297 lines
8.2 KiB
297 lines
8.2 KiB
from inspect import getfullargspec, isclass, getmro
from functools import wraps
from types import SimpleNamespace
from numpy import int32, int64
from typing import Generic, TypeVar, get_origin
from math import floor, ceil
import nac3artiq
__all__ = [
"KernelInvariant", "Kernel", "virtual",
"round64", "floor64", "ceil64",
"extern", "kernel", "portable", "nac3",
"ms", "us", "ns",
"print_int32", "print_int64",
"Core", "TTLOut",
"parallel", "sequential"
T = TypeVar('T')
class KernelInvariant(Generic[T]):
class Kernel(Generic[T]):
# The virtual class must exist before nac3artiq.NAC3 is created.
class virtual(Generic[T]):
def round64(x):
return round(x)
def floor64(x):
return floor(x)
def ceil64(x):
return ceil(x)
import device_db
core_arguments = device_db.device_db["core"]["arguments"]
compiler = nac3artiq.NAC3(core_arguments["target"])
allow_registration = True
allow_kernel_read = False
# Delay NAC3 analysis until all referenced variables are supposed to exist on the CPython side.
registered_functions = set()
registered_classes = set()
def register_function(fun):
assert allow_registration
def register_class(cls):
assert allow_registration
def extern(function):
"""Decorates a function declaration defined by the core device runtime."""
return function
def kernel(function_or_method):
"""Decorates a function or method to be executed on the core device."""
argspec = getfullargspec(function_or_method)
if argspec.args and argspec.args[0] == "self":
def run_on_core(self, *args, **kwargs):
fake_method = SimpleNamespace(__self__=self, __name__=function_or_method.__name__)
self.core.run(fake_method, *args, **kwargs)
def run_on_core(*args, **kwargs):
raise RuntimeError("Kernel functions need explicit core.run()")
return run_on_core
def portable(function):
"""Decorates a function or method to be executed on the same device (host/core device) as the caller."""
return function
def nac3(cls):
Decorates a class to be analyzed by NAC3.
All classes containing kernels or portable methods must use this decorator.
# python does not allow setting magic method on specific instances
# (https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#special-method-lookup).
# use this set to keep track of those custom class instances that are
# assigned to the `Kernel` fields of a class
cls.__nac3_kernel_only_instances__ = set()
def apply_kernel_only_constraints(val):
kernel_only_set = getattr(type(val), '__nac3_kernel_only_instances__', None)
if kernel_only_set is None:
for (_, attr_val) in val.__dict__.items():
if not (attr_val == val):
if not isclass(cls):
raise ValueError("nac3 annotation decorator should only be applied to classes")
if not cls.__setattr__ in {base.__setattr__ for base in cls.__bases__}:
raise ValueError("custom __setattr__ is not supported in kernel classes")
immutable_fields = {
n for b in getmro(cls)
for (n, ty) in b.__dict__.get('__annotations__', {}).items() if get_origin(ty) == Kernel
def __setattr__(obj, key, value):
if obj in type(obj).__nac3_kernel_only_instances__:
raise TypeError("attempting to write to kernel only variable")
# should allow init to set value, if no attribute then allow to set attr, then
# recursively apply constraint to all the fields of that specific object,
# regardless of whether they are marked with `Kernel` or not
if key in immutable_fields:
if hasattr(obj, key):
raise TypeError("attempting to write to kernel only variable")
object.__setattr__(obj, key, value)
def __getattribute__(obj, key):
# need to use `object.__getattribute__` to get attr before checking
# the key in immutable_fields for `__init__`.
# since that in `__init__` when setting a instance variable like `self.a = 3`
# the sequence of internal magic call is still calling cls.__getattribute__(self, 'a')
# first, and if only "AttributeError" is raised, it will then call `__setattr__`
# if we raise `TypeError` too early, python will just halt at this `TypeError`.
attr = object.__getattribute__(obj, key)
if not allow_kernel_read:
if obj in type(obj).__nac3_kernel_only_instances__:
raise TypeError("attempting to read kernel only variable")
if key in immutable_fields:
raise TypeError("attempting to read kernel only variable")
return attr
cls.__setattr__ = __setattr__
cls.__getattribute__ = __getattribute__
return cls
ms = 1e-3
us = 1e-6
ns = 1e-9
def rtio_init():
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
def rtio_get_counter() -> int64:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
def rtio_output(target: int32, data: int32):
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
def rtio_input_timestamp(timeout_mu: int64, channel: int32) -> int64:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
def rtio_input_data(channel: int32) -> int32:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
# These is not part of ARTIQ and only available in runkernel. Defined here for convenience.
def print_int32(x: int32):
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
def print_int64(x: int64):
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
class Core:
ref_period: KernelInvariant[float]
def __init__(self):
self.ref_period = core_arguments["ref_period"]
def run(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
global allow_kernel_read
global allow_registration
if allow_registration:
compiler.analyze(registered_functions, registered_classes)
allow_registration = False
if hasattr(method, "__self__"):
obj = method.__self__
name = method.__name__
obj = method
name = ""
allow_kernel_read = True
compiler.compile_method_to_file(obj, name, args, "module.elf")
allow_kernel_read = False
def reset(self):
at_mu(rtio_get_counter() + int64(125000))
def break_realtime(self):
min_now = rtio_get_counter() + int64(125000)
if now_mu() < min_now:
def seconds_to_mu(self, seconds: float) -> int64:
return int64(round(seconds/self.ref_period))
def mu_to_seconds(self, mu: int64) -> float:
return float(mu)*self.ref_period
def delay(self, dt: float):
class TTLOut:
core: KernelInvariant[Core]
channel: KernelInvariant[int32]
target_o: KernelInvariant[int32]
def __init__(self, core: Core, channel: int32):
self.core = core
self.channel = channel
self.target_o = channel << 8
def output(self):
def set_o(self, o: bool):
rtio_output(self.target_o, 1 if o else 0)
def on(self):
def off(self):
def pulse_mu(self, duration: int64):
def pulse(self, duration: float):
class KernelContextManager:
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self):
parallel = KernelContextManager()
sequential = KernelContextManager()