
186 lines
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// FIXME: merge with `md_impl`.
/// Macro for the implementation of multiplication and division.
macro_rules! md_impl(
// Operator, operator method, and scalar bounds.
$Op: ident, $op: ident $(where N: $($ScalarBounds: ident),*)*;
// Storage dimensions, and dimension bounds.
($R1: ty, $C1: ty),($R2: ty, $C2: ty) for $($Dims: ident: $DimsBound: ident $(<$($BoundParam: ty),*>)*),+
// [Optional] Extra allocator bounds.
$(where $ConstraintType: ty: $ConstraintBound: ident<$($ConstraintBoundParams: ty $( = $EqBound: ty )*),*> )*;
// Argument identifiers and types + output.
$lhs: ident: $Lhs: ty, $rhs: ident: $Rhs: ty, Output = $Result: ty;
// Operator actual implementation.
$action: expr;
// Lifetime.
$($lives: tt),*) => {
impl<$($lives ,)* N $(, $Dims: $DimsBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*)*> $Op<$Rhs> for $Lhs
where N: Scalar + Zero + One + ClosedAdd + ClosedMul $($(+ $ScalarBounds)*)*,
DefaultAllocator: Allocator<N, $R1, $C1> +
Allocator<N, $R2, $C2> +
Allocator<N, $R1, $C2>,
$( $ConstraintType: $ConstraintBound<$( $ConstraintBoundParams $( = $EqBound )*),*> ),*
type Output = $Result;
fn $op($lhs, $rhs: $Rhs) -> Self::Output {
/// Macro for the implementation of multiplication and division.
/// Implements all the argument reference combinations.
macro_rules! md_impl_all(
// Operator, operator method, and scalar bounds.
$Op: ident, $op: ident $(where N: $($ScalarBounds: ident),*)*;
// Storage dimensions, and dimension bounds.
($R1: ty, $C1: ty),($R2: ty, $C2: ty) for $($Dims: ident: $DimsBound: ident $(<$($BoundParam: ty),*>)*),+
// [Optional] Extra allocator bounds.
$(where $ConstraintType: ty: $ConstraintBound: ident<$($ConstraintBoundParams: ty $( = $EqBound: ty )*),*> )*;
// Argument identifiers and types + output.
$lhs: ident: $Lhs: ty, $rhs: ident: $Rhs: ty, Output = $Result: ty;
// Operators actual implementations.
[val val] => $action_val_val: expr;
[ref val] => $action_ref_val: expr;
[val ref] => $action_val_ref: expr;
[ref ref] => $action_ref_ref: expr;) => {
$Op, $op $(where N: $($ScalarBounds),*)*;
($R1, $C1),($R2, $C2) for $($Dims: $DimsBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*),+
$(where $ConstraintType: $ConstraintBound<$($ConstraintBoundParams $( = $EqBound )*),*>)*;
$lhs: $Lhs, $rhs: $Rhs, Output = $Result;
$action_val_val; );
$Op, $op $(where N: $($ScalarBounds),*)*;
($R1, $C1),($R2, $C2) for $($Dims: $DimsBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*),+
$(where $ConstraintType: $ConstraintBound<$($ConstraintBoundParams $( = $EqBound )*),*>)*;
$lhs: &'a $Lhs, $rhs: $Rhs, Output = $Result;
$action_ref_val; 'a);
$Op, $op $(where N: $($ScalarBounds),*)*;
($R1, $C1),($R2, $C2) for $($Dims: $DimsBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*),+
$(where $ConstraintType: $ConstraintBound<$($ConstraintBoundParams $( = $EqBound )*),*>)*;
$lhs: $Lhs, $rhs: &'b $Rhs, Output = $Result;
$action_val_ref; 'b);
$Op, $op $(where N: $($ScalarBounds),*)*;
($R1, $C1),($R2, $C2) for $($Dims: $DimsBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*),+
$(where $ConstraintType: $ConstraintBound<$($ConstraintBoundParams $( = $EqBound )*),*>)*;
$lhs: &'a $Lhs, $rhs: &'b $Rhs, Output = $Result;
$action_ref_ref; 'a, 'b);
/// Macro for the implementation of assignment-multiplication and assignment-division.
macro_rules! md_assign_impl(
// Operator, operator method, and scalar bounds.
$Op: ident, $op: ident $(where N: $($ScalarBounds: ident),*)* $(for N::Element: $ElementBounds: ident)*;
// Storage dimensions, and dimension bounds.
($R1: ty, $C1: ty),($R2: ty, $C2: ty) for $($Dims: ident: $DimsBound: ident $(<$($BoundParam: ty),*>)*),*
// [Optional] Extra allocator bounds.
$(where $ConstraintType: ty: $ConstraintBound: ident $(<$($ConstraintBoundParams: ty $( = $EqBound: ty )*),*>)* )*;
// Argument identifiers and types.
$lhs: ident: $Lhs: ty, $rhs: ident: $Rhs: ty;
// Actual implementation and lifetimes.
$action: expr; $($lives: tt),*) => {
impl<$($lives ,)* N $(, $Dims: $DimsBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*)*> $Op<$Rhs> for $Lhs
where N: Scalar + Zero + One + ClosedAdd + ClosedMul $($(+ $ScalarBounds)*)*,
$(N::Element: $ElementBounds,)*
DefaultAllocator: Allocator<N, $R1, $C1> +
Allocator<N, $R2, $C2>,
$( $ConstraintType: $ConstraintBound $(<$( $ConstraintBoundParams $( = $EqBound )*),*>)* ),*
fn $op(&mut $lhs, $rhs: $Rhs) {
/// Macro for the implementation of assignment-multiplication and assignment-division with and
/// without reference to the right-hand-side.
macro_rules! md_assign_impl_all(
// Operator, operator method, and scalar bounds.
$Op: ident, $op: ident $(where N: $($ScalarBounds: ident),*)* $(for N::Element: $($ElementBounds: ident),*)*;
// Storage dimensions, and dimension bounds.
($R1: ty, $C1: ty),($R2: ty, $C2: ty) for $($Dims: ident: $DimsBound: ident $(<$($BoundParam: ty),*>)*),*
// [Optional] Extra allocator bounds.
$(where $ConstraintType: ty: $ConstraintBound: ident$(<$($ConstraintBoundParams: ty $( = $EqBound: ty )*),*>)* )*;
// Argument identifiers and types.
$lhs: ident: $Lhs: ty, $rhs: ident: $Rhs: ty;
// Actual implementation and lifetimes.
[val] => $action_val: expr;
[ref] => $action_ref: expr;) => {
$Op, $op $(where N: $($ScalarBounds),*)* $(for N::Element: $($ElementBounds),*)*;
($R1, $C1),($R2, $C2) for $($Dims: $DimsBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*),*
$(where $ConstraintType: $ConstraintBound $(<$($ConstraintBoundParams $( = $EqBound )*),*>)*)*;
$lhs: $Lhs, $rhs: $Rhs;
$action_val; );
$Op, $op $(where N: $($ScalarBounds),*)* $(for N::Element: $($ElementBounds),*)*;
($R1, $C1),($R2, $C2) for $($Dims: $DimsBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*),*
$(where $ConstraintType: $ConstraintBound $(<$($ConstraintBoundParams $( = $EqBound )*),*>)*)*;
$lhs: $Lhs, $rhs: &'b $Rhs;
$action_ref; 'b);
// FIXME: merge with `as_impl`.
/// Macro for the implementation of addition and subtraction.
macro_rules! add_sub_impl(
($Op: ident, $op: ident, $bound: ident;
($R1: ty, $C1: ty),($R2: ty, $C2: ty) $(-> ($RRes: ty))* for $($Dims: ident: $DimsBound: ident $(<$($BoundParam: ty),*>)*),+;
$lhs: ident: $Lhs: ty, $rhs: ident: $Rhs: ty, Output = $Result: ty;
$action: expr; $($lives: tt),*) => {
impl<$($lives ,)* N $(, $Dims: $DimsBound $(<$($BoundParam),*>)*)*> $Op<$Rhs> for $Lhs
where N: Scalar + $bound,
DefaultAllocator: Allocator<N, $R1, $C1> +
Allocator<N, $R2, $C2> +
SameShapeAllocator<N, $R1, $C1, $R2, $C2>,
ShapeConstraint: SameNumberOfRows<$R1, $R2 $(, Representative = $RRes)*> +
SameNumberOfColumns<$C1, $C2> {
type Output = $Result;
fn $op($lhs, $rhs: $Rhs) -> Self::Output {
// FIXME: merge with `md_assign_impl`.
/// Macro for the implementation of assignment-addition and assignment-subtraction.
macro_rules! add_sub_assign_impl(
($Op: ident, $op: ident, $bound: ident;
($R1: ty, $C1: ty),($R2: ty, $C2: ty) for $($Dims: ident: $DimsBound: ident),+;
$lhs: ident: $Lhs: ty, $rhs: ident: $Rhs: ty;
$action: expr; $($lives: tt),*) => {
impl<$($lives ,)* N $(, $Dims: $DimsBound)*> $Op<$Rhs> for $Lhs
where N: Scalar + $bound,
DefaultAllocator: Allocator<N, $R1, $C1> +
Allocator<N, $R2, $C2>,
ShapeConstraint: SameNumberOfRows<$R1, $R2> + SameNumberOfColumns<$C1, $C2> {
fn $op(&mut $lhs, $rhs: $Rhs) {