use na::{ Const, DMatrix, DMatrixView, DMatrixViewMut, Dyn, Matrix, MatrixView, MatrixViewMut, SMatrix, SMatrixView, SMatrixViewMut, VecStorage, U3, U4, }; use nalgebra_macros::matrix; use simba::scalar::SupersetOf; const MATRIX: SMatrix = matrix![ 1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9; 10, 11, 12 ]; const RESHAPED_MATRIX: SMatrix = matrix![ 1, 10, 8, 6; 4, 2, 11, 9; 7, 5, 3, 12 ]; // Helper alias for making it easier to specify dynamically allocated matrices with // different dimension types (unlike DMatrix) type GenericDMatrix = Matrix>; #[test] fn reshape_owned() { macro_rules! test_reshape { ($in_matrix:ty => $out_matrix:ty, $rows:expr, $cols:expr) => {{ // This is a pretty weird way to convert, but Matrix implements SubsetOf let matrix: $in_matrix = MATRIX.to_subset().unwrap(); let reshaped: $out_matrix = matrix.reshape_generic($rows, $cols); assert_eq!(reshaped, RESHAPED_MATRIX); }}; } test_reshape!(SMatrix<_, 4, 3> => SMatrix<_, 3, 4>, U3, U4); test_reshape!(GenericDMatrix<_, U4, Dyn> => GenericDMatrix<_, Dyn, Dyn>, Dyn(3), Dyn(4)); test_reshape!(GenericDMatrix<_, U4, Dyn> => GenericDMatrix<_, U3, Dyn>, U3, Dyn(4)); test_reshape!(GenericDMatrix<_, U4, Dyn> => GenericDMatrix<_, Dyn, U4>, Dyn(3), U4); test_reshape!(DMatrix<_> => DMatrix<_>, Dyn(3), Dyn(4)); } #[test] fn reshape_slice() { macro_rules! test_reshape { ($in_slice:ty => $out_slice:ty, $rows:expr, $cols:expr) => { // We test both that types check out by being explicit about types // and the actual contents of the matrix { // By constructing the slice from a mutable reference we can obtain *either* // an immutable slice or a mutable slice, which simplifies the testing of both // types of mutability let mut source_matrix = MATRIX.clone(); let slice: $in_slice = Matrix::from(&mut source_matrix); let reshaped: $out_slice = slice.reshape_generic($rows, $cols); assert_eq!(reshaped, RESHAPED_MATRIX); } }; } // Static "source slice" test_reshape!(SMatrixView<_, 4, 3> => SMatrixView<_, 3, 4>, U3, U4); test_reshape!(SMatrixView<_, 4, 3> => DMatrixView<_>, Dyn(3), Dyn(4)); test_reshape!(SMatrixView<_, 4, 3> => MatrixView<_, Const<3>, Dyn>, U3, Dyn(4)); test_reshape!(SMatrixView<_, 4, 3> => MatrixView<_, Dyn, Const<4>>, Dyn(3), U4); test_reshape!(SMatrixViewMut<_, 4, 3> => SMatrixViewMut<_, 3, 4>, U3, U4); test_reshape!(SMatrixViewMut<_, 4, 3> => DMatrixViewMut<_>, Dyn(3), Dyn(4)); test_reshape!(SMatrixViewMut<_, 4, 3> => MatrixViewMut<_, Const<3>, Dyn>, U3, Dyn(4)); test_reshape!(SMatrixViewMut<_, 4, 3> => MatrixViewMut<_, Dyn, Const<4>>, Dyn(3), U4); // Dyn "source slice" test_reshape!(DMatrixView<_> => SMatrixView<_, 3, 4>, U3, U4); test_reshape!(DMatrixView<_> => DMatrixView<_>, Dyn(3), Dyn(4)); test_reshape!(DMatrixView<_> => MatrixView<_, Const<3>, Dyn>, U3, Dyn(4)); test_reshape!(DMatrixView<_> => MatrixView<_, Dyn, Const<4>>, Dyn(3), U4); test_reshape!(DMatrixViewMut<_> => SMatrixViewMut<_, 3, 4>, U3, U4); test_reshape!(DMatrixViewMut<_> => DMatrixViewMut<_>, Dyn(3), Dyn(4)); test_reshape!(DMatrixViewMut<_> => MatrixViewMut<_, Const<3>, Dyn>, U3, Dyn(4)); test_reshape!(DMatrixViewMut<_> => MatrixViewMut<_, Dyn, Const<4>>, Dyn(3), U4); }