- This repo is for testing only. Not intended for production use.
## Building
### Reproducible build with Nix
kirdy firmware is packaged using the [Nix](https://nixos.org) Flakes system. Install Nix 2.4+ and enable flakes by adding ``experimental-features = nix-command flakes`` to ``nix.conf`` (e.g. ``~/.config/nix/nix.conf``).
Once you have Flakes enabled, you can use ``nix build`` to build the firmware.
### Development environment
Clone this repository and with Nix Flakes enabled, use the following commands:
nix develop
cargo build
The resulting ELF file will be located under `target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/kirdy`.
Alternatively, you can install the Rust toolchain without Nix using rustup; see the Rust manifest file pulled in `flake.nix` to determine which Rust version to use.
* Connect to the USB Type C cable to kirdy next to the RJ45 Jack. After that, add BOOT0 jumper to kirdy near programming headers and then cycle board power to put it in DFU mode. OR
* Plug in RJ45 cable, which connect to a network that is accessible by your computer and send the corresponding dfu json command via TCP Socket to kirdy. Please see the python test script for the command.
On a Windows machine install [st.com](https://st.com) DfuSe USB device firmware upgrade (DFU) software. [link](https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-stm32080.html).
- add jumper to kirdy across 2-pin jumper adjacent to JTAG connector
The flash settings are stored in the last flash sector(ID: 11) of bank 0 of stm32f405. With JTAG/SWD adapter connected, you can erase the flash settings without erasing the firmware with the following commands. You may find it useful if you have set the wrong IP settings.
With JTAG/SWD adapter connected, issue the following command: