# Small script to run tests for a target (or all targets) inside all the # respective docker images. set -ex run() { local target=$1 echo $target # This directory needs to exist before calling docker, otherwise docker will create it but it # will be owned by root mkdir -p target docker build -t $target ci/docker/$target docker run \ --rm \ --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \ -e CARGO_HOME=/cargo \ -e CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/target \ -v $HOME/.cargo:/cargo \ -v `pwd`/target:/target \ -v `pwd`:/checkout:ro \ -v `rustc --print sysroot`:/rust:ro \ -w /checkout \ -it $target \ sh -c "PATH=\$PATH:/rust/bin ci/run.sh $target" } if [ -z "$1" ]; then for d in `ls ci/docker/`; do run $d done else run $1 fi