avoid ptr::write which might panic in debug mode

Ralf Jung 2019-07-13 10:55:54 +02:00
parent 5e06435c29
commit ebeace71ce
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -137,11 +137,12 @@ pub unsafe extern "aapcs" fn __aeabi_memcpy(dest: *mut u8, src: *const u8, n: us
pub unsafe extern "aapcs" fn __aeabi_memcpy4(dest: *mut u8, src: *const u8, mut n: usize) {
use core::ptr;
// We are guaranteed 4-alignment, so accessing at u32 is okay.
let mut dest = dest as *mut u32;
let mut src = src as *mut u32;
while n >= 4 {
ptr::write(dest, ptr::read(src));
*dest = *src;
dest = dest.offset(1);
src = src.offset(1);
n -= 4;
@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ pub unsafe extern "aapcs" fn __aeabi_memset4(dest: *mut u8, mut n: usize, c: i32
let c = (byte << 24) | (byte << 16) | (byte << 8) | byte;
while n >= 4 {
ptr::write(dest, c);
*dest = c;
dest = dest.offset(1);
n -= 4;