Deploy web2019 to the intl domain #40

sb10q merged 3 commits from 134-deploy into master 2024-08-14 10:54:53 +08:00
Showing only changes of commit befc9f3f61 - Show all commits

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@ -658,6 +658,16 @@ in
job = web:web:web

Why do you need that .ssh directory if you're overriding each file in the ssh invokation using -o ?

Why do you need that .ssh directory if you're overriding each file in the ssh invokation using -o ?
command = [ $(jq '.buildStatus' < $HYDRA_JSON) = 0 ] && ln -sfn $(jq -r '.outputs[0].path' < $HYDRA_JSON) ${hydraWwwOutputs}/web
job = web:web:web-intl

Is this tested? I doubt rsync is in scope.
You may also want to use writeShellScript.

Is this tested? I doubt rsync is in scope. You may also want to use writeShellScript.
command = [ $(jq '.buildStatus' < $HYDRA_JSON) = 0 ] && export HOME=`mktemp -d` && \

Is this still executed if a command fails?

If you had paid attention to my other commits in this repos, you would have noticed that I use trap to handle situations like this.

Is this still executed if a command fails? If you had paid attention to my other commits in this repos, you would have noticed that I use ``trap`` to handle situations like this.

Also rm -rf $HOME is bad form in any shell script.

Also ``rm -rf $HOME`` is bad form in any shell script.
mkdir $HOME/.ssh && \
cp /opt/hydra_id_ed25519 $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519 && \
cp /opt/ $HOME/.ssh/ && \
echo " ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIEMbV69aqkHdQ1T5lMuALyHjNowU1rottZtEV4OhKQ6Y" > $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts && \
chmod 600 $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519 && \
${pkgs.rsync}/bin/rsync -r -c $(jq -r '.outputs[0].path' < $HYDRA_JSON) zolaupd@
job = web:web:nmigen-docs
command = [ $(jq '.buildStatus' < $HYDRA_JSON) = 0 ] && ln -sfn $(jq -r '.outputs[0].path' < $HYDRA_JSON) ${hydraWwwOutputs}/nmigen-docs