Reorganize matrix slice macros.
This commit is contained in:
@ -274,367 +274,370 @@ macro_rules! matrix_slice_impl(
$generic_slice_with_steps: ident,
$generic_slice_with_steps: ident,
$rows_range_pair: ident,
$rows_range_pair: ident,
$columns_range_pair: ident) => {
$columns_range_pair: ident) => {
/// A matrix slice.
pub type $MatrixSlice<'a, N, R, C, RStride, CStride>
= Matrix<N, R, C, $SliceStorage<'a, N, R, C, RStride, CStride>>;
* Row slicing.
/// Returns a slice containing the i-th row of this matrix.
pub fn $row($me: $Me, i: usize) -> $MatrixSlice<N, U1, C, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
impl<N: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: $Storage<N, R, C>> Matrix<N, R, C, S> {
/// Returns a slice containing the `n` first elements of the i-th row of this matrix.
pub fn $row_part($me: $Me, i: usize, n: usize) -> $MatrixSlice<N, U1, Dynamic, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
* Row slicing.
$me.$generic_slice((i, 0), (U1, Dynamic::new(n)))
/// Returns a slice containing the i-th row of this matrix.
/// Extracts from this matrix a set of consecutive rows.
pub fn $row($me: $Me, i: usize) -> $MatrixSlice<N, U1, C, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
pub fn $rows($me: $Me, first_row: usize, nrows: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, Dynamic, C, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
$me.$rows_generic(first_row, Dynamic::new(nrows))
/// Extracts from this matrix a set of consecutive rows regularly skipping `step` rows.
pub fn $rows_with_step($me: $Me, first_row: usize, nrows: usize, step: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, Dynamic, C, Dynamic, S::CStride> {
$me.$rows_generic_with_step(first_row, Dynamic::new(nrows), step)
/// Extracts a compile-time number of consecutive rows from this matrix.
pub fn $fixed_rows<RSlice: DimName>($me: $Me, first_row: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, C, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
$me.$rows_generic(first_row, RSlice::name())
/// Extracts from this matrix a compile-time number of rows regularly skipping `step`
/// rows.
pub fn $fixed_rows_with_step<RSlice: DimName>($me: $Me, first_row: usize, step: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, C, Dynamic, S::CStride> {
$me.$rows_generic_with_step(first_row, RSlice::name(), step)
/// Extracts from this matrix `nrows` rows regularly skipping `step` rows. Both
/// argument may or may not be values known at compile-time.
pub fn $rows_generic<RSlice: Dim>($me: $Me, row_start: usize, nrows: RSlice)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, C, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
let my_shape = $;
$me.assert_slice_index((row_start, 0), (nrows.value(), my_shape.1.value()), (0, 0));
let shape = (nrows, my_shape.1);
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_unchecked($data, (row_start, 0), shape);
/// Returns a slice containing the `n` first elements of the i-th row of this matrix.
/// Extracts from this matrix `nrows` rows regularly skipping `step` rows. Both
/// argument may or may not be values known at compile-time.
pub fn $row_part($me: $Me, i: usize, n: usize) -> $MatrixSlice<N, U1, Dynamic, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
$me.$generic_slice((i, 0), (U1, Dynamic::new(n)))
pub fn $rows_generic_with_step<RSlice>($me: $Me, row_start: usize, nrows: RSlice, step: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, C, Dynamic, S::CStride>
where RSlice: Dim {
let my_shape = $;
let my_strides = $;
$me.assert_slice_index((row_start, 0), (nrows.value(), my_shape.1.value()), (step, 0));
let strides = (Dynamic::new((step + 1) * my_strides.0.value()), my_strides.1);
let shape = (nrows, my_shape.1);
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_with_strides_unchecked($data, (row_start, 0), shape, strides);
/// Extracts from this matrix a set of consecutive rows.
pub fn $rows($me: $Me, first_row: usize, nrows: usize)
* Column slicing.
-> $MatrixSlice<N, Dynamic, C, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
/// Returns a slice containing the i-th column of this matrix.
pub fn $column($me: $Me, i: usize) -> $MatrixSlice<N, R, U1, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
$me.$rows_generic(first_row, Dynamic::new(nrows))
/// Returns a slice containing the `n` first elements of the i-th column of this matrix.
pub fn $column_part($me: $Me, i: usize, n: usize) -> $MatrixSlice<N, Dynamic, U1, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
$me.$generic_slice((0, i), (Dynamic::new(n), U1))
/// Extracts from this matrix a set of consecutive columns.
pub fn $columns($me: $Me, first_col: usize, ncols: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, Dynamic, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
$me.$columns_generic(first_col, Dynamic::new(ncols))
/// Extracts from this matrix a set of consecutive columns regularly skipping `step`
/// columns.
pub fn $columns_with_step($me: $Me, first_col: usize, ncols: usize, step: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, Dynamic, S::RStride, Dynamic> {
$me.$columns_generic_with_step(first_col, Dynamic::new(ncols), step)
/// Extracts a compile-time number of consecutive columns from this matrix.
pub fn $fixed_columns<CSlice: DimName>($me: $Me, first_col: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, CSlice, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
$me.$columns_generic(first_col, CSlice::name())
/// Extracts from this matrix a compile-time number of columns regularly skipping
/// `step` columns.
pub fn $fixed_columns_with_step<CSlice: DimName>($me: $Me, first_col: usize, step: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, CSlice, S::RStride, Dynamic> {
$me.$columns_generic_with_step(first_col, CSlice::name(), step)
/// Extracts from this matrix `ncols` columns. The number of columns may or may not be
/// known at compile-time.
pub fn $columns_generic<CSlice: Dim>($me: $Me, first_col: usize, ncols: CSlice)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, CSlice, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
let my_shape = $;
$me.assert_slice_index((0, first_col), (my_shape.0.value(), ncols.value()), (0, 0));
let shape = (my_shape.0, ncols);
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_unchecked($data, (0, first_col), shape);
/// Extracts from this matrix a set of consecutive rows regularly skipping `step` rows.
pub fn $rows_with_step($me: $Me, first_row: usize, nrows: usize, step: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, Dynamic, C, Dynamic, S::CStride> {
$me.$rows_generic_with_step(first_row, Dynamic::new(nrows), step)
/// Extracts from this matrix `ncols` columns skipping `step` columns. Both argument may
/// or may not be values known at compile-time.
pub fn $columns_generic_with_step<CSlice: Dim>($me: $Me, first_col: usize, ncols: CSlice, step: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, CSlice, S::RStride, Dynamic> {
let my_shape = $;
let my_strides = $;
$me.assert_slice_index((0, first_col), (my_shape.0.value(), ncols.value()), (0, step));
let strides = (my_strides.0, Dynamic::new((step + 1) * my_strides.1.value()));
let shape = (my_shape.0, ncols);
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_with_strides_unchecked($data, (0, first_col), shape, strides);
/// Extracts a compile-time number of consecutive rows from this matrix.
pub fn $fixed_rows<RSlice: DimName>($me: $Me, first_row: usize)
* General slicing.
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, C, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
/// Slices this matrix starting at its component `(irow, icol)` and with `(nrows, ncols)`
/// consecutive elements.
pub fn $slice($me: $Me, start: (usize, usize), shape: (usize, usize))
-> $MatrixSlice<N, Dynamic, Dynamic, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
$me.$rows_generic(first_row, RSlice::name())
$me.assert_slice_index(start, shape, (0, 0));
let shape = (Dynamic::new(shape.0), Dynamic::new(shape.1));
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_unchecked($data, start, shape);
/// Extracts from this matrix a compile-time number of rows regularly skipping `step`
/// rows.
pub fn $fixed_rows_with_step<RSlice: DimName>($me: $Me, first_row: usize, step: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, C, Dynamic, S::CStride> {
$me.$rows_generic_with_step(first_row, RSlice::name(), step)
/// Slices this matrix starting at its component `(start.0, start.1)` and with
/// `(shape.0, shape.1)` components. Each row (resp. column) of the sliced matrix is
/// separated by `steps.0` (resp. `steps.1`) ignored rows (resp. columns) of the
/// original matrix.
pub fn $slice_with_steps($me: $Me, start: (usize, usize), shape: (usize, usize), steps: (usize, usize))
-> $MatrixSlice<N, Dynamic, Dynamic, Dynamic, Dynamic> {
let shape = (Dynamic::new(shape.0), Dynamic::new(shape.1));
$me.$generic_slice_with_steps(start, shape, steps)
/// Slices this matrix starting at its component `(irow, icol)` and with `(R::dim(),
/// CSlice::dim())` consecutive components.
pub fn $fixed_slice<RSlice, CSlice>($me: $Me, irow: usize, icol: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, CSlice, S::RStride, S::CStride>
where RSlice: DimName,
CSlice: DimName {
$me.assert_slice_index((irow, icol), (RSlice::dim(), CSlice::dim()), (0, 0));
let shape = (RSlice::name(), CSlice::name());
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_unchecked($data, (irow, icol), shape);
/// Extracts from this matrix `nrows` rows regularly skipping `step` rows. Both
/// Slices this matrix starting at its component `(start.0, start.1)` and with
/// argument may or may not be values known at compile-time.
/// `(R::dim(), CSlice::dim())` components. Each row (resp. column) of the sliced
/// matrix is separated by `steps.0` (resp. `steps.1`) ignored rows (resp. columns) of
pub fn $rows_generic<RSlice: Dim>($me: $Me, row_start: usize, nrows: RSlice)
/// the original matrix.
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, C, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
pub fn $fixed_slice_with_steps<RSlice, CSlice>($me: $Me, start: (usize, usize), steps: (usize, usize))
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, CSlice, Dynamic, Dynamic>
where RSlice: DimName,
CSlice: DimName {
let shape = (RSlice::name(), CSlice::name());
$me.$generic_slice_with_steps(start, shape, steps)
let my_shape = $;
/// Creates a slice that may or may not have a fixed size and stride.
$me.assert_slice_index((row_start, 0), (nrows.value(), my_shape.1.value()), (0, 0));
pub fn $generic_slice<RSlice, CSlice>($me: $Me, start: (usize, usize), shape: (RSlice, CSlice))
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, CSlice, S::RStride, S::CStride>
where RSlice: Dim,
CSlice: Dim {
let shape = (nrows, my_shape.1);
$me.assert_slice_index(start, (shape.0.value(), shape.1.value()), (0, 0));
unsafe {
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_unchecked($data, (row_start, 0), shape);
let data = $SliceStorage::new_unchecked($data, start, shape);
/// Extracts from this matrix `nrows` rows regularly skipping `step` rows. Both
/// Creates a slice that may or may not have a fixed size and stride.
/// argument may or may not be values known at compile-time.
pub fn $generic_slice_with_steps<RSlice, CSlice>($me: $Me,
pub fn $rows_generic_with_step<RSlice>($me: $Me, row_start: usize, nrows: RSlice, step: usize)
start: (usize, usize),
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, C, Dynamic, S::CStride>
shape: (RSlice, CSlice),
where RSlice: Dim {
steps: (usize, usize))
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, CSlice, Dynamic, Dynamic>
where RSlice: Dim,
CSlice: Dim {
let my_shape = $;
$me.assert_slice_index(start, (shape.0.value(), shape.1.value()), steps);
let my_strides = $;
$me.assert_slice_index((row_start, 0), (nrows.value(), my_shape.1.value()), (step, 0));
let strides = (Dynamic::new((step + 1) * my_strides.0.value()), my_strides.1);
let my_strides = $;
let shape = (nrows, my_shape.1);
let strides = (Dynamic::new((steps.0 + 1) * my_strides.0.value()),
Dynamic::new((steps.1 + 1) * my_strides.1.value()));
unsafe {
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_with_strides_unchecked($data, (row_start, 0), shape, strides);
let data = $SliceStorage::new_with_strides_unchecked($data, start, shape, strides);
* Column slicing.
* Splitting.
/// Returns a slice containing the i-th column of this matrix.
/// Splits this NxM matrix into two parts delimited by two ranges.
pub fn $column($me: $Me, i: usize) -> $MatrixSlice<N, R, U1, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
/// Panics if the ranges overlap or if the first range is empty.
pub fn $rows_range_pair<Range1: SliceRange<R>, Range2: SliceRange<R>>($me: $Me, r1: Range1, r2: Range2)
-> ($MatrixSlice<N, Range1::Size, C, S::RStride, S::CStride>,
$MatrixSlice<N, Range2::Size, C, S::RStride, S::CStride>) {
let (nrows, ncols) = $;
let strides = $;
let start1 = r1.begin(nrows);
let start2 = r2.begin(nrows);
let end1 = r1.end(nrows);
let end2 = r2.end(nrows);
let nrows1 = r1.size(nrows);
let nrows2 = r2.size(nrows);
assert!(start2 >= end1 || start1 >= end2, "Rows range pair: the slice ranges must not overlap.");
assert!(end2 <= nrows.value(), "Rows range pair: index out of range.");
unsafe {
let ptr1 = $data.$get_addr(start1, 0);
let ptr2 = $data.$get_addr(start2, 0);
let data1 = $SliceStorage::from_raw_parts(ptr1, (nrows1, ncols), strides);
let data2 = $SliceStorage::from_raw_parts(ptr2, (nrows2, ncols), strides);
let slice1 = Matrix::from_data_statically_unchecked(data1);
let slice2 = Matrix::from_data_statically_unchecked(data2);
(slice1, slice2)
/// Returns a slice containing the `n` first elements of the i-th column of this matrix.
/// Splits this NxM matrix into two parts delimited by two ranges.
pub fn $column_part($me: $Me, i: usize, n: usize) -> $MatrixSlice<N, Dynamic, U1, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
/// Panics if the ranges overlap or if the first range is empty.
$me.$generic_slice((0, i), (Dynamic::new(n), U1))
pub fn $columns_range_pair<Range1: SliceRange<C>, Range2: SliceRange<C>>($me: $Me, r1: Range1, r2: Range2)
-> ($MatrixSlice<N, R, Range1::Size, S::RStride, S::CStride>,
$MatrixSlice<N, R, Range2::Size, S::RStride, S::CStride>) {
/// Extracts from this matrix a set of consecutive columns.
let (nrows, ncols) = $;
let strides = $;
pub fn $columns($me: $Me, first_col: usize, ncols: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, Dynamic, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
$me.$columns_generic(first_col, Dynamic::new(ncols))
let start1 = r1.begin(ncols);
let start2 = r2.begin(ncols);
/// Extracts from this matrix a set of consecutive columns regularly skipping `step`
let end1 = r1.end(ncols);
/// columns.
let end2 = r2.end(ncols);
pub fn $columns_with_step($me: $Me, first_col: usize, ncols: usize, step: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, Dynamic, S::RStride, Dynamic> {
$me.$columns_generic_with_step(first_col, Dynamic::new(ncols), step)
let ncols1 = r1.size(ncols);
let ncols2 = r2.size(ncols);
/// Extracts a compile-time number of consecutive columns from this matrix.
assert!(start2 >= end1 || start1 >= end2, "Columns range pair: the slice ranges must not overlap.");
assert!(end2 <= ncols.value(), "Columns range pair: index out of range.");
pub fn $fixed_columns<CSlice: DimName>($me: $Me, first_col: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, CSlice, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
$me.$columns_generic(first_col, CSlice::name())
unsafe {
let ptr1 = $data.$get_addr(0, start1);
let ptr2 = $data.$get_addr(0, start2);
/// Extracts from this matrix a compile-time number of columns regularly skipping
let data1 = $SliceStorage::from_raw_parts(ptr1, (nrows, ncols1), strides);
/// `step` columns.
let data2 = $SliceStorage::from_raw_parts(ptr2, (nrows, ncols2), strides);
let slice1 = Matrix::from_data_statically_unchecked(data1);
pub fn $fixed_columns_with_step<CSlice: DimName>($me: $Me, first_col: usize, step: usize)
let slice2 = Matrix::from_data_statically_unchecked(data2);
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, CSlice, S::RStride, Dynamic> {
$me.$columns_generic_with_step(first_col, CSlice::name(), step)
(slice1, slice2)
/// Extracts from this matrix `ncols` columns. The number of columns may or may not be
/// known at compile-time.
pub fn $columns_generic<CSlice: Dim>($me: $Me, first_col: usize, ncols: CSlice)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, CSlice, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
let my_shape = $;
$me.assert_slice_index((0, first_col), (my_shape.0.value(), ncols.value()), (0, 0));
let shape = (my_shape.0, ncols);
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_unchecked($data, (0, first_col), shape);
/// Extracts from this matrix `ncols` columns skipping `step` columns. Both argument may
/// or may not be values known at compile-time.
pub fn $columns_generic_with_step<CSlice: Dim>($me: $Me, first_col: usize, ncols: CSlice, step: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, R, CSlice, S::RStride, Dynamic> {
let my_shape = $;
let my_strides = $;
$me.assert_slice_index((0, first_col), (my_shape.0.value(), ncols.value()), (0, step));
let strides = (my_strides.0, Dynamic::new((step + 1) * my_strides.1.value()));
let shape = (my_shape.0, ncols);
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_with_strides_unchecked($data, (0, first_col), shape, strides);
* General slicing.
/// Slices this matrix starting at its component `(irow, icol)` and with `(nrows, ncols)`
/// consecutive elements.
pub fn $slice($me: $Me, start: (usize, usize), shape: (usize, usize))
-> $MatrixSlice<N, Dynamic, Dynamic, S::RStride, S::CStride> {
$me.assert_slice_index(start, shape, (0, 0));
let shape = (Dynamic::new(shape.0), Dynamic::new(shape.1));
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_unchecked($data, start, shape);
/// Slices this matrix starting at its component `(start.0, start.1)` and with
/// `(shape.0, shape.1)` components. Each row (resp. column) of the sliced matrix is
/// separated by `steps.0` (resp. `steps.1`) ignored rows (resp. columns) of the
/// original matrix.
pub fn $slice_with_steps($me: $Me, start: (usize, usize), shape: (usize, usize), steps: (usize, usize))
-> $MatrixSlice<N, Dynamic, Dynamic, Dynamic, Dynamic> {
let shape = (Dynamic::new(shape.0), Dynamic::new(shape.1));
$me.$generic_slice_with_steps(start, shape, steps)
/// Slices this matrix starting at its component `(irow, icol)` and with `(R::dim(),
/// CSlice::dim())` consecutive components.
pub fn $fixed_slice<RSlice, CSlice>($me: $Me, irow: usize, icol: usize)
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, CSlice, S::RStride, S::CStride>
where RSlice: DimName,
CSlice: DimName {
$me.assert_slice_index((irow, icol), (RSlice::dim(), CSlice::dim()), (0, 0));
let shape = (RSlice::name(), CSlice::name());
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_unchecked($data, (irow, icol), shape);
/// Slices this matrix starting at its component `(start.0, start.1)` and with
/// `(R::dim(), CSlice::dim())` components. Each row (resp. column) of the sliced
/// matrix is separated by `steps.0` (resp. `steps.1`) ignored rows (resp. columns) of
/// the original matrix.
pub fn $fixed_slice_with_steps<RSlice, CSlice>($me: $Me, start: (usize, usize), steps: (usize, usize))
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, CSlice, Dynamic, Dynamic>
where RSlice: DimName,
CSlice: DimName {
let shape = (RSlice::name(), CSlice::name());
$me.$generic_slice_with_steps(start, shape, steps)
/// Creates a slice that may or may not have a fixed size and stride.
pub fn $generic_slice<RSlice, CSlice>($me: $Me, start: (usize, usize), shape: (RSlice, CSlice))
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, CSlice, S::RStride, S::CStride>
where RSlice: Dim,
CSlice: Dim {
$me.assert_slice_index(start, (shape.0.value(), shape.1.value()), (0, 0));
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_unchecked($data, start, shape);
/// Creates a slice that may or may not have a fixed size and stride.
pub fn $generic_slice_with_steps<RSlice, CSlice>($me: $Me,
start: (usize, usize),
shape: (RSlice, CSlice),
steps: (usize, usize))
-> $MatrixSlice<N, RSlice, CSlice, Dynamic, Dynamic>
where RSlice: Dim,
CSlice: Dim {
$me.assert_slice_index(start, (shape.0.value(), shape.1.value()), steps);
let my_strides = $;
let strides = (Dynamic::new((steps.0 + 1) * my_strides.0.value()),
Dynamic::new((steps.1 + 1) * my_strides.1.value()));
unsafe {
let data = $SliceStorage::new_with_strides_unchecked($data, start, shape, strides);
* Splitting.
/// Splits this NxM matrix into two parts delimited by two ranges.
/// Panics if the ranges overlap or if the first range is empty.
pub fn $rows_range_pair<Range1: SliceRange<R>, Range2: SliceRange<R>>($me: $Me, r1: Range1, r2: Range2)
-> ($MatrixSlice<N, Range1::Size, C, S::RStride, S::CStride>,
$MatrixSlice<N, Range2::Size, C, S::RStride, S::CStride>) {
let (nrows, ncols) = $;
let strides = $;
let start1 = r1.begin(nrows);
let start2 = r2.begin(nrows);
let end1 = r1.end(nrows);
let end2 = r2.end(nrows);
let nrows1 = r1.size(nrows);
let nrows2 = r2.size(nrows);
assert!(start2 >= end1 || start1 >= end2, "Rows range pair: the slice ranges must not overlap.");
assert!(end2 <= nrows.value(), "Rows range pair: index out of range.");
unsafe {
let ptr1 = $data.$get_addr(start1, 0);
let ptr2 = $data.$get_addr(start2, 0);
let data1 = $SliceStorage::from_raw_parts(ptr1, (nrows1, ncols), strides);
let data2 = $SliceStorage::from_raw_parts(ptr2, (nrows2, ncols), strides);
let slice1 = Matrix::from_data_statically_unchecked(data1);
let slice2 = Matrix::from_data_statically_unchecked(data2);
(slice1, slice2)
/// Splits this NxM matrix into two parts delimited by two ranges.
/// Panics if the ranges overlap or if the first range is empty.
pub fn $columns_range_pair<Range1: SliceRange<C>, Range2: SliceRange<C>>($me: $Me, r1: Range1, r2: Range2)
-> ($MatrixSlice<N, R, Range1::Size, S::RStride, S::CStride>,
$MatrixSlice<N, R, Range2::Size, S::RStride, S::CStride>) {
let (nrows, ncols) = $;
let strides = $;
let start1 = r1.begin(ncols);
let start2 = r2.begin(ncols);
let end1 = r1.end(ncols);
let end2 = r2.end(ncols);
let ncols1 = r1.size(ncols);
let ncols2 = r2.size(ncols);
assert!(start2 >= end1 || start1 >= end2, "Columns range pair: the slice ranges must not overlap.");
assert!(end2 <= ncols.value(), "Columns range pair: index out of range.");
unsafe {
let ptr1 = $data.$get_addr(0, start1);
let ptr2 = $data.$get_addr(0, start2);
let data1 = $SliceStorage::from_raw_parts(ptr1, (nrows, ncols1), strides);
let data2 = $SliceStorage::from_raw_parts(ptr2, (nrows, ncols2), strides);
let slice1 = Matrix::from_data_statically_unchecked(data1);
let slice2 = Matrix::from_data_statically_unchecked(data2);
(slice1, slice2)
/// A matrix slice.
pub type MatrixSlice<'a, N, R, C, RStride, CStride> =
Matrix<N, R, C, SliceStorage<'a, N, R, C, RStride, CStride>>;
/// A mutable matrix slice.
pub type MatrixSliceMut<'a, N, R, C, RStride, CStride> =
Matrix<N, R, C, SliceStorageMut<'a, N, R, C, RStride, CStride>>;
/// # Slicing based on index and length
impl<N: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: Storage<N, R, C>> Matrix<N, R, C, S> {
self: &Self, MatrixSlice, SliceStorage, Storage.get_address_unchecked(), &;
self: &Self, MatrixSlice, SliceStorage, Storage.get_address_unchecked(), &;
@ -660,8 +663,11 @@ matrix_slice_impl!(
/// # Mutable slicing based on index and length
impl<N: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: StorageMut<N, R, C>> Matrix<N, R, C, S> {
self: &mut Self, MatrixSliceMut, SliceStorageMut, StorageMut.get_address_unchecked_mut(), &mut;
self: &mut Self, MatrixSliceMut, SliceStorageMut, StorageMut.get_address_unchecked_mut(), &mut;
@ -687,6 +693,7 @@ matrix_slice_impl!(
/// A range with a size that may be known at compile-time.
/// A range with a size that may be known at compile-time.
@ -803,6 +810,7 @@ impl<D: Dim> SliceRange<D> for RangeFull {
/// # Slicing based on ranges
impl<N: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: Storage<N, R, C>> Matrix<N, R, C, S> {
impl<N: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: Storage<N, R, C>> Matrix<N, R, C, S> {
/// Slices a sub-matrix containing the rows indexed by the range `rows` and the columns indexed
/// Slices a sub-matrix containing the rows indexed by the range `rows` and the columns indexed
/// by the range `cols`.
/// by the range `cols`.
@ -842,6 +850,7 @@ impl<N: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: Storage<N, R, C>> Matrix<N, R, C, S> {
/// # Mutable slicing based on ranges
impl<N: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: StorageMut<N, R, C>> Matrix<N, R, C, S> {
impl<N: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim, S: StorageMut<N, R, C>> Matrix<N, R, C, S> {
/// Slices a mutable sub-matrix containing the rows indexed by the range `rows` and the columns
/// Slices a mutable sub-matrix containing the rows indexed by the range `rows` and the columns
/// indexed by the range `cols`.
/// indexed by the range `cols`.
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