
119 lines
3.1 KiB

use core::fmt;
use cslice::CSlice;
use dyld;
pub const KERNELCPU_EXEC_ADDRESS: usize = 0x45000000;
pub const KERNELCPU_PAYLOAD_ADDRESS: usize = 0x45060000;
pub const KERNELCPU_LAST_ADDRESS: usize = 0x4fffffff;
// Must match the offset of the first (starting at KERNELCPU_EXEC_ADDRESS)
// section in ksupport.elf.
pub const KSUPPORT_HEADER_SIZE: usize = 0x74;
pub enum SubkernelStatus {
pub enum Message<'a> {
LoadRequest(&'a [u8]),
LoadReply(Result<(), dyld::Error<'a>>),
RtioDestinationStatusRequest { destination: u8 },
RtioDestinationStatusReply { up: bool },
DmaRecordStart(&'a str),
DmaRecordAppend(&'a [u8]),
DmaRecordStop {
duration: u64,
enable_ddma: bool
DmaEraseRequest {
name: &'a str
DmaRetrieveRequest {
name: &'a str
DmaRetrieveReply {
trace: Option<&'a [u8]>,
duration: u64,
uses_ddma: bool,
DmaStartRemoteRequest {
id: i32,
timestamp: i64,
DmaAwaitRemoteRequest {
id: i32
DmaAwaitRemoteReply {
timeout: bool,
error: u8,
channel: u32,
timestamp: u64
RunException {
exceptions: &'a [Option<eh::eh_artiq::Exception<'a>>],
stack_pointers: &'a [eh::eh_artiq::StackPointerBacktrace],
backtrace: &'a [(usize, usize)]
RpcSend {
async: bool,
service: u32,
tag: &'a [u8],
data: *const *const ()
RpcRecvRequest(*mut ()),
RpcRecvReply(Result<usize, eh::eh_artiq::Exception<'a>>),
CacheGetRequest { key: &'a str },
CacheGetReply { value: *const CSlice<'static, i32> },
CachePutRequest { key: &'a str, value: &'a [i32] },
CachePutReply { succeeded: bool },
I2cStartRequest { busno: u32 },
I2cRestartRequest { busno: u32 },
I2cStopRequest { busno: u32 },
I2cWriteRequest { busno: u32, data: u8 },
I2cWriteReply { succeeded: bool, ack: bool },
I2cReadRequest { busno: u32, ack: bool },
I2cReadReply { succeeded: bool, data: u8 },
I2cBasicReply { succeeded: bool },
I2cSwitchSelectRequest { busno: u32, address: u8, mask: u8 },
SpiSetConfigRequest { busno: u32, flags: u8, length: u8, div: u8, cs: u8 },
SpiWriteRequest { busno: u32, data: u32 },
SpiReadRequest { busno: u32 },
SpiReadReply { succeeded: bool, data: u32 },
SpiBasicReply { succeeded: bool },
SubkernelLoadRunRequest { id: u32, destination: u8, run: bool },
SubkernelLoadRunReply { succeeded: bool },
SubkernelAwaitFinishRequest { id: u32, timeout: i64 },
SubkernelAwaitFinishReply { status: SubkernelStatus },
SubkernelMsgSend { id: u32, destination: Option<u8>, count: u8, tag: &'a [u8], data: *const *const () },
SubkernelMsgRecvRequest { id: i32, timeout: i64, tags: &'a [u8] },
SubkernelMsgRecvReply { status: SubkernelStatus, count: u8 },
LogSlice(&'a str)
pub use self::Message::*;