# Thermostat v1 prototype firmware ## Building ### On Debian-based systems - install [rustup](https://rustup.rs/) ```shell apt install gcc gcc-arm-none-eabi git-core rustup toolchain install nightly rustup update rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf --toolchain nightly rustup default nightly rustup component add rust-src cargo install cargo-xbuild git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git export RUST_COMPILER_RT_ROOT=`pwd`/llvm-project/compiler-rt cd firmware && cargo xbuild --release ``` The built ELF file will be at `target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/ionpak-firmware` ### Development build on NixOS Requires NixOS 19.09 or later for cargo-xbuild. ```shell nix-shell --run "cd firmware && cargo xbuild --release" ``` ## Network ### Setup Ethernet, IP: Use telnet or netcat to connect to port 23/tcp (telnet) ### Reading ADC input Set report mode to `once` to obtain the single next value. Report mode will turn itself off after the next reading. Set report mode to `continuous` for a continuous stream of input data. The scope of this setting is per TCP session. ### Commands | Syntax | Function | | --- | --- | | `report` | Show current input | | `report mode` | Show current report mode | | `report mode ` | Set report mode | | `pwm <0/1> max_i_pos ` | Set PWM duty cycle for **max_i_pos** to *width / total* | | `pwm <0/1> max_i_neg ` | Set PWM duty cycle for **max_i_neg** to *width / total* | | `pwm <0/1> max_v ` | Set PWM duty cycle for **max_v** to *width / total* | | `pwm <0/1> ` | Set PWM duty cycle for **i_set** to manual *width / total* | | `pwm <0/1> pid` | Set PWM to be controlled by PID | | `pid` | Show PID configuration | | `pid <0/1> target ` | Set the PID controller target | | `pid <0/1> kp ` | Set proportional gain | | `pid <0/1> ki ` | Set integral gain | | `pid <0/1> kd ` | Set differential gain | | `pid <0/1> output_min ` | Set mininum output | | `pid <0/1> output_max ` | Set maximum output | | `pid <0/1> integral_min ` | Set integral lower bound | | `pid <0/1> integral_max ` | Set integral upper bound | | `postfilter <0/1> rate ` | Set postfilter output data rate |