Fix tests

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Sébastien Crozet 2023-01-13 10:10:53 +01:00
parent 7cacb2bf4a
commit ed573d054c
1 changed files with 0 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -9,32 +9,6 @@ use rkyv::{
use std::marker::PhantomData;
/// A wrapper that allows for changing the generic type of a PhantomData<T>.
/// Example:
/// ```rust
/// use std::marker::PhantomData;
/// use rkyv::{
/// Archive, Serialize, Deserialize, Infallible, vec::ArchivedVec, Archived, with::With,
/// };
/// use rkyv_wrappers::custom_phantom::CustomPhantom;
/// #[derive(Archive, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
/// #[archive(as = "StructWithPhantom<T::Archived>", bound(archive = "
/// T: Archive,
/// With<PhantomData<T>, CustomPhantom<Archived<T>>>: Archive<Archived = PhantomData<Archived<T>>>
/// "))]
/// struct StructWithPhantom<T> {
/// pub num: i32,
/// #[with(CustomPhantom<T::Archived>)]
/// pub phantom: PhantomData<T>,
/// }
/// let value = StructWithPhantom::<Vec<i32>>::default();
/// let bytes = rkyv::to_bytes::<_, 1024>(&value).unwrap();
/// let archived: &StructWithPhantom<ArchivedVec<i32>> = unsafe { rkyv::archived_root::<StructWithPhantom<Vec<i32>>>(&bytes) };
/// let deserialized: StructWithPhantom<Vec<i32>> = archived.deserialize(&mut Infallible).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(deserialized, value);
/// ```
pub struct CustomPhantom<NT: ?Sized> {
_data: PhantomData<*const NT>,