use crate::typecheck::typedef::TypeEnum; use super::type_inferencer::Inferencer; use super::typedef::Type; use nac3parser::ast::{self, Constant, Expr, ExprKind, Operator::{LShift, RShift}, Stmt, StmtKind, StrRef}; use std::{collections::HashSet, iter::once}; impl<'a> Inferencer<'a> { fn should_have_value(&mut self, expr: &Expr>) -> Result<(), HashSet> { if matches!(expr.custom, Some(ty) if self.unifier.unioned(ty, self.primitives.none)) { Err(HashSet::from([ format!("Error at {}: cannot have value none", expr.location), ])) } else { Ok(()) } } fn check_pattern( &mut self, pattern: &Expr>, defined_identifiers: &mut HashSet, ) -> Result<(), HashSet> { match &pattern.node { ExprKind::Name { id, .. } if id == &"none".into() => Err(HashSet::from([ format!("cannot assign to a `none` (at {})", pattern.location), ])), ExprKind::Name { id, .. } => { if !defined_identifiers.contains(id) { defined_identifiers.insert(*id); } self.should_have_value(pattern)?; Ok(()) } ExprKind::Tuple { elts, .. } => { for elt in elts { self.check_pattern(elt, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(elt)?; } Ok(()) } ExprKind::Subscript { value, slice, .. } => { self.check_expr(value, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(value)?; self.check_expr(slice, defined_identifiers)?; if let TypeEnum::TTuple { .. } = &*self.unifier.get_ty(value.custom.unwrap()) { return Err(HashSet::from([ format!( "Error at {}: cannot assign to tuple element", value.location ), ])) } Ok(()) } ExprKind::Constant { .. } => { Err(HashSet::from([ format!("cannot assign to a constant (at {})", pattern.location), ])) } _ => self.check_expr(pattern, defined_identifiers), } } fn check_expr( &mut self, expr: &Expr>, defined_identifiers: &mut HashSet, ) -> Result<(), HashSet> { // there are some cases where the custom field is None if let Some(ty) = &expr.custom { if !matches!(&expr.node, ExprKind::Constant { value: Constant::Ellipsis, .. }) && !self.unifier.is_concrete(*ty, &self.function_data.bound_variables) { return Err(HashSet::from([ format!( "expected concrete type at {} but got {}", expr.location, self.unifier.get_ty(*ty).get_type_name() ) ])) } } match &expr.node { ExprKind::Name { id, .. } => { if id == &"none".into() { return Ok(()); } self.should_have_value(expr)?; if !defined_identifiers.contains(id) { match self.function_data.resolver.get_symbol_type( self.unifier, &, self.primitives, *id, ) { Ok(_) => { self.defined_identifiers.insert(*id); } Err(e) => { return Err(HashSet::from([ format!( "type error at identifier `{}` ({}) at {}", id, e, expr.location ) ])) } } } } ExprKind::List { elts, .. } | ExprKind::Tuple { elts, .. } | ExprKind::BoolOp { values: elts, .. } => { for elt in elts { self.check_expr(elt, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(elt)?; } } ExprKind::Attribute { value, .. } => { self.check_expr(value, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(value)?; } ExprKind::BinOp { left, op, right } => { self.check_expr(left, defined_identifiers)?; self.check_expr(right, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(left)?; self.should_have_value(right)?; // Check whether a bitwise shift has a negative RHS constant value if *op == LShift || *op == RShift { if let ExprKind::Constant { value, .. } = &right.node { let Constant::Int(rhs_val) = value else { unreachable!() }; if *rhs_val < 0 { return Err(HashSet::from([ format!( "shift count is negative at {}", right.location ), ])) } } } } ExprKind::UnaryOp { operand, .. } => { self.check_expr(operand, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(operand)?; } ExprKind::Compare { left, comparators, .. } => { for elt in once(left.as_ref()).chain(comparators.iter()) { self.check_expr(elt, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(elt)?; } } ExprKind::Subscript { value, slice, .. } => { self.should_have_value(value)?; self.check_expr(value, defined_identifiers)?; self.check_expr(slice, defined_identifiers)?; } ExprKind::IfExp { test, body, orelse } => { self.check_expr(test, defined_identifiers)?; self.check_expr(body, defined_identifiers)?; self.check_expr(orelse, defined_identifiers)?; } ExprKind::Slice { lower, upper, step } => { for elt in [lower.as_ref(), upper.as_ref(), step.as_ref()].iter().flatten() { self.should_have_value(elt)?; self.check_expr(elt, defined_identifiers)?; } } ExprKind::Lambda { args, body } => { let mut defined_identifiers = defined_identifiers.clone(); for arg in &args.args { // TODO: should we check the types here? if !defined_identifiers.contains(&arg.node.arg) { defined_identifiers.insert(arg.node.arg); } } self.check_expr(body, &mut defined_identifiers)?; } ExprKind::ListComp { elt, generators, .. } => { // in our type inference stage, we already make sure that there is only 1 generator let ast::Comprehension { target, iter, ifs, .. } = &generators[0]; self.check_expr(iter, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(iter)?; let mut defined_identifiers = defined_identifiers.clone(); self.check_pattern(target, &mut defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(target)?; for term in once(elt.as_ref()).chain(ifs.iter()) { self.check_expr(term, &mut defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(term)?; } } ExprKind::Call { func, args, keywords } => { for expr in once(func.as_ref()) .chain(args.iter()) .chain(keywords.iter().map(|v| v.node.value.as_ref())) { self.check_expr(expr, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(expr)?; } } ExprKind::Constant { .. } => {} _ => { unimplemented!() } } Ok(()) } /// Check that the return value is a non-`alloca` type, effectively only allowing primitive types. /// /// This is a workaround preventing the caller from using a variable `alloca`-ed in the body, which /// is freed when the function returns. fn check_return_value_ty(&mut self, ret_ty: Type) -> bool { match &*self.unifier.get_ty_immutable(ret_ty) { TypeEnum::TObj { .. } => { [ self.primitives.int32, self.primitives.int64, self.primitives.uint32, self.primitives.uint64, self.primitives.float, self.primitives.bool, ].iter().any(|allowed_ty| self.unifier.unioned(ret_ty, *allowed_ty)) } TypeEnum::TTuple { ty } => ty.iter().all(|t| self.check_return_value_ty(*t)), _ => false, } } // check statements for proper identifier def-use and return on all paths fn check_stmt( &mut self, stmt: &Stmt>, defined_identifiers: &mut HashSet, ) -> Result> { match &stmt.node { StmtKind::For { target, iter, body, orelse, .. } => { self.check_expr(iter, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(iter)?; let mut local_defined_identifiers = defined_identifiers.clone(); for stmt in orelse { self.check_stmt(stmt, &mut local_defined_identifiers)?; } let mut local_defined_identifiers = defined_identifiers.clone(); self.check_pattern(target, &mut local_defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(target)?; for stmt in body { self.check_stmt(stmt, &mut local_defined_identifiers)?; } Ok(false) } StmtKind::If { test, body, orelse, .. } => { self.check_expr(test, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(test)?; let mut body_identifiers = defined_identifiers.clone(); let mut orelse_identifiers = defined_identifiers.clone(); let body_returned = self.check_block(body, &mut body_identifiers)?; let orelse_returned = self.check_block(orelse, &mut orelse_identifiers)?; for ident in &body_identifiers { if !defined_identifiers.contains(ident) && orelse_identifiers.contains(ident) { defined_identifiers.insert(*ident); } } Ok(body_returned && orelse_returned) } StmtKind::While { test, body, orelse, .. } => { self.check_expr(test, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(test)?; let mut defined_identifiers = defined_identifiers.clone(); self.check_block(body, &mut defined_identifiers)?; self.check_block(orelse, &mut defined_identifiers)?; Ok(false) } StmtKind::With { items, body, .. } => { let mut new_defined_identifiers = defined_identifiers.clone(); for item in items { self.check_expr(&item.context_expr, defined_identifiers)?; if let Some(var) = item.optional_vars.as_ref() { self.check_pattern(var, &mut new_defined_identifiers)?; } } self.check_block(body, &mut new_defined_identifiers)?; Ok(false) } StmtKind::Try { body, handlers, orelse, finalbody, .. } => { self.check_block(body, &mut defined_identifiers.clone())?; self.check_block(orelse, &mut defined_identifiers.clone())?; for handler in handlers { let mut defined_identifiers = defined_identifiers.clone(); let ast::ExcepthandlerKind::ExceptHandler { name, body, .. } = &handler.node; if let Some(name) = name { defined_identifiers.insert(*name); } self.check_block(body, &mut defined_identifiers)?; } self.check_block(finalbody, defined_identifiers)?; Ok(false) } StmtKind::Expr { value, .. } => { self.check_expr(value, defined_identifiers)?; Ok(false) } StmtKind::Assign { targets, value, .. } => { self.check_expr(value, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(value)?; for target in targets { self.check_pattern(target, defined_identifiers)?; } Ok(false) } StmtKind::AnnAssign { target, value, .. } => { if let Some(value) = value { self.check_expr(value, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(value)?; self.check_pattern(target, defined_identifiers)?; } Ok(false) } StmtKind::Return { value, .. } => { if let Some(value) = value { self.check_expr(value, defined_identifiers)?; self.should_have_value(value)?; // Check that the return value is a non-`alloca` type, effectively only allowing primitive types. // This is a workaround preventing the caller from using a variable `alloca`-ed in the body, which // is freed when the function returns. if let Some(ret_ty) = value.custom { // Explicitly allow ellipsis as a return value, as the type of the ellipsis is contextually // inferred and just generates an unconditional assertion if matches!(value.node, ExprKind::Constant { value: Constant::Ellipsis, .. }) { return Ok(true) } if !self.check_return_value_ty(ret_ty) { return Err(HashSet::from([ format!( "return value of type {} must be a primitive or a tuple of primitives at {}", self.unifier.stringify(ret_ty), value.location, ), ])) } } } Ok(true) } StmtKind::Raise { exc, .. } => { if let Some(value) = exc { self.check_expr(value, defined_identifiers)?; } Ok(true) } // break, raise, etc. _ => Ok(false), } } pub fn check_block( &mut self, block: &[Stmt>], defined_identifiers: &mut HashSet, ) -> Result> { let mut ret = false; for stmt in block { if ret { eprintln!("warning: dead code at {}\n", stmt.location); } if self.check_stmt(stmt, defined_identifiers)? { ret = true; } } Ok(ret) } }