296 lines
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296 lines
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//! The default matrix data storage allocator.
//! This will use stack-allocated buffers for matrices with dimensions known at compile-time, and
//! heap-allocated buffers for matrices with at least one dimension unknown at compile-time.
use std::cmp;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Mul;
use std::ptr;
#[cfg(all(feature = "alloc", not(feature = "std")))]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use generic_array::ArrayLength;
use typenum::Prod;
use base::allocator::{Allocator, Reallocator};
#[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
use base::dimension::Dynamic;
use base::dimension::{Dim, DimName};
use base::matrix_array::MatrixArray;
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
use base::matrix_vec::MatrixVec;
use base::storage::{Storage, StorageMut};
use base::Scalar;
* Allocator.
/// An allocator based on `GenericArray` and `MatrixVec` for statically-sized and dynamically-sized
/// matrices respectively.
pub struct DefaultAllocator;
// Static - Static
impl<N, R, C> Allocator<N, R, C> for DefaultAllocator
N: Scalar,
R: DimName,
C: DimName,
R::Value: Mul<C::Value>,
Prod<R::Value, C::Value>: ArrayLength<N>,
type Buffer = MatrixArray<N, R, C>;
unsafe fn allocate_uninitialized(_: R, _: C) -> Self::Buffer {
fn allocate_from_iterator<I: IntoIterator<Item = N>>(
nrows: R,
ncols: C,
iter: I,
) -> Self::Buffer
let mut res = unsafe { Self::allocate_uninitialized(nrows, ncols) };
let mut count = 0;
for (res, e) in res.iter_mut().zip(iter.into_iter()) {
*res = e;
count += 1;
count == nrows.value() * ncols.value(),
"Matrix init. from iterator: iterator not long enough."
// Dynamic - Static
// Dynamic - Dynamic
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<N: Scalar, C: Dim> Allocator<N, Dynamic, C> for DefaultAllocator {
type Buffer = MatrixVec<N, Dynamic, C>;
unsafe fn allocate_uninitialized(nrows: Dynamic, ncols: C) -> Self::Buffer {
let mut res = Vec::new();
let length = nrows.value() * ncols.value();
MatrixVec::new(nrows, ncols, res)
fn allocate_from_iterator<I: IntoIterator<Item = N>>(
nrows: Dynamic,
ncols: C,
iter: I,
) -> Self::Buffer
let it = iter.into_iter();
let res: Vec<N> = it.collect();
assert!(res.len() == nrows.value() * ncols.value(),
"Allocation from iterator error: the iterator did not yield the correct number of elements.");
MatrixVec::new(nrows, ncols, res)
// Static - Dynamic
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<N: Scalar, R: DimName> Allocator<N, R, Dynamic> for DefaultAllocator {
type Buffer = MatrixVec<N, R, Dynamic>;
unsafe fn allocate_uninitialized(nrows: R, ncols: Dynamic) -> Self::Buffer {
let mut res = Vec::new();
let length = nrows.value() * ncols.value();
MatrixVec::new(nrows, ncols, res)
fn allocate_from_iterator<I: IntoIterator<Item = N>>(
nrows: R,
ncols: Dynamic,
iter: I,
) -> Self::Buffer
let it = iter.into_iter();
let res: Vec<N> = it.collect();
assert!(res.len() == nrows.value() * ncols.value(),
"Allocation from iterator error: the iterator did not yield the correct number of elements.");
MatrixVec::new(nrows, ncols, res)
* Reallocator.
// Anything -> Static × Static
impl<N: Scalar, RFrom, CFrom, RTo, CTo> Reallocator<N, RFrom, CFrom, RTo, CTo> for DefaultAllocator
RFrom: Dim,
CFrom: Dim,
RTo: DimName,
CTo: DimName,
Self: Allocator<N, RFrom, CFrom>,
RTo::Value: Mul<CTo::Value>,
Prod<RTo::Value, CTo::Value>: ArrayLength<N>,
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: RTo,
cto: CTo,
buf: <Self as Allocator<N, RFrom, CFrom>>::Buffer,
) -> MatrixArray<N, RTo, CTo>
let mut res = <Self as Allocator<N, RTo, CTo>>::allocate_uninitialized(rto, cto);
let (rfrom, cfrom) = buf.shape();
let len_from = rfrom.value() * cfrom.value();
let len_to = rto.value() * cto.value();
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf.ptr(), res.ptr_mut(), cmp::min(len_from, len_to));
// Static × Static -> Dynamic × Any
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<N: Scalar, RFrom, CFrom, CTo> Reallocator<N, RFrom, CFrom, Dynamic, CTo> for DefaultAllocator
RFrom: DimName,
CFrom: DimName,
CTo: Dim,
RFrom::Value: Mul<CFrom::Value>,
Prod<RFrom::Value, CFrom::Value>: ArrayLength<N>,
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: Dynamic,
cto: CTo,
buf: MatrixArray<N, RFrom, CFrom>,
) -> MatrixVec<N, Dynamic, CTo>
let mut res = <Self as Allocator<N, Dynamic, CTo>>::allocate_uninitialized(rto, cto);
let (rfrom, cfrom) = buf.shape();
let len_from = rfrom.value() * cfrom.value();
let len_to = rto.value() * cto.value();
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf.ptr(), res.ptr_mut(), cmp::min(len_from, len_to));
// Static × Static -> Static × Dynamic
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<N: Scalar, RFrom, CFrom, RTo> Reallocator<N, RFrom, CFrom, RTo, Dynamic> for DefaultAllocator
RFrom: DimName,
CFrom: DimName,
RTo: DimName,
RFrom::Value: Mul<CFrom::Value>,
Prod<RFrom::Value, CFrom::Value>: ArrayLength<N>,
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: RTo,
cto: Dynamic,
buf: MatrixArray<N, RFrom, CFrom>,
) -> MatrixVec<N, RTo, Dynamic>
let mut res = <Self as Allocator<N, RTo, Dynamic>>::allocate_uninitialized(rto, cto);
let (rfrom, cfrom) = buf.shape();
let len_from = rfrom.value() * cfrom.value();
let len_to = rto.value() * cto.value();
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf.ptr(), res.ptr_mut(), cmp::min(len_from, len_to));
// All conversion from a dynamic buffer to a dynamic buffer.
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<N: Scalar, CFrom: Dim, CTo: Dim> Reallocator<N, Dynamic, CFrom, Dynamic, CTo>
for DefaultAllocator
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: Dynamic,
cto: CTo,
buf: MatrixVec<N, Dynamic, CFrom>,
) -> MatrixVec<N, Dynamic, CTo>
let new_buf = buf.resize(rto.value() * cto.value());
MatrixVec::new(rto, cto, new_buf)
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<N: Scalar, CFrom: Dim, RTo: DimName> Reallocator<N, Dynamic, CFrom, RTo, Dynamic>
for DefaultAllocator
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: RTo,
cto: Dynamic,
buf: MatrixVec<N, Dynamic, CFrom>,
) -> MatrixVec<N, RTo, Dynamic>
let new_buf = buf.resize(rto.value() * cto.value());
MatrixVec::new(rto, cto, new_buf)
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<N: Scalar, RFrom: DimName, CTo: Dim> Reallocator<N, RFrom, Dynamic, Dynamic, CTo>
for DefaultAllocator
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: Dynamic,
cto: CTo,
buf: MatrixVec<N, RFrom, Dynamic>,
) -> MatrixVec<N, Dynamic, CTo>
let new_buf = buf.resize(rto.value() * cto.value());
MatrixVec::new(rto, cto, new_buf)
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<N: Scalar, RFrom: DimName, RTo: DimName> Reallocator<N, RFrom, Dynamic, RTo, Dynamic>
for DefaultAllocator
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: RTo,
cto: Dynamic,
buf: MatrixVec<N, RFrom, Dynamic>,
) -> MatrixVec<N, RTo, Dynamic>
let new_buf = buf.resize(rto.value() * cto.value());
MatrixVec::new(rto, cto, new_buf)