use super::*; use inkwell::{ attributes::AttributeLoc, memory_buffer::MemoryBuffer, module::{Linkage, Module}, values::IntValue, }; pub struct IrrtSymbolTable; impl IrrtSymbolTable { const LEN: &'static str = "__nac3_irrt_range_slice_len"; const POWER_I32: &'static str = "__nac3_irrt_int_exp_int32_t"; const POWER_I64: &'static str = "__nac3_irrt_int_exp_int64_t"; } pub const ALL_IRRT_SYMBOLS: &[&str] = &[IrrtSymbolTable::LEN, IrrtSymbolTable::POWER_I32, IrrtSymbolTable::POWER_I64]; fn load_irrt<'ctx, 'a>(ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, fun: &str) -> FunctionValue<'ctx> { let bitcode_buf = MemoryBuffer::create_from_memory_range( include_bytes!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/irrt.bc")), "irrt_bitcode_buffer", ); let irrt_mod = Module::parse_bitcode_from_buffer(&bitcode_buf, ctx.ctx).unwrap(); irrt_mod.set_data_layout(&ctx.module.get_data_layout()); irrt_mod.set_triple(&ctx.module.get_triple()); ctx.module.link_in_module(irrt_mod).unwrap(); for f in ALL_IRRT_SYMBOLS { let fun = ctx.module.get_function(f).unwrap(); fun.set_linkage(Linkage::Private); if f == &IrrtSymbolTable::POWER_I32 || f == &IrrtSymbolTable::POWER_I64 { // add alwaysinline attributes to power function to help them get inlined // alwaysinline enum = 1, see release/13.x/llvm/include/llvm/IR/ fun.add_attribute(AttributeLoc::Function, ctx.ctx.create_enum_attribute(1, 0)); } } ctx.module.get_function(fun).unwrap() } // equivalent code: // def length(start, end, step != 0): // diff = end - start // if diff > 0 and step > 0: // return ((diff - 1) // step) + 1 // elif diff < 0 and step < 0: // return ((diff + 1) // step) + 1 // else: // return 0 pub fn calculate_len_for_slice_range<'ctx, 'a>( ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, start: IntValue<'ctx>, end: IntValue<'ctx>, step: IntValue<'ctx>, ) -> IntValue<'ctx> { const FUN_SYMBOL: &str = IrrtSymbolTable::LEN; let len_func = ctx.module.get_function(FUN_SYMBOL).unwrap_or_else(|| load_irrt(ctx, FUN_SYMBOL)); // TODO: throw exception when step == 0 ctx.builder .build_call(len_func, &[start.into(), end.into(), step.into()], "calc_len") .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap() .into_int_value() } // repeated squaring method adapted from GNU Scientific Library: // pub fn integer_power<'ctx, 'a>( ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, base: IntValue<'ctx>, exp: IntValue<'ctx>, ) -> IntValue<'ctx> { let symbol = match (base.get_type().get_bit_width(), exp.get_type().get_bit_width()) { (32, 32) => IrrtSymbolTable::POWER_I32, (64, 64) => IrrtSymbolTable::POWER_I64, _ => unreachable!(), }; let pow_fun = ctx.module.get_function(symbol).unwrap_or_else(|| load_irrt(ctx, symbol)); // TODO: throw exception when exp < 0 ctx.builder .build_call(pow_fun, &[base.into(), exp.into()], "call_int_pow") .try_as_basic_value() .unwrap_left() .into_int_value() }