nac3core: Add field constructor_lookup(HashMap) to the TopLevelComposer and the function build_constructor_lookup to build the HashMap
This commit is contained in:
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ impl Nac3 {
ComposerConfig { kernel_ann: Some("Kernel"), kernel_invariant_ann: "KernelInvariant" },
composer.build_constructor_lookup(self.top_levels.iter().map(|(stmt, _, _)| stmt));
let builtins = PyModule::import(py, "builtins")?;
let typings = PyModule::import(py, "typing")?;
let id_fn = builtins.getattr("id")?;
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ pub struct TopLevelComposer {
// number of built-in function and classes in the definition list, later skip
pub builtin_num: usize,
pub core_config: ComposerConfig,
// the HashMap that store the class name and It constructor Function
pub constructor_lookup: HashMap<StrRef, ast::Located<ast::StmtKind>>,
impl Default for TopLevelComposer {
@ -132,12 +134,145 @@ impl TopLevelComposer {
constructor_lookup: Default::default(),
pub fn build_constructor_lookup<'a, I>(&mut self, stmts: I)
I: Iterator<Item = &'a ast::Located<ast::StmtKind>>
let classes = Vec::from_iter(stmts.filter_map(|stmt| {
if let ast::StmtKind::ClassDef { name, bases, body, .. } = &stmt.node {
Some((name, bases, body))
} else {
let base_class_lookup: HashMap<StrRef, StrRef> = HashMap::from_iter(
classes.iter().filter_map(|(class_name, bases, _)| {
// Get the first base class in the Vector of bases is good enough, since we only support single inheritance
let base_class = bases.get(0).and_then(|ast::Located { node, .. }| {
if let ast::ExprKind::Name { id, .. } = node {
} else {
if let Some(base_class) = base_class {
Some((**class_name, base_class))
} else {
let mut constructor_lookup: HashMap<StrRef, ast::Located<ast::StmtKind>> = HashMap::from_iter(
classes.iter().filter_map(|(class_name, _, body)| {
for stmt in body.iter() {
let func_name = if let ast::StmtKind::FunctionDef { name, .. } = &stmt.node {
} else {
if func_name == &"__init__".into() {
return Some((**class_name, stmt.clone()))
return None
ast::Location::new(0, 0, ast::FileName("".into())),
ast::StmtKind::FunctionDef {
name: "__init__".into(),
args: Box::new(ast::Arguments {
posonlyargs: vec![],
args: vec![
ast::Located {
location: Location {
row: 8,
column: 18,
file: ast::FileName("".into()),
custom: (),
node: ast::ArgData {
arg: "self".into(),
annotation: None,
type_comment: None,
ast::Located {
location: Location {
row: 8,
column: 18,
file: ast::FileName("".into()),
custom: (),
node: ast::ArgData {
arg: "message".into(),
annotation: None,
type_comment: None,
vararg: None,
kwonlyargs: Default::default(),
kw_defaults: Default::default(),
kwarg: None,
defaults: Default::default(),
body: vec![
ast::Located {
location: Location {
row: 0,
column: 0,
file: ast::FileName("".into()),
custom: (),
node: ast::StmtKind::Pass {
config_comment: Default::default(),
decorator_list: Default::default(),
returns: None,
type_comment: Default::default(),
config_comment: Default::default(),
for (class, _, _) in classes
.filter(|(c, _, _)| constructor_lookup.get(c).is_none())
let mut current_class = class.clone();
while let Some(base) = base_class_lookup.get(current_class) {
if let Some(cons) = constructor_lookup.get(base) {
self.constructor_lookup.insert(*current_class, cons.clone());
} else {
current_class = base;
// copy the rest of the classes with constructor into the self.constructor_lookup
for (k, v) in constructor_lookup.into_iter() {
self.constructor_lookup.insert(k, v);
pub fn make_top_level_context(&self) -> TopLevelContext {
TopLevelContext {
definitions: RwLock::new(
@ -222,18 +357,19 @@ impl TopLevelComposer {
// we do not push anything to the def list, so we keep track of the index
// and then push in the correct order after the for loop
let mut class_method_index_offset = 0;
let init_id = "__init__".into();
let exception_id = "Exception".into();
// TODO: Fix this hack. We will generate constructor for classes that inherit
// from Exception class (directly or indirectly), but this code cannot handle
// subclass of other exception classes.
let mut contains_constructor = bases
.iter().any(|base| matches!(base.node, ast::ExprKind::Name { id, .. } if id == exception_id));
if self.constructor_lookup.contains_key(&class_name) {
contains_constructor = true;
for b in body {
if let ast::StmtKind::FunctionDef { name: method_name, .. } = &b.node {
if method_name == &init_id {
contains_constructor = true;
if self.keyword_list.contains(method_name) {
return Err(format!(
"cannot use keyword `{}` as a method name (at {})",
@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ fn main() {
Arc::new(Resolver(internal_resolver.clone())) as Arc<dyn SymbolResolver + Send + Sync>;
let parser_result = parser::parse_program(&program, file_name.into()).unwrap();
for stmt in parser_result.into_iter() {
match &stmt.node {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user