diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 54457072..9cdabd87 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ matrix decompositions using LAPACK bindings. example, a step of, say, 3 on previous versions should now bet set to 2. ### Modified - * The trait `Axpy` takes one additional parameter for the type of `x`. + * The trait `Axpy` has been replaced by a metod `.axpy`. * The alias `MatrixNM` is now deprecated. Use `MatrixMN` instead (we reordered M and N to be in alphabetical order). * In-place componentwise multiplication and division @@ -52,6 +52,16 @@ matrix decompositions using LAPACK bindings. * `.apply(f)` replaces each component of a matrix with the results of the closure `f` called on each of them. +Pure Rust implementation of some Blas operations: + + * `.iamax()` retuns the index of the maximum value of a vector. + * `.axpy(...)` computes `self = a * x + b * self`. + * `.gemv(...)` computes `self = alpha * a * x + beta * self` with a matrix and vector `a` and `x`. + * `.ger(...)` computes `self = alpha * x^t * y + beta * self` where `x` and `y` are vectors. + * `.gemm(...)` computes `self = alpha * a * b + beta * self` where `a` and `b` are matrices. + * `.gemv_symm(...)` is the same as `.gemv` except that `self` is assumed symmetric. + * `.ger_symm(...)` is the same as `.ger` except that `self` is assumed symmetric. + New slicing methods: * `.rows_range(...)` that retrieves a reference to a range of rows. * `.rows_range_mut(...)` that retrieves a mutable reference to a range of rows.