use crate::base::dimension::{Dynamic, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6}; use crate::base::matrix_slice::{SliceStorage, SliceStorageMut}; use crate::base::{Const, Matrix}; /* * * * Matrix slice aliases. * * */ // NOTE: we can't provide defaults for the strides because it's not supported yet by min_const_generics. /// A column-major matrix slice with dimensions known at compile-time. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type SMatrixSlice<'a, T, const R: usize, const C: usize> = Matrix, Const, SliceStorage<'a, T, Const, Const, Const<1>, Const>>; /// A column-major matrix slice dynamic numbers of rows and columns. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type DMatrixSlice<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice1x2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice1x3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice1x4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice1x5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice1x6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice2x1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice2x3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice2x4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice2x5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice2x6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice3x1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice3x2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice3x4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice3x5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice3x6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice4x1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice4x2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice4x3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice4x5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice4x6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice5x1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice5x2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice5x3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice5x4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice5x6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice6x1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice6x2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice6x3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice6x4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSlice6x5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 1 row and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSlice1xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 2 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSlice2xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 3 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSlice3xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 4 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSlice4xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 5 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSlice5xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 6 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSlice6xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 1 column. pub type MatrixSliceXx1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 2 columns. pub type MatrixSliceXx2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 3 columns. pub type MatrixSliceXx3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 4 columns. pub type MatrixSliceXx4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 5 columns. pub type MatrixSliceXx5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 6 columns. pub type MatrixSliceXx6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column vector slice with dimensions known at compile-time. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSlice<'a, T, D, RStride = U1, CStride = D> = Matrix>; /// A column vector slice with dimensions known at compile-time. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type SVectorSlice<'a, T, const D: usize> = Matrix, Const<1>, SliceStorage<'a, T, Const, Const<1>, Const<1>, Const>>; /// A column vector slice dynamic numbers of rows and columns. pub type DVectorSlice<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A 1D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSlice1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A 2D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSlice2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A 3D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSlice3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A 4D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSlice4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A 5D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSlice5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A 6D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSlice6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /* * * * Same thing, but for mutable slices. * * */ /// A column-major matrix slice with `R` rows and `C` columns. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMutMN<'a, T, R, C, RStride = U1, CStride = R> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with `D` rows and columns. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMutN<'a, T, D, RStride = U1, CStride = D> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with dimensions known at compile-time. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type SMatrixSliceMut<'a, T, const R: usize, const C: usize> = Matrix, Const, SliceStorageMut<'a, T, Const, Const, Const<1>, Const>>; /// A column-major matrix slice dynamic numbers of rows and columns. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type DMatrixSliceMut<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut1x2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut1x3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut1x4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut1x5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 1x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut1x6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut2x1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut2x3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut2x4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut2x5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 2x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut2x6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut3x1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut3x2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut3x4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut3x5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 3x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut3x6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut4x1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut4x2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut4x3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut4x5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 4x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut4x6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut5x1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut5x2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut5x3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut5x4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 5x6 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut5x6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x1 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut6x1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x2 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut6x2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x3 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut6x3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x4 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut6x4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major 6x5 matrix slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type MatrixSliceMut6x5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 1 row and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSliceMut1xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 2 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSliceMut2xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 3 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSliceMut3xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 4 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSliceMut4xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 5 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSliceMut5xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with 6 rows and a number of columns chosen at runtime. pub type MatrixSliceMut6xX<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 1 column. pub type MatrixSliceMutXx1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 2 columns. pub type MatrixSliceMutXx2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 3 columns. pub type MatrixSliceMutXx3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 4 columns. pub type MatrixSliceMutXx4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 5 columns. pub type MatrixSliceMutXx5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column-major matrix slice with a number of rows chosen at runtime and 6 columns. pub type MatrixSliceMutXx6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A column vector slice with dimensions known at compile-time. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSliceMut<'a, T, D, RStride = U1, CStride = D> = Matrix>; /// A column vector slice with dimensions known at compile-time. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type SVectorSliceMut<'a, T, const D: usize> = Matrix, Const<1>, SliceStorageMut<'a, T, Const, Const<1>, Const<1>, Const>>; /// A column vector slice dynamic numbers of rows and columns. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type DVectorSliceMut<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = Dynamic> = Matrix>; /// A 1D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSliceMut1<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U1> = Matrix>; /// A 2D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSliceMut2<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U2> = Matrix>; /// A 3D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSliceMut3<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U3> = Matrix>; /// A 4D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSliceMut4<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U4> = Matrix>; /// A 5D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSliceMut5<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U5> = Matrix>; /// A 6D column vector slice. /// /// **Because this is an alias, not all its methods are listed here. See the [`Matrix`](crate::base::Matrix) type too.** pub type VectorSliceMut6<'a, T, RStride = U1, CStride = U6> = Matrix>;