use crate::base::dimension::{Const, Dim, DimName, Dynamic}; use crate::base::matrix_slice::{SliceStorage, SliceStorageMut}; use crate::base::{MatrixSlice, MatrixSliceMutMN, Scalar}; use num_rational::Ratio; /// # Creating matrix slices from `&[T]` impl<'a, T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, RStride: Dim, CStride: Dim> MatrixSlice<'a, T, R, C, RStride, CStride> { /// Creates, without bound-checking, a matrix slice from an array and with dimensions and strides specified by generic types instances. /// /// This method is unsafe because the input data array is not checked to contain enough elements. /// The generic types `R`, `C`, `RStride`, `CStride` can either be type-level integers or integers wrapped with `Dynamic::new()`. #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_slice_with_strides_generic_unchecked( data: &'a [T], start: usize, nrows: R, ncols: C, rstride: RStride, cstride: CStride, ) -> Self { let data = SliceStorage::from_raw_parts( data.as_ptr().add(start), (nrows, ncols), (rstride, cstride), ); Self::from_data(data) } /// Creates a matrix slice from an array and with dimensions and strides specified by generic types instances. /// /// Panics if the input data array dose not contain enough elements. /// The generic types `R`, `C`, `RStride`, `CStride` can either be type-level integers or integers wrapped with `Dynamic::new()`. #[inline] pub fn from_slice_with_strides_generic( data: &'a [T], nrows: R, ncols: C, rstride: RStride, cstride: CStride, ) -> Self { // NOTE: The assertion implements the following formula, but without subtractions to avoid // underflow panics: // len >= (ncols - 1) * cstride + (nrows - 1) * rstride + 1 assert!( data.len() + cstride.value() + rstride.value() >= ncols.value() * cstride.value() + nrows.value() * rstride.value() + 1, "Matrix slice: input data buffer to small." ); unsafe { Self::from_slice_with_strides_generic_unchecked(data, 0, nrows, ncols, rstride, cstride) } } } impl<'a, T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim> MatrixSlice<'a, T, R, C> { /// Creates, without bound-checking, a matrix slice from an array and with dimensions specified by generic types instances. /// /// This method is unsafe because the input data array is not checked to contain enough elements. /// The generic types `R` and `C` can either be type-level integers or integers wrapped with `Dynamic::new()`. #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_slice_generic_unchecked( data: &'a [T], start: usize, nrows: R, ncols: C, ) -> Self { Self::from_slice_with_strides_generic_unchecked( data, start, nrows, ncols, Const::<1>, nrows, ) } /// Creates a matrix slice from an array and with dimensions and strides specified by generic types instances. /// /// Panics if the input data array dose not contain enough elements. /// The generic types `R` and `C` can either be type-level integers or integers wrapped with `Dynamic::new()`. #[inline] pub fn from_slice_generic(data: &'a [T], nrows: R, ncols: C) -> Self { Self::from_slice_with_strides_generic(data, nrows, ncols, Const::<1>, nrows) } } macro_rules! impl_constructors( ($($Dims: ty),*; $(=> $DimIdent: ident: $DimBound: ident),*; $($gargs: expr),*; $($args: ident),*) => { impl<'a, T: Scalar, $($DimIdent: $DimBound),*> MatrixSlice<'a, T, $($Dims),*> { /// Creates a new matrix slice from the given data array. /// /// Panics if `data` does not contain enough elements. #[inline] pub fn from_slice(data: &'a [T], $($args: usize),*) -> Self { Self::from_slice_generic(data, $($gargs),*) } /// Creates, without bound checking, a new matrix slice from the given data array. #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_slice_unchecked(data: &'a [T], start: usize, $($args: usize),*) -> Self { Self::from_slice_generic_unchecked(data, start, $($gargs),*) } } impl<'a, T: Scalar, $($DimIdent: $DimBound, )*> MatrixSlice<'a, T, $($Dims,)* Dynamic, Dynamic> { /// Creates a new matrix slice with the specified strides from the given data array. /// /// Panics if `data` does not contain enough elements. #[inline] pub fn from_slice_with_strides(data: &'a [T], $($args: usize,)* rstride: usize, cstride: usize) -> Self { Self::from_slice_with_strides_generic(data, $($gargs,)* Dynamic::new(rstride), Dynamic::new(cstride)) } /// Creates, without bound checking, a new matrix slice with the specified strides from the given data array. #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_slice_with_strides_unchecked(data: &'a [T], start: usize, $($args: usize,)* rstride: usize, cstride: usize) -> Self { Self::from_slice_with_strides_generic_unchecked(data, start, $($gargs,)* Dynamic::new(rstride), Dynamic::new(cstride)) } } } ); // TODO: this is not very pretty. We could find a better call syntax. impl_constructors!(R, C; // Arguments for Matrix => R: DimName, => C: DimName; // Type parameters for impl R::name(), C::name(); // Arguments for `_generic` constructors. ); // Arguments for non-generic constructors. impl_constructors!(R, Dynamic; => R: DimName; R::name(), Dynamic::new(ncols); ncols); impl_constructors!(Dynamic, C; => C: DimName; Dynamic::new(nrows), C::name(); nrows); impl_constructors!(Dynamic, Dynamic; ; Dynamic::new(nrows), Dynamic::new(ncols); nrows, ncols); /// # Creating mutable matrix slices from `&mut [T]` impl<'a, T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, RStride: Dim, CStride: Dim> MatrixSliceMutMN<'a, T, R, C, RStride, CStride> { /// Creates, without bound-checking, a mutable matrix slice from an array and with dimensions and strides specified by generic types instances. /// /// This method is unsafe because the input data array is not checked to contain enough elements. /// The generic types `R`, `C`, `RStride`, `CStride` can either be type-level integers or integers wrapped with `Dynamic::new()`. #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_slice_with_strides_generic_unchecked( data: &'a mut [T], start: usize, nrows: R, ncols: C, rstride: RStride, cstride: CStride, ) -> Self { let data = SliceStorageMut::from_raw_parts( data.as_mut_ptr().add(start), (nrows, ncols), (rstride, cstride), ); Self::from_data(data) } /// Creates a mutable matrix slice from an array and with dimensions and strides specified by generic types instances. /// /// Panics if the input data array dose not contain enough elements. /// The generic types `R`, `C`, `RStride`, `CStride` can either be type-level integers or integers wrapped with `Dynamic::new()`. #[inline] pub fn from_slice_with_strides_generic( data: &'a mut [T], nrows: R, ncols: C, rstride: RStride, cstride: CStride, ) -> Self { // NOTE: The assertion implements the following formula, but without subtractions to avoid // underflow panics: // len >= (ncols - 1) * cstride + (nrows - 1) * rstride + 1 assert!( data.len() + cstride.value() + rstride.value() >= ncols.value() * cstride.value() + nrows.value() * rstride.value() + 1, "Matrix slice: input data buffer to small." ); assert!( { let nrows = nrows.value(); let ncols = ncols.value(); let rstride = rstride.value(); let cstride = cstride.value(); nrows * ncols <= 1 || match (rstride, cstride) { (0, 0) => false, // otherwise: matrix[(0, 0)] == index[(nrows - 1, ncols - 1)], (0, _) => nrows <= 1, // otherwise: matrix[(0, 0)] == index[(nrows - 1, 0)], (_, 0) => ncols <= 1, // otherwise: matrix[(0, 0)] == index[(0, ncols - 1)], (_, _) => { // otherwise: matrix[(0, numer)] == index[(denom, 0)] let ratio = Ratio::new(rstride, cstride); nrows <= *ratio.denom() || ncols <= *ratio.numer() } } }, "Matrix slice: dimensions and strides result in aliased indices." ); unsafe { Self::from_slice_with_strides_generic_unchecked(data, 0, nrows, ncols, rstride, cstride) } } } impl<'a, T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim> MatrixSliceMutMN<'a, T, R, C> { /// Creates, without bound-checking, a mutable matrix slice from an array and with dimensions specified by generic types instances. /// /// This method is unsafe because the input data array is not checked to contain enough elements. /// The generic types `R` and `C` can either be type-level integers or integers wrapped with `Dynamic::new()`. #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_slice_generic_unchecked( data: &'a mut [T], start: usize, nrows: R, ncols: C, ) -> Self { Self::from_slice_with_strides_generic_unchecked( data, start, nrows, ncols, Const::<1>, nrows, ) } /// Creates a mutable matrix slice from an array and with dimensions and strides specified by generic types instances. /// /// Panics if the input data array dose not contain enough elements. /// The generic types `R` and `C` can either be type-level integers or integers wrapped with `Dynamic::new()`. #[inline] pub fn from_slice_generic(data: &'a mut [T], nrows: R, ncols: C) -> Self { Self::from_slice_with_strides_generic(data, nrows, ncols, Const::<1>, nrows) } } macro_rules! impl_constructors_mut( ($($Dims: ty),*; $(=> $DimIdent: ident: $DimBound: ident),*; $($gargs: expr),*; $($args: ident),*) => { impl<'a, T: Scalar, $($DimIdent: $DimBound),*> MatrixSliceMutMN<'a, T, $($Dims),*> { /// Creates a new mutable matrix slice from the given data array. /// /// Panics if `data` does not contain enough elements. #[inline] pub fn from_slice(data: &'a mut [T], $($args: usize),*) -> Self { Self::from_slice_generic(data, $($gargs),*) } /// Creates, without bound checking, a new mutable matrix slice from the given data array. #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_slice_unchecked(data: &'a mut [T], start: usize, $($args: usize),*) -> Self { Self::from_slice_generic_unchecked(data, start, $($gargs),*) } } impl<'a, T: Scalar, $($DimIdent: $DimBound, )*> MatrixSliceMutMN<'a, T, $($Dims,)* Dynamic, Dynamic> { /// Creates a new mutable matrix slice with the specified strides from the given data array. /// /// Panics if `data` does not contain enough elements. #[inline] pub fn from_slice_with_strides_mut(data: &'a mut [T], $($args: usize,)* rstride: usize, cstride: usize) -> Self { Self::from_slice_with_strides_generic( data, $($gargs,)* Dynamic::new(rstride), Dynamic::new(cstride)) } /// Creates, without bound checking, a new mutable matrix slice with the specified strides from the given data array. #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_slice_with_strides_unchecked(data: &'a mut [T], start: usize, $($args: usize,)* rstride: usize, cstride: usize) -> Self { Self::from_slice_with_strides_generic_unchecked( data, start, $($gargs,)* Dynamic::new(rstride), Dynamic::new(cstride)) } } } ); // TODO: this is not very pretty. We could find a better call syntax. impl_constructors_mut!(R, C; // Arguments for Matrix => R: DimName, => C: DimName; // Type parameters for impl R::name(), C::name(); // Arguments for `_generic` constructors. ); // Arguments for non-generic constructors. impl_constructors_mut!(R, Dynamic; => R: DimName; R::name(), Dynamic::new(ncols); ncols); impl_constructors_mut!(Dynamic, C; => C: DimName; Dynamic::new(nrows), C::name(); nrows); impl_constructors_mut!(Dynamic, Dynamic; ; Dynamic::new(nrows), Dynamic::new(ncols); nrows, ncols);