use lalrpop_util::ParseError; use nac3ast::*; use crate::ast::Ident; use crate::ast::Location; use crate::token::Tok; use crate::error::*; pub fn make_config_comment( com_loc: Location, stmt_loc: Location, nac3com_above: Vec<(Ident, Tok)>, nac3com_end: Option ) -> Result, ParseError> { if com_loc.column() != stmt_loc.column() && !nac3com_above.is_empty() { return Err(ParseError::User { error: LexicalError { location: com_loc, error: LexicalErrorType::OtherError( format!( "config comment at top must have the same indentation with what it applies (comment at {}, statement at {})", com_loc, stmt_loc, ) ) } }) }; Ok( nac3com_above .into_iter() .map(|(com, _)| com) .chain(nac3com_end.map_or_else(|| vec![].into_iter(), |com| vec![com].into_iter())) .collect() ) } pub fn handle_small_stmt(stmts: &mut [Stmt], nac3com_above: Vec<(Ident, Tok)>, nac3com_end: Option, com_above_loc: Location) -> Result<(), ParseError> { if com_above_loc.column() != stmts[0].location.column() && !nac3com_above.is_empty() { return Err(ParseError::User { error: LexicalError { location: com_above_loc, error: LexicalErrorType::OtherError( format!( "config comment at top must have the same indentation with what it applies (comment at {}, statement at {})", com_above_loc, stmts[0].location, ) ) } }) } apply_config_comments( &mut stmts[0], nac3com_above .into_iter() .map(|(com, _)| com).collect() ); apply_config_comments( stmts.last_mut().unwrap(), nac3com_end.map_or_else(Vec::new, |com| vec![com]) ); Ok(()) } fn apply_config_comments(stmt: &mut Stmt, comments: Vec) { match &mut stmt.node { StmtKind::Pass { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::Delete { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::Expr { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::Assign { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::AugAssign { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::AnnAssign { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::Break { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::Continue { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::Return { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::Raise { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::Import { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::ImportFrom { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::Global { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::Nonlocal { config_comment, .. } | StmtKind::Assert { config_comment, .. } => config_comment.extend(comments), _ => { unreachable!("only small statements should call this function") } } }