These warnings occurred only when running the test suite with no features. Lots of uses had to be rescoped into newly created modules to make it easier to separate these issues.
163 lines
4.2 KiB
163 lines
4.2 KiB
#![cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]
use na::{Unit, UnitComplex, Vector2, Point2, Rotation2};
* From/to rotation matrix.
fn unit_complex_rotation_conversion(c: UnitComplex<f64>) -> bool {
let r = c.to_rotation_matrix();
let cc = UnitComplex::from_rotation_matrix(&r);
let rr = cc.to_rotation_matrix();
relative_eq!(c, cc, epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!(r, rr, epsilon = 1.0e-7)
* Point/Vector transformation.
fn unit_complex_transformation(c: UnitComplex<f64>, v: Vector2<f64>, p: Point2<f64>) -> bool {
let r = c.to_rotation_matrix();
let rv = r * v;
let rp = r * p;
relative_eq!( c * v, rv, epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!( c * &v, rv, epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!(&c * v, rv, epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!(&c * &v, rv, epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!( c * p, rp, epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!( c * &p, rp, epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!(&c * p, rp, epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!(&c * &p, rp, epsilon = 1.0e-7)
* Inversion.
fn unit_complex_inv(c: UnitComplex<f64>) -> bool {
let iq = c.inverse();
relative_eq!(&iq * &c, UnitComplex::identity(), epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!( iq * &c, UnitComplex::identity(), epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!(&iq * c, UnitComplex::identity(), epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!( iq * c, UnitComplex::identity(), epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!(&c * &iq, UnitComplex::identity(), epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!( c * &iq, UnitComplex::identity(), epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!(&c * iq, UnitComplex::identity(), epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!( c * iq, UnitComplex::identity(), epsilon = 1.0e-7)
* Quaterion * Vector == Rotation * Vector
fn unit_complex_mul_vector(c: UnitComplex<f64>, v: Vector2<f64>, p: Point2<f64>) -> bool {
let r = c.to_rotation_matrix();
relative_eq!(c * v, r * v, epsilon = 1.0e-7) &&
relative_eq!(c * p, r * p, epsilon = 1.0e-7)
// Test that all operators (incl. all combinations of references) work.
// See the top comment on `geometry/` for details on which operations are
// supported.
fn all_op_exist(uc: UnitComplex<f64>, v: Vector2<f64>, p: Point2<f64>, r: Rotation2<f64>) -> bool {
let uv = Unit::new_normalize(v);
let ucMuc = uc * uc;
let ucMr = uc * r;
let rMuc = r * uc;
let ucDuc = uc / uc;
let ucDr = uc / r;
let rDuc = r / uc;
let ucMp = uc * p;
let ucMv = uc * v;
let ucMuv = uc * uv;
let mut ucMuc1 = uc;
let mut ucMuc2 = uc;
let mut ucMr1 = uc;
let mut ucMr2 = uc;
let mut ucDuc1 = uc;
let mut ucDuc2 = uc;
let mut ucDr1 = uc;
let mut ucDr2 = uc;
ucMuc1 *= uc;
ucMuc2 *= &uc;
ucMr1 *= r;
ucMr2 *= &r;
ucDuc1 /= uc;
ucDuc2 /= &uc;
ucDr1 /= r;
ucDr2 /= &r;
ucMuc1 == ucMuc &&
ucMuc1 == ucMuc2 &&
ucMr1 == ucMr &&
ucMr1 == ucMr2 &&
ucDuc1 == ucDuc &&
ucDuc1 == ucDuc2 &&
ucDr1 == ucDr &&
ucDr1 == ucDr2 &&
ucMuc == &uc * &uc &&
ucMuc == uc * &uc &&
ucMuc == &uc * uc &&
ucMr == &uc * &r &&
ucMr == uc * &r &&
ucMr == &uc * r &&
rMuc == &r * &uc &&
rMuc == r * &uc &&
rMuc == &r * uc &&
ucDuc == &uc / &uc &&
ucDuc == uc / &uc &&
ucDuc == &uc / uc &&
ucDr == &uc / &r &&
ucDr == uc / &r &&
ucDr == &uc / r &&
rDuc == &r / &uc &&
rDuc == r / &uc &&
rDuc == &r / uc &&
ucMp == &uc * &p &&
ucMp == uc * &p &&
ucMp == &uc * p &&
ucMv == &uc * &v &&
ucMv == uc * &v &&
ucMv == &uc * v &&
ucMuv == &uc * &uv &&
ucMuv == uc * &uv &&
ucMuv == &uc * uv