expression type check
This commit is contained in:
@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ def resolve_call(obj,
raise CustomError('{f} is not a method of {obj}')
f_args, f_result = TupleType(f[0][1:]), f[1]
raise CustomError(f"No such method {fn} in {c}")
raise CustomError(f"No such method {fn} in {obj}")
elif isinstance(obj, VirtualClassType):
# may need to emit special annotation that this is a virtual method
# call?
# TODO: may need to emit special annotation that this is a virtual
# method call?
if fn in obj.base.methods:
f = obj.base.methods[fn]
if len(f[0]) == 0 or not isinstance(f[0][0], SelfType):
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
import ast
from helper import *
from type_def import *
from inference import *
# we assume having the following types:
# bool, int32 with associated operations
# not handled now: slice, comprehensions, named expression, if expression, type
# guard
def parse_expr(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
expr: ast.expr):
if isinstance(expr, ast.Expression):
body = expr.body
body = expr
if isinstance(body, ast.Constant):
return parse_constant(ctx, sym_table, body)
if isinstance(body, ast.UnaryOp):
return parse_unary_op(ctx, sym_table, body)
if isinstance(body, ast.BinOp):
return parse_bin_ops(ctx, sym_table, body)
if isinstance(body, ast.Name):
return parse_name(ctx, sym_table, body)
if isinstance(body, ast.List):
return parse_list(ctx, sym_table, body)
if isinstance(body, ast.Tuple):
return parse_tuple(ctx, sym_table, body)
if isinstance(body, ast.Attribute):
return parse_attribute(ctx, sym_table, body)
if isinstance(body, ast.BoolOp):
return parse_bool_ops(ctx, sym_table, body)
if isinstance(body, ast.Compare):
return parse_compare(ctx, sym_table, body)
if isinstance(body, ast.Call):
return parse_call(ctx, sym_table, body)
if isinstance(body, ast.Subscript):
return parse_subscript(ctx, sym_table, body)
raise CustomError(f'{body} is not yet supported')
def get_unary_op(op):
if isinstance(op, ast.UAdd):
return '__pos__'
if isinstance(op, ast.USub):
return '__neg__'
if isinstance(op, ast.Invert):
return '__invert__'
raise Exception(f'Unknown {expr}')
def get_bin_ops(op):
if isinstance(op, ast.Div):
return '__truediv__'
if isinstance(op, ast.BitAnd):
return '__and__'
if isinstance(op, ast.BitOr):
return '__or__'
if isinstance(op, ast.BitXor):
return '__xor__'
return f'__{type(op).__name__.lower()}__'
def parse_constant(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
v = node.value
if isinstance(v, int):
return ctx.types['int32']
elif isinstance(v, bool):
return ctx.types['bool']
raise CustomError(f'unknown constant {v}')
def parse_name(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
if in sym_table:
return sym_table[]
raise CustomError(f'unbounded variable {}')
def parse_list(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
types = [parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, e) for e in node.elts]
if len(types) == 0:
return ListType(BotType())
for t in types[1:]:
if t != types[0]:
raise CustomError(f'inhomogeneous list is not allowed')
return ListType(types[0])
def parse_tuple(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
types = [parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, e) for e in node.elts]
return TupleType(types)
def parse_attribute(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
obj = parse_expr(node.value)
if node.attr in obj.fields:
return obj.fields[node.attr]
raise CustomError(f'unknown field {node.attr} in {obj}')
def parse_bool_ops(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
assert len(node.values) == 2
left = parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, node.values[0])
right = parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, node.values[1])
b = ctx.types['bool']
if left != b or right != b:
raise CustomError('operands of bool ops must be booleans')
return b
def parse_bin_ops(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
left = parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, node.left)
right = parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, node.right)
op = get_bin_ops(node.op)
return resolve_call(left, op, [right], {}, ctx)
def parse_unary_ops(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
t = parse_expr(node.operand)
if isinstance(node.op, ast.Not):
b = ctx.types['bool']
if t != b:
raise CustomError('operands of bool ops must be booleans')
return b
return resolve_call(t, get_unary_op(node.op), [], {}, ctx)
def parse_compare(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
items = [parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, v) for v in node.comparators]
items.insert(0, parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, node.left))
boolean = ctx.types['bool']
ops = [get_bin_ops(v) for v in node.ops]
for a, b, op in zip(items[:-1], items[1:], ops):
result = resolve_call(a, op, [b], {}, ctx)
if result != boolean:
raise CustomError(
f'result of comparison must be bool instead of {result}')
return boolean
def parse_call(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
if len(node.keywords) > 0:
raise CustomError('keyword arguments are not supported')
args = [parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, v) for v in node.args]
obj = None
f = None
if isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute):
obj = parse_expr(node.func.value)
f = node.func.attr
elif isinstance(node.func, ast.Name):
f =
return resolve_call(obj, f, args, {}, ctx)
def parse_subscript(ctx: Context,
sym_table: dict[str, Type],
value = parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, node.value)
if not isinstance(value, ListType):
raise CustomError(f'cannot take index of {value}')
s = parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, node.slice)
i32 = ctx.types['int32']
if s == i32:
return value.params[0]
# will support slice
raise CustomError(f'index of type {s} is not supported')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
import ast
from type_def import *
from inference import *
from helper import *
from parse_expr import *
types = {
'int32': PrimitiveType('int32'),
'int64': PrimitiveType('int64'),
'str': PrimitiveType('str'),
'bool': PrimitiveType('bool')
i32 = types['int32']
i64 = types['int64']
s = types['str']
b = types['bool']
variables = {
'X': TypeVariable('X', []),
'Y': TypeVariable('Y', []),
'I': TypeVariable('I', [i32, i64]),
'A': TypeVariable('A', [i32, i64, s]),
X = variables['X']
Y = variables['Y']
I = variables['I']
A = variables['A']
i32.methods['__init__'] = ([SelfType(), I], None, set())
i32.methods['__add__'] = ([SelfType(), i32], i32, set())
i32.methods['__sub__'] = ([SelfType(), i32], i32, set())
i32.methods['__lt__'] = ([SelfType(), i32], b, set())
i32.methods['__gt__'] = ([SelfType(), i32], b, set())
i32.methods['__eq__'] = ([SelfType(), i32], b, set())
i32.methods['__ne__'] = ([SelfType(), i32], b, set())
i32.methods['__le__'] = ([SelfType(), i32], b, set())
i32.methods['__ge__'] = ([SelfType(), i32], b, set())
i64.methods['__init__'] = ([SelfType(), I], None, set())
i64.methods['__add__'] = ([SelfType(), i64], i64, set())
i64.methods['__sub__'] = ([SelfType(), i64], i64, set())
i64.methods['__lt__'] = ([SelfType(), i64], b, set())
i64.methods['__gt__'] = ([SelfType(), i64], b, set())
i64.methods['__eq__'] = ([SelfType(), i64], b, set())
i64.methods['__ne__'] = ([SelfType(), i64], b, set())
i64.methods['__le__'] = ([SelfType(), i64], b, set())
i64.methods['__ge__'] = ([SelfType(), i64], b, set())
ctx = Context(variables, types)
def test_expr(expr, sym_table= {}):
print(f'Testing {expr} w.r.t. {stringify_subst(sym_table)}')
tree = ast.parse(expr, mode='eval')
result = parse_expr(ctx, sym_table, tree)
except CustomError as err:
print(f'error: {err.msg}')
test_expr('1 + 1')
test_expr('1 - 1')
test_expr('int64(1) - 1')
test_expr('a - a', {'a': I})
test_expr('a - a', {'a': A})
test_expr('[1, 2, 3][2]')
test_expr('[[1], [2], [3]][2]')
test_expr('[[1], [2], [3]][a]', {'a': i32})
test_expr('a == a == a', {'a': I})
test_expr('a == a and 1 == 2', {'a': I})
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