
293 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-09-12 22:12:03 +08:00
2017-05-04 17:35:26 +08:00
2018-08-29 03:57:17 +08:00
2017-05-04 17:35:26 +08:00
2019-09-12 22:12:03 +08:00
extern crate alloc;
use cortex_m_rt::{entry, heap_start};
use core::fmt::{self, Write};
2018-03-26 19:37:14 +08:00
use smoltcp::time::Instant;
2019-08-21 17:31:51 +08:00
use smoltcp::wire::{IpCidr, IpAddress, EthernetAddress};
use smoltcp::iface::{NeighborCache, EthernetInterfaceBuilder};
use smoltcp::socket::{SocketSet, TcpSocket, TcpSocketBuffer};
2019-09-02 05:56:27 +08:00
use cortex_m_semihosting::hio;
2019-09-12 22:12:03 +08:00
use alloc_cortex_m::CortexMHeap;
2017-05-04 17:35:26 +08:00
macro_rules! print {
($($arg:tt)*) => ({
use core::fmt::Write;
write!($crate::UART0, $($arg)*).unwrap()
macro_rules! println {
($fmt:expr) => (print!(concat!($fmt, "\n")));
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => (print!(concat!($fmt, "\n"), $($arg)*));
2018-08-29 03:57:17 +08:00
#[no_mangle] //{38281,51647}
pub fn panic_fmt(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
println!("{}", info);
2017-08-06 19:52:11 +08:00
loop {}
2019-09-12 22:12:03 +08:00
static ALLOCATOR: CortexMHeap = CortexMHeap::empty();
const HEAP_SIZE: usize = 8192;
fn alloc_error_handler(layout: alloc::alloc::Layout) -> ! {
panic!("Allocation error for: {:?}", layout)
2017-05-09 15:57:54 +08:00
mod board;
2019-09-08 07:54:51 +08:00
use self::board::{gpio::Gpio, systick::get_time};
2017-08-02 00:33:33 +08:00
mod ethmac;
2019-09-11 05:37:51 +08:00
mod command_parser;
use command_parser::{Command, ShowCommand};
2019-09-11 05:37:51 +08:00
mod session;
use self::session::{Session, SessionOutput};
2019-08-08 08:08:14 +08:00
mod ad7172;
2017-05-06 17:17:41 +08:00
2017-05-09 13:16:00 +08:00
pub struct UART0;
impl fmt::Write for UART0 {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
2018-08-29 03:57:17 +08:00
let uart_0 = unsafe { &*tm4c129x::UART0::ptr() };
2017-05-09 13:16:00 +08:00
for c in s.bytes() {
2018-08-29 03:57:17 +08:00
while {}
2017-05-09 13:16:00 +08:00
const TCP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 256;
const TCP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 8192;
macro_rules! create_socket_storage {
($rx_storage:ident, $tx_storage:ident) => (
let mut $rx_storage = [0; TCP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
let mut $tx_storage = [0; TCP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE];
macro_rules! create_socket {
($set:ident, $rx_storage:ident, $tx_storage:ident, $target:ident) => (
let tcp_rx_buffer = TcpSocketBuffer::new(&mut $rx_storage[..]);
let tcp_tx_buffer = TcpSocketBuffer::new(&mut $tx_storage[..]);
let tcp_socket = TcpSocket::new(tcp_rx_buffer, tcp_tx_buffer);
let $target = $set.add(tcp_socket);
/// In nanoseconds
const REPORT_INTERVAL: u64 = 100_000;
2018-08-29 03:57:17 +08:00
fn main() -> ! {
2019-09-02 05:56:27 +08:00
let mut stdout = hio::hstdout().unwrap();
2019-09-02 06:01:18 +08:00
writeln!(stdout, "ionpak boot").unwrap();
2017-05-09 15:57:54 +08:00
2019-09-02 06:01:18 +08:00
writeln!(stdout, "board initialized").unwrap();
2019-09-12 22:12:03 +08:00
unsafe { ALLOCATOR.init(heap_start() as usize, HEAP_SIZE) };
2017-05-04 19:42:22 +08:00
_ _
(_) | |
_ ___ _ __ _ __ __ _| |
| |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \ / _` | |/ /
| | (_) | | | | |_) | (_| | <
|_|\___/|_| |_| .__/ \__,_|_|\_\
| |
2019-08-08 07:57:30 +08:00
// CSn
2019-08-08 06:54:37 +08:00
let pb4 = board::gpio::PB4.into_output();
let pb5 = board::gpio::PB5.into_output();
let pe4 = board::gpio::PE4.into_output();
let pe5 = board::gpio::PE5.into_input();
2019-09-02 05:56:45 +08:00
// max 2 MHz = 0.5 us
2019-09-08 06:47:41 +08:00
let mut delay_fn = || for _ in 0..10 { cortex_m::asm::nop(); };
2019-08-08 06:54:37 +08:00
let spi = board::softspi::SyncSoftSpi::new(
2019-08-08 08:08:14 +08:00
board::softspi::SoftSpi::new(pb5, pe4, pe5),
&mut delay_fn
2019-08-08 06:54:37 +08:00
let mut adc = ad7172::Adc::new(spi, pb4).unwrap();
2019-09-02 05:56:45 +08:00
loop {
let r = adc.identify();
match r {
2019-09-08 05:29:26 +08:00
Err(e) =>
writeln!(stdout, "Cannot identify ADC: {:?}", e).unwrap(),
Ok(id) if id & 0xFFF0 == 0x00D0 => {
2019-09-02 06:01:18 +08:00
writeln!(stdout, "ADC id: {:04X}", id).unwrap();
2019-09-02 05:56:45 +08:00
2019-09-08 05:29:26 +08:00
Ok(id) =>
writeln!(stdout, "Corrupt ADC id: {:04X}", id).unwrap(),
2019-09-08 06:47:14 +08:00
writeln!(stdout, "AD7172: setting checksum mode").unwrap();
2019-09-08 05:29:26 +08:00
loop {
let r = adc.identify();
match r {
Err(e) =>
writeln!(stdout, "Cannot identify ADC: {:?}", e).unwrap(),
Ok(id) if id & 0xFFF0 == 0x00D0 => {
writeln!(stdout, "ADC id: {:04X}", id).unwrap();
Ok(id) =>
2019-09-02 05:56:45 +08:00
writeln!(stdout, "Corrupt ADC id: {:04X}", id).unwrap(),
// SENS0_{P,N}
adc.setup_channel(0, ad7172::Input::Ain0, ad7172::Input::Ain1).unwrap();
// SENS1_{P,N}
adc.setup_channel(1, ad7172::Input::Ain2, ad7172::Input::Ain3).unwrap();
2019-09-11 05:37:51 +08:00
2017-08-07 11:18:19 +08:00
let mut hardware_addr = EthernetAddress(board::get_mac_address());
if hardware_addr.is_multicast() {
println!("programmed MAC address is invalid, using default");
hardware_addr = EthernetAddress([0x10, 0xE2, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00]);
let mut ip_addrs = [IpCidr::new(IpAddress::v4(192, 168, 1, 26), 24)];
println!("MAC {} IP {}", hardware_addr, ip_addrs[0]);
let mut neighbor_cache_storage = [None; 8];
let neighbor_cache = NeighborCache::new(&mut neighbor_cache_storage[..]);
let mut device = ethmac::Device::new();
unsafe { device.init(hardware_addr) };
let mut iface = EthernetInterfaceBuilder::new(&mut device)
.ip_addrs(&mut ip_addrs[..])
create_socket_storage!(tcp_rx_storage0, tcp_tx_storage0);
create_socket_storage!(tcp_rx_storage1, tcp_tx_storage1);
create_socket_storage!(tcp_rx_storage2, tcp_tx_storage2);
create_socket_storage!(tcp_rx_storage3, tcp_tx_storage3);
create_socket_storage!(tcp_rx_storage4, tcp_tx_storage4);
create_socket_storage!(tcp_rx_storage5, tcp_tx_storage5);
create_socket_storage!(tcp_rx_storage6, tcp_tx_storage6);
create_socket_storage!(tcp_rx_storage7, tcp_tx_storage7);
let mut socket_set_entries: [_; 8] = Default::default();
let mut sockets = SocketSet::new(&mut socket_set_entries[..]);
create_socket!(sockets, tcp_rx_storage0, tcp_tx_storage0, tcp_handle0);
create_socket!(sockets, tcp_rx_storage1, tcp_tx_storage1, tcp_handle1);
create_socket!(sockets, tcp_rx_storage2, tcp_tx_storage2, tcp_handle2);
create_socket!(sockets, tcp_rx_storage3, tcp_tx_storage3, tcp_handle3);
create_socket!(sockets, tcp_rx_storage4, tcp_tx_storage4, tcp_handle4);
create_socket!(sockets, tcp_rx_storage5, tcp_tx_storage5, tcp_handle5);
create_socket!(sockets, tcp_rx_storage6, tcp_tx_storage6, tcp_handle6);
create_socket!(sockets, tcp_rx_storage7, tcp_tx_storage7, tcp_handle7);
2019-09-11 05:37:51 +08:00
let mut sessions_handles = [
(Session::new(), tcp_handle0),
(Session::new(), tcp_handle1),
(Session::new(), tcp_handle2),
(Session::new(), tcp_handle3),
(Session::new(), tcp_handle4),
(Session::new(), tcp_handle5),
(Session::new(), tcp_handle6),
(Session::new(), tcp_handle7),
let mut last_report = get_time();
// cumulative (sum, count)
let mut sample = [(0u64, 0usize); 2];
let mut report = None;
2017-05-06 12:33:38 +08:00
loop {
// ADC input
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
writeln!(stdout, "ADC error: {:?}", e);
}).map(|channel| {
let data = adc.read_data().unwrap();
sample[usize::from(channel)].0 += u64::from(data);
sample[usize::from(channel)].1 += 1;
let now = get_time();
if now >= last_report + REPORT_INTERVAL {
2019-09-14 08:18:33 +08:00
if now < last_report + 2 * REPORT_INTERVAL {
// Try to keep interval constant
last_report += REPORT_INTERVAL;
} else {
// Bad jitter, catch up
last_report = now;
// TODO: calculate med instead of avg?
report = Some((now, [
sample[0].0 / (sample[0].1 as u64),
sample[1].0 / (sample[1].1 as u64),
for (session, _) in sessions_handles.iter_mut() {
2019-09-11 05:37:51 +08:00
for (session, tcp_handle) in sessions_handles.iter_mut() {
let socket = &mut *sockets.get::<TcpSocket>(*tcp_handle);
if !socket.is_open() {
2019-09-11 05:37:51 +08:00
if session.is_dirty() {
// Reset a previously uses session/socket
*session = Session::new();
2019-09-11 05:37:51 +08:00
if socket.may_recv() && socket.may_send() {
2019-09-14 06:46:48 +08:00
let output = socket.recv(|buf| session.feed(buf));
2019-09-11 05:37:51 +08:00
2019-09-14 06:46:48 +08:00
match output {
2019-09-11 05:37:51 +08:00
Ok(SessionOutput::Nothing) => {}
2019-09-14 06:46:48 +08:00
Ok(SessionOutput::Command(command)) => match command {
Command::Quit =>
Command::Report(mode) => {
let _ = writeln!(socket, "Report mode: {:?}", mode);
Command::Show(ShowCommand::ReportMode) => {
let _ = writeln!(socket, "Report mode: {:?}", session.report_mode());
command => {
// TODO: remove for exhaustion check
let _ = writeln!(socket, "Not implemented: {:?}", command);
2019-09-11 05:37:51 +08:00
Ok(SessionOutput::Error(e)) => {
let _ = writeln!(socket, "Command error: {:?}", e);
Err(_) => {}
if socket.may_send() && session.is_report_pending() {
match &report {
Some((time, samples)) => {
let _ = writeln!(socket, "t={} sens0={} sens1={}\r",
time, samples[0], samples[1]
2019-09-08 05:29:26 +08:00
None =>
panic!("report_pending while is there is none yet"),
2019-09-08 05:29:26 +08:00
2019-09-11 05:37:51 +08:00
match iface.poll(&mut sockets, Instant::from_millis((get_time() / 1000) as i64)) {
2017-09-05 17:26:23 +08:00
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => println!("poll error: {}", e)
2017-05-06 12:33:38 +08:00
2017-05-04 17:35:26 +08:00