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//! This module provides the matrix exponential (pow) function to square matrices.
use std::ops::DivAssign;
use crate::{allocator::Allocator, DefaultAllocator, DimMin, DimMinimum, MatrixN};
use num::PrimInt;
use simba::scalar::ComplexField;
impl<N: ComplexField, D> MatrixN<N, D>
D: DimMin<D, Output = D>,
DefaultAllocator: Allocator<N, D, D>
+ Allocator<(usize, usize), DimMinimum<D, D>>
+ Allocator<N, D>
+ Allocator<N::RealField, D>
+ Allocator<N::RealField, D, D>,
/// Raises a matrix to an integer power using exponentiation by squares.
/// Returns `None` only when the matrix is non-invertible and raised to a
/// negative power.
pub fn pow<T: PrimInt + DivAssign>(&self, mut e: T) -> Option<Self> {
let zero = T::zero();
if e == zero {
let mut i = self.clone();
return Some(i);
let mut acc;
if e < zero {
acc = self.clone().try_inverse()?;
} else {
acc = self.clone();
let one = T::one();
let two = T::from(2u8).unwrap();
let mut multiplier = acc.clone();
while e != zero {
if e % two == one {
acc *= &multiplier;
e /= two;
multiplier *= multiplier.clone();