macro_rules! pow { ($intrinsic:ident: $fty:ty, $ity:ident) => { /// Returns `a` raised to the power `b` #[cfg_attr(not(test), no_mangle)] pub extern "C" fn $intrinsic(a: $fty, b: $ity) -> $fty { let (mut a, mut b) = (a, b); let recip = b < 0; let mut r: $fty = 1.0; loop { if (b & 1) != 0 { r *= a; } b = sdiv!($ity, b, 2); if b == 0 { break; } a *= a; } if recip { 1.0 / r } else { r } } } } pow!(__powisf2: f32, i32); pow!(__powidf2: f64, i32); #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use float::{Float, FRepr}; use qc::{I32, U32, U64}; check! { fn __powisf2(f: extern fn(f32, i32) -> f32, a: U32, b: I32) -> Option > { let (a, b) = (f32::from_repr(a.0), b.0); Some(FRepr(f(a, b))) } fn __powidf2(f: extern fn(f64, i32) -> f64, a: U64, b: I32) -> Option > { let (a, b) = (f64::from_repr(a.0), b.0); Some(FRepr(f(a, b))) } } }