let mozillaOverlay = import (builtins.fetchTarball https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/archive/master.tar.gz); pkgs = import {overlays = [mozillaOverlay];}; in with pkgs; let migen = callPackage ./nix/migen.nix {}; openocd = callPackage ./nix/openocd.nix {}; rustPlatform = callPackage ./nix/rustPlatform.nix {}; itm = callPackage ./nix/itm.nix {inherit rustPlatform;}; runOpenOcd = writeShellScriptBin "run-openocd" '' openocd \ -f openocd/openocd.cfg \ -c init & sleep 1 ''; runOpenOcdBlock = writeShellScriptBin "run-openocd-block" '' openocd -f openocd/openocd.cfg ''; setGDBConfigFile = writeShellScriptBin "set-gdb-config-file" '' if [[ $1 == "" ]] then sed -i "2s/.*/runner = \"gdb -q -x gdb_config\/openocd.gdb\"/" .cargo/config echo "GDB config file: openocd.gdb" else sed -i "2s/.*/runner = \"gdb -q -x gdb_config\/$1.gdb\"/" .cargo/config echo "GDB config file: $1.gdb" fi ''; openocdFlash = writeShellScriptBin "openocd-flash" '' openocd -f openocd/openocd.cfg -f openocd/$1.cfg ''; publishMqtt = writeShellScriptBin "publish-mqtt" '' mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t $1 -m "$2" -d ''; in stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "nix-shell"; buildInputs = with rustPlatform.rust; [ (pkgs.python3.withPackages(ps: [ migen ])) pkgs.yosys pkgs.nextpnr pkgs.icestorm pkgs.gdb pkgs.mosquitto openocd rustc cargo itm runOpenOcd runOpenOcdBlock setGDBConfigFile openocdFlash publishMqtt ]; }