# Toy Implementation Currently the rough implementation is done, works remain are the code for checking a real python script, getting the type variables, some implementation details etc. These features are considered in the proposal, but would not be implemented here for simplicity reasons: * Referencing Python Variables. * Most of the types, only the following types are implemented: * `int32` * `int64` * `float` * `bool` * `list[T]` * `tuple[T1,...]` * `virtual[T]` * Storing large constants as `uint32`, `int64` or `uint64`. * AugAssign, `a += b` etc. * `with`, `try except`, etc. * const indexing with tuple. * method override check modulo variable renaming. These features are currently not implemented, and would be added in due course: * Whole script check. * Type guards. ## Type Check Implementation ## Variable Scoping ## Operator Override