implement float/double to (u)int conversion.

Wilfried Chauveau 2017-02-05 10:57:36 +01:00 committed by Jorge Aparicio
parent 293fef5ebe
commit d96102d270
5 changed files with 145 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -68,6 +68,14 @@ fn main() {
// 128 bit integers

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@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ extern {
fn __floatunsisf();
fn __floatunsidf();
fn __floatundidf();
fn __fixsfsi();
fn __fixsfdi();
fn __fixdfsi();
fn __fixdfdi();
fn __fixunssfsi();
fn __fixunssfdi();
fn __fixunsdfsi();
fn __fixunsdfdi();
macro_rules! declare {
@ -73,6 +81,14 @@ declare!(___floatdidf, __floatdidf);
declare!(___floatunsisf, __floatunsisf);
declare!(___floatunsidf, __floatunsidf);
declare!(___floatundidf, __floatundidf);
declare!(___fixsfsi, __fixsfsi);
declare!(___fixsfdi, __fixsfdi);
declare!(___fixdfsi, __fixdfsi);
declare!(___fixdfdi, __fixdfdi);
declare!(___fixunssfsi, __fixunssfsi);
declare!(___fixunssfdi, __fixunssfdi);
declare!(___fixunsdfsi, __fixunsdfsi);
declare!(___fixunsdfdi, __fixunsdfdi);
not(target_arch = "mips64"),

View File

@ -89,6 +89,73 @@ fp_convert!(__floatunsisf: u32, f32);
fp_convert!(__floatunsidf: u32, f64);
fp_convert!(__floatundidf: u64, f64);
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
enum Sign {
macro_rules! fp_fix {
($intrinsic:ident: $fty:ty, $ity:ty) => {
pub extern "C" fn $intrinsic(f: $fty) -> $ity {
let fixint_min = <$ity>::min_value();
let fixint_max = <$ity>::max_value();
let fixint_bits = <$ity>::bits() as usize;
let fixint_unsigned = fixint_min == 0;
let sign_bit = <$fty>::sign_mask();
let significand_bits = <$fty>::significand_bits() as usize;
let exponent_bias = <$fty>::exponent_bias() as usize;
//let exponent_max = <$fty>::exponent_max() as usize;
// Break a into sign, exponent, significand
let a_rep = <$fty>::repr(f);
let a_abs = a_rep & !sign_bit;
// this is used to work around -1 not being available for unsigned
let sign = if (a_rep & sign_bit) == 0 { Sign::Positive } else { Sign::Negative };
let mut exponent = (a_abs >> significand_bits) as usize;
let significand = (a_abs & <$fty>::significand_mask()) | <$fty>::implicit_bit();
// if < 1 or unsigned & negative
if exponent < exponent_bias ||
fixint_unsigned && sign == Sign::Negative {
return 0
exponent -= exponent_bias;
// If the value is infinity, saturate.
// If the value is too large for the integer type, 0.
if exponent >= (if fixint_unsigned {fixint_bits} else {fixint_bits -1}) {
return if sign == Sign::Positive {fixint_max} else {fixint_min}
// If 0 <= exponent < significand_bits, right shift to get the result.
// Otherwise, shift left.
// (sign - 1) will never overflow as negative signs are already returned as 0 for unsigned
let r = if exponent < significand_bits {
(significand >> (significand_bits - exponent)) as $ity
} else {
(significand as $ity) << (exponent - significand_bits)
if sign == Sign::Negative {
} else {
fp_fix!(__fixsfsi: f32, i32);
fp_fix!(__fixsfdi: f32, i64);
fp_fix!(__fixdfsi: f64, i32);
fp_fix!(__fixdfdi: f64, i64);
fp_fix!(__fixunssfsi: f32, u32);
fp_fix!(__fixunssfdi: f32, u64);
fp_fix!(__fixunsdfsi: f64, u32);
fp_fix!(__fixunsdfdi: f64, u64);
// NOTE(cfg) for some reason, on arm*-unknown-linux-gnueabihf, our implementation doesn't
// match the output of its gcc_s or compiler-rt counterpart. Until we investigate further, we'll
// just avoid testing against them on those targets. Do note that our implementation gives the
@ -129,5 +196,47 @@ mod tests {
-> Option<F64> {
fn __fixsfsi(f: extern fn(f32) -> i32,
a: F32)
-> Option<I32> {
fn __fixsfdi(f: extern fn(f32) -> i64,
a: F32)
-> Option<I64> {
fn __fixdfsi(f: extern fn(f64) -> i32,
a: F64)
-> Option<I32> {
fn __fixdfdi(f: extern fn(f64) -> i64,
a: F64)
-> Option<I64> {
fn __fixunssfsi(f: extern fn(f32) -> u32,
a: F32)
-> Option<U32> {
fn __fixunssfdi(f: extern fn(f32) -> u64,
a: F32)
-> Option<U64> {
fn __fixunsdfsi(f: extern fn(f64) -> u32,
a: F64)
-> Option<U32> {
fn __fixunsdfdi(f: extern fn(f64) -> u64,
a: F64)
-> Option<U64> {

View File

@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ pub trait Float: Sized + Copy {
/// Returns a mask for the significand
fn significand_mask() -> Self::Int;
// Returns the implicit bit of the float format
fn implicit_bit() -> Self::Int;
/// Returns a mask for the exponent
fn exponent_mask() -> Self::Int;
@ -68,6 +71,9 @@ impl Float for f32 {
fn significand_bits() -> u32 {
fn implicit_bit() -> Self::Int {
1 << Self::significand_bits()
fn sign_mask() -> Self::Int {
1 << (Self::bits() - 1)
@ -110,6 +116,10 @@ impl Float for f64 {
fn significand_bits() -> u32 {
// Returns the implicit bit of the float format
fn implicit_bit() -> Self::Int {
1 << Self::significand_bits()
fn sign_mask() -> Self::Int {
1 << (Self::bits() - 1)

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use float::Float;
// Generates values in the full range of the integer type
macro_rules! arbitrary {
($TY:ident : $ty:ident) => {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct $TY(pub $ty);
impl Arbitrary for $TY {
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ arbitrary!(U32: u32);
// intrinsics.
macro_rules! arbitrary_large {
($TY:ident : $ty:ident) => {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct $TY(pub $ty);
impl Arbitrary for $TY {