.clone() * rhs
// UnitComplex ÷= Rotation
impl<T: SimdRealField> DivAssign<Rotation<T, 2>> for UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: Rotation<T, 2>) {
*self = self.clone() / rhs
impl<'b, T: SimdRealField> DivAssign<&'b Rotation<T, 2>> for UnitComplex<T>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: &'b Rotation<T, 2>) {
*self = self.clone() / rhs
// Rotation ×= UnitComplex
impl<T: SimdRealField> MulAssign<UnitComplex<T>> for Rotation<T, 2>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: UnitComplex<T>) {
impl<'b, T: SimdRealField> MulAssign<&'b UnitComplex<T>> for Rotation<T, 2>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: &'b UnitComplex<T>) {
// Rotation ÷= UnitComplex
impl<T: SimdRealField> DivAssign<UnitComplex<T>> for Rotation<T, 2>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: UnitComplex<T>) {
impl<'b, T: SimdRealField> DivAssign<&'b UnitComplex<T>> for Rotation<T, 2>
T::Element: SimdRealField,
fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: &'b UnitComplex<T>) {