# Change Log All notable changes to `nalgebra`, starting with the version 0.6.0 will be documented here. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [0.6.0] **Announcement:** a users forum has been created for `nalgebra`, `ncollide`, and `nphysics`. See you [there](http://users.nphysics.org)! ### Added * Added a dependency to [generic-array](https://crates.io/crates/generic-array). Feature-gated: requires `features="generic_sizes"`. * Added statically sized vectors with user-defined sizes: `VecN`. Feature-gated: requires `features="generic_sizes"`. * Added similarity transformations (an uniform scale followed by a rotation followed by a translation): `Sim2`, `Sim3`. ### Removed * Removed zero-sized elements `Vec0`, `Pnt0`. * Removed 4-dimensional transformations `Rot4` and `Iso4` (which had an implementation to incomplete to be useful). ### Modified * Vectors are now multipliable with isometries. This will result into a pure rotation (this is how vectors differ from point semantically: they design directions so they are not translatable). * `{Iso3, Rot3}::look_at` reimplemented and renamed to `::look_at_rh` and `::look_at_lh` to agree with the computer graphics community (in particular, the GLM library). Use the `::look_at_rh` variant to build a view matrix that may be successfully used with `Persp` and `Ortho`. * The old `{Iso3, Rot3}::look_at` implementations are now called `::new_observer_frame`. * Rename every `fov` on `Persp` to `fovy`. * Fixed the perspective and orthographic projection matrices.