2020-09-24 17:32:53 +08:00

249 lines
7.7 KiB

use log::{info, warn};
use smoltcp as net;
use stm32h7xx_hal::ethernet;
use stm32h7xx_hal::{gpio::Speed, prelude::*, spi, pac};
use heapless::consts;
use cortex_m;
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use rtic::cyccnt::{Instant, U32Ext};
use minimq::{
embedded_nal::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, TcpStack},
MqttClient, QoS
use firmware::nal_tcp_client::{NetworkStack, NetStorage};
use firmware::{
use firmware::Urukul;
use firmware::mqtt_mux::MqttMux;
#[path = "util/"]
mod logger;
static mut NET_STORE: NetStorage = NetStorage {
// Placeholder for the real IP address, which is initialized at runtime.
ip_addrs: [net::wire::IpCidr::Ipv6(
neighbor_cache: [None; 8],
routes_cache: [None; 8],
#[link_section = ".sram3.eth"]
static mut DES_RING: ethernet::DesRing = ethernet::DesRing::new();
macro_rules! add_socket {
($sockets:ident, $tx_storage:ident, $rx_storage:ident) => {
let mut $rx_storage = [0; 4096];
let mut $tx_storage = [0; 4096];
let tcp_socket = {
let tx_buffer = net::socket::TcpSocketBuffer::new(&mut $tx_storage[..]);
let rx_buffer = net::socket::TcpSocketBuffer::new(&mut $rx_storage[..]);
net::socket::TcpSocket::new(tx_buffer, rx_buffer)
let _handle = $sockets.add(tcp_socket);
fn main() -> ! {
let mut cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let dp = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
// Enable SRAM3 for the descriptor ring.
dp.RCC.ahb2enr.modify(|_, w| w.sram3en().set_bit());
// Reset RCC clock
dp.RCC.rsr.write(|w| w.rmvf().set_bit());
let pwr = dp.PWR.constrain();
let vos = pwr.freeze();
let rcc = dp.RCC.constrain();
let ccdr = rcc
.pll1_q_ck(48.mhz()) // for SPI
.pll1_r_ck(400.mhz()) // for TRACECK
.freeze(vos, &dp.SYSCFG);
unsafe {
logger::enable_itm(&dp.DBGMCU, &mut cp.DCB, &mut cp.ITM);
// let mut delay = cp.SYST.delay(ccdr.clocks);
let gpioa = dp.GPIOA.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOA);
let gpiob = dp.GPIOB.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOB);
let gpioc = dp.GPIOC.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOC);
let gpiod = dp.GPIOD.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOD);
let gpioe = dp.GPIOE.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOE);
let gpiof = dp.GPIOF.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOF);
let gpiog = dp.GPIOG.split(ccdr.peripheral.GPIOG);
// Configure ethernet IO
let _rmii_refclk = gpioa.pa1.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_mdio = gpioa.pa2.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_mdc = gpioc.pc1.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_crs_dv = gpioa.pa7.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_rxd0 = gpioc.pc4.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_rxd1 = gpioc.pc5.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_tx_en = gpiog.pg11.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_txd0 = gpiog.pg13.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(Speed::VeryHigh);
let _rmii_txd1 = gpiob.pb13.into_alternate_af11().set_speed(Speed::VeryHigh);
// Configure ethernet
let mac_addr = net::wire::EthernetAddress([0xAC, 0x6F, 0x7A, 0xDE, 0xD6, 0xC8]);
let (eth_dma, mut eth_mac) = unsafe {
&mut DES_RING,
unsafe { ethernet::enable_interrupt() }
let store = unsafe { &mut NET_STORE };
store.ip_addrs[0] = net::wire::IpCidr::new(net::wire::IpAddress::v4(192, 168, 1, 200), 24);
let neighbor_cache = net::iface::NeighborCache::new(&mut store.neighbor_cache[..]);
let mut routes = net::iface::Routes::new(&mut store.routes_cache[..]);
let default_v4_gw = net::wire::Ipv4Address::new(192, 168, 1, 1);
let mut net_interface = net::iface::EthernetInterfaceBuilder::new(eth_dma)
.ip_addrs(&mut store.ip_addrs[..])
* Using SPI1, AF5
* SCLK -> PA5
* MOSI -> PB5
* MISO -> PA6
* CS -> 0: PB12, 1: PA15, 2: PC7
* I/O_Update -> PB15
let sclk = gpioa.pa5.into_alternate_af5();
let mosi = gpiob.pb5.into_alternate_af5();
let miso = gpioa.pa6.into_alternate_af5();
let (cs0, cs1, cs2) = (
let io_update = gpiob.pb15.into_push_pull_output();
let spi = dp.SPI1.spi(
(sclk, miso, mosi),
let cpld = CPLD::new(spi, (cs0, cs1, cs2), io_update);
let parts = cpld.split();
let urukul = Urukul::new(
parts.spi1, parts.spi2, parts.spi3, parts.spi4, parts.spi5, parts.spi6, parts.spi7
let mut mqtt_mux = MqttMux::new(urukul);
// Time unit in ms
let mut time: u32 = 0;
// Cycle counter for 1 ms
// This effectively provides a conversion from rtic unit to ms
let mut next_ms = Instant::now();
next_ms += 400_000.cycles();
let mut socket_set_entries: [_; 8] = Default::default();
let mut sockets = net::socket::SocketSet::new(&mut socket_set_entries[..]);
add_socket!(sockets, rx_storage, tx_storage);
let tcp_stack = NetworkStack::new(&mut net_interface, sockets);
// Case dealt: Ethernet connection break down, neither side has timeout
// Limitation: Timeout inequality will cause TCP socket state to desync
// Probably fixed in latest smoltcp commit
let mut client = MqttClient::<consts::U256, _>::new(
IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 1, 125)),
let mut tick = false;
let mut has_subscribed = false;
loop {
// Update time accumulator in ms
// Tick once every ms
if Instant::now() > next_ms {
tick = true;
time += 1;
next_ms += 400_000.cycles();
// eth Poll if necessary
// Do not poll if eth link is down
if tick && client.network_stack.update_delay(time) == 0 && eth_mac.phy_poll_link() {
// Process MQTT messages about Urukul/Control
let connection = client
.poll(|_client, topic, message, _properties| {
info!("On {:?}, received: {:?}", topic, message);
// Why is topic a string while message is a slice?
mqtt_mux.process_mqtt(topic, message);
if connection && !has_subscribed && tick {
match client.subscribe("Urukul/Control/#", &[]) {
Ok(()) => has_subscribed = true,
Err(minimq::Error::NotReady) => {},
e => warn!("{:?}", e),
if connection && tick && (time % 3000) == 0 {
info!("Feedback from print publish: {:?}", client
.publish("Channel1/Switch", "Hello, World!".as_bytes(), QoS::AtMostOnce, &[]));
// Reset tick flag
tick = false;