#![macro_escape] macro_rules! submat_impl( ($t: ident, $submat: ident) => ( impl $t { #[inline] pub fn submat<'r>(&'r self) -> &'r $submat { &self.submat } } ) ) macro_rules! rotate_impl( ($trhs: ident, $t: ident, $tv: ident, $tp: ident) => ( /* * FIXME: we use the double dispatch trick here so that we can rotate vectors _and_ * points. Remove this as soon as rust supports multidispatch. */ pub trait $trhs { fn rotate(left: &$t, right: &Self) -> Self; fn inv_rotate(left: &$t, right: &Self) -> Self; } impl> Rotate for $t { #[inline(always)] fn rotate(&self, other: &V) -> V { $trhs::rotate(self, other) } #[inline(always)] fn inv_rotate(&self, other: &V) -> V { $trhs::inv_rotate(self, other) } } impl $trhs for $tv { #[inline] fn rotate(t: &$t, v: &$tv) -> $tv { t * *v } #[inline] fn inv_rotate(t: &$t, v: &$tv) -> $tv { v * *t } } impl $trhs for $tp { #[inline] fn rotate(t: &$t, p: &$tp) -> $tp { t * *p } #[inline] fn inv_rotate(t: &$t, p: &$tp) -> $tp { p * *t } } ) ) macro_rules! transform_impl( ($trhs: ident, $t: ident, $tv: ident, $tp: ident) => ( /* * FIXME: we use the double dispatch trick here so that we can transform vectors _and_ * points. Remove this as soon as rust supports multidispatch. */ pub trait $trhs { fn transform(left: &$t, right: &Self) -> Self; fn inv_transform(left: &$t, right: &Self) -> Self; } impl> Transform for $t { #[inline(always)] fn transform(&self, other: &V) -> V { $trhs::transform(self, other) } #[inline(always)] fn inv_transform(&self, other: &V) -> V { $trhs::inv_transform(self, other) } } impl $trhs for $tv { #[inline] fn transform(t: &$t, v: &$tv) -> $tv { t.rotate(v) } #[inline] fn inv_transform(t: &$t, v: &$tv) -> $tv { t.inv_rotate(v) } } impl $trhs for $tp { #[inline] fn transform(t: &$t, p: &$tp) -> $tp { t.rotate(p) } #[inline] fn inv_transform(t: &$t, p: &$tp) -> $tp { t.inv_rotate(p) } } ) ) macro_rules! dim_impl( ($t: ident, $dim: expr) => ( impl Dim for $t { #[inline] fn dim(_: Option<$t>) -> uint { $dim } } ) ) macro_rules! rotation_matrix_impl( ($t: ident, $tlv: ident, $tav: ident) => ( impl + FloatMath + Clone> RotationMatrix<$tlv, $tav, $t> for $t { #[inline] fn to_rot_mat(&self) -> $t { self.clone() } } ) ) macro_rules! one_impl( ($t: ident) => ( impl One for $t { #[inline] fn one() -> $t { $t { submat: One::one() } } } ) ) macro_rules! rot_mul_rot_impl( ($t: ident, $mulrhs: ident) => ( impl $mulrhs> for $t { #[inline] fn binop(left: &$t, right: &$t) -> $t { $t { submat: left.submat * right.submat } } } ) ) macro_rules! rot_mul_vec_impl( ($t: ident, $tv: ident, $mulrhs: ident) => ( impl $mulrhs> for $tv { #[inline] fn binop(left: &$t, right: &$tv) -> $tv { left.submat * *right } } ) ) macro_rules! rot_mul_pnt_impl( ($t: ident, $tv: ident, $mulrhs: ident) => ( rot_mul_vec_impl!($t, $tv, $mulrhs) ) ) macro_rules! vec_mul_rot_impl( ($t: ident, $tv: ident, $mulrhs: ident) => ( impl $mulrhs> for $t { #[inline] fn binop(left: &$tv, right: &$t) -> $tv { *left * right.submat } } ) ) macro_rules! pnt_mul_rot_impl( ($t: ident, $tv: ident, $mulrhs: ident) => ( vec_mul_rot_impl!($t, $tv, $mulrhs) ) ) macro_rules! inv_impl( ($t: ident) => ( impl Inv for $t { #[inline] fn inv(&mut self) -> bool { self.transpose(); // always succeed true } #[inline] fn inv_cpy(m: &$t) -> Option<$t> { // always succeed Some(Transpose::transpose_cpy(m)) } } ) ) macro_rules! transpose_impl( ($t: ident) => ( impl Transpose for $t { #[inline] fn transpose_cpy(m: &$t) -> $t { $t { submat: Transpose::transpose_cpy(&m.submat) } } #[inline] fn transpose(&mut self) { self.submat.transpose() } } ) ) macro_rules! row_impl( ($t: ident, $tv: ident) => ( impl Row<$tv> for $t { #[inline] fn nrows(&self) -> uint { self.submat.nrows() } #[inline] fn row(&self, i: uint) -> $tv { self.submat.row(i) } #[inline] fn set_row(&mut self, i: uint, row: $tv) { self.submat.set_row(i, row); } } ) ) macro_rules! col_impl( ($t: ident, $tv: ident) => ( impl Col<$tv> for $t { #[inline] fn ncols(&self) -> uint { self.submat.ncols() } #[inline] fn col(&self, i: uint) -> $tv { self.submat.col(i) } #[inline] fn set_col(&mut self, i: uint, col: $tv) { self.submat.set_col(i, col); } } ) ) macro_rules! index_impl( ($t: ident, $tv: ident) => ( impl Index> for $t { fn index(&self, i: &uint) -> &$tv { &self.submat[*i] } } impl IndexMut> for $t { fn index_mut(&mut self, i: &uint) -> &mut $tv { &mut self.submat[*i] } } ) ) macro_rules! to_homogeneous_impl( ($t: ident, $tm: ident) => ( impl ToHomogeneous<$tm> for $t { #[inline] fn to_homogeneous(m: &$t) -> $tm { ToHomogeneous::to_homogeneous(&m.submat) } } ) ) macro_rules! approx_eq_impl( ($t: ident) => ( impl> ApproxEq for $t { #[inline] fn approx_epsilon(_: Option<$t>) -> N { ApproxEq::approx_epsilon(None::) } #[inline] fn approx_eq(a: &$t, b: &$t) -> bool { ApproxEq::approx_eq(&a.submat, &b.submat) } #[inline] fn approx_eq_eps(a: &$t, b: &$t, epsilon: &N) -> bool { ApproxEq::approx_eq_eps(&a.submat, &b.submat, epsilon) } } ) ) macro_rules! absolute_impl( ($t: ident, $tm: ident) => ( impl Absolute<$tm> for $t { #[inline] fn abs(m: &$t) -> $tm { Absolute::abs(&m.submat) } } ) )