[package] authors = ["Jorge Aparicio "] name = "compiler_builtins" version = "0.1.0" [lib] test = false [build-dependencies] cc = { optional = true, version = "1.0" } [dev-dependencies] panic-handler = { path = 'crates/panic-handler' } [features] default = ["compiler-builtins"] # Enable compilation of C code in compiler-rt, filling in some more optimized # implementations and also filling in unimplemented intrinsics c = ["cc"] # Flag this library as the unstable compiler-builtins lib compiler-builtins = [] # Generate memory-related intrinsics like memcpy mem = [] # Mangle all names so this can be linked in with other versions or other # compiler-rt implementations. Also used for testing mangled-names = [] # Don't generate lang items for i128 intrisnics and such no-lang-items = [] [[example]] name = "intrinsics" required-features = ["c", "compiler-builtins"] [workspace] members = ["testcrate"]