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301 lines
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import unittest
import ast
import inspect
from fractions import Fraction
from llvm import ee as le
from artiq.language.core import int64, array
from artiq.py2llvm.infer_types import infer_function_types
from artiq.py2llvm import base_types, arrays
from artiq.py2llvm.module import Module
def test_base_types(choice):
a = 2 # promoted later to int64
b = a + 1 # initially int32, becomes int64 after a is promoted
c = b//2 # initially int32, becomes int64 after b is promoted
d = 4 # stays int32
x = int64(7)
a += x # promotes a to int64
foo = True | True
bar = None
myf = 4.5
myf2 = myf + x
if choice and foo and not bar:
return d
elif myf2:
return x + c
return int64(8)
def _build_function_types(f):
return infer_function_types(
None, ast.parse(inspect.getsource(f)),
class FunctionBaseTypesCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.ns = _build_function_types(test_base_types)
def test_simple_types(self):
self.assertIsInstance(self.ns["foo"], base_types.VBool)
self.assertIsInstance(self.ns["bar"], base_types.VNone)
self.assertIsInstance(self.ns["d"], base_types.VInt)
self.assertEqual(self.ns["d"].nbits, 32)
self.assertIsInstance(self.ns["x"], base_types.VInt)
self.assertEqual(self.ns["x"].nbits, 64)
self.assertIsInstance(self.ns["myf"], base_types.VFloat)
self.assertIsInstance(self.ns["myf2"], base_types.VFloat)
def test_promotion(self):
for v in "abc":
self.assertIsInstance(self.ns[v], base_types.VInt)
self.assertEqual(self.ns[v].nbits, 64)
def test_return(self):
self.assertIsInstance(self.ns["return"], base_types.VInt)
self.assertEqual(self.ns["return"].nbits, 64)
def test_array_types():
a = array(0, 5)
for i in range(2):
a[i] = int64(8)
return a
class FunctionArrayTypesCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.ns = _build_function_types(test_array_types)
def test_array_types(self):
self.assertIsInstance(self.ns["a"], arrays.VArray)
self.assertIsInstance(self.ns["a"].el_init, base_types.VInt)
self.assertEqual(self.ns["a"].el_init.nbits, 64)
self.assertEqual(self.ns["a"].count, 5)
self.assertIsInstance(self.ns["i"], base_types.VInt)
self.assertEqual(self.ns["i"].nbits, 32)
class CompiledFunction:
def __init__(self, function, param_types):
module = Module()
func_def = ast.parse(inspect.getsource(function)).body[0]
self.function, self.retval = module.compile_function(
func_def, param_types)
self.argval = [param_types[arg.arg] for arg in func_def.args.args]
self.ee = module.get_ee()
def __call__(self, *args):
args_llvm = []
for av, a in zip(self.argval, args):
if isinstance(av, base_types.VInt):
al = le.GenericValue.int(av.get_llvm_type(), a)
elif isinstance(av, base_types.VFloat):
al = le.GenericValue.real(av.get_llvm_type(), a)
raise NotImplementedError
result = self.ee.run_function(self.function, args_llvm)
if isinstance(self.retval, base_types.VBool):
return bool(result.as_int())
elif isinstance(self.retval, base_types.VInt):
return result.as_int_signed()
elif isinstance(self.retval, base_types.VFloat):
return result.as_real(self.retval.get_llvm_type())
raise NotImplementedError
def arith(op, a, b):
if op == 1:
return a + b
elif op == 2:
return a - b
elif op == 3:
return a * b
return a / b
def is_prime(x):
d = 2
while d*d <= x:
if not x % d:
return False
d += 1
return True
def simplify_encode(a, b):
f = Fraction(a, b)
return f.numerator*1000 + f.denominator
def frac_arith_encode(op, a, b, c, d):
if op == 1:
f = Fraction(a, b) - Fraction(c, d)
elif op == 2:
f = Fraction(a, b) + Fraction(c, d)
elif op == 3:
f = Fraction(a, b) * Fraction(c, d)
f = Fraction(a, b) / Fraction(c, d)
return f.numerator*1000 + f.denominator
def frac_arith_encode_int(op, a, b, x):
if op == 1:
f = Fraction(a, b) - x
elif op == 2:
f = Fraction(a, b) + x
elif op == 3:
f = Fraction(a, b) * x
f = Fraction(a, b) / x
return f.numerator*1000 + f.denominator
def frac_arith_encode_int_rev(op, a, b, x):
if op == 1:
f = x - Fraction(a, b)
elif op == 2:
f = x + Fraction(a, b)
elif op == 3:
f = x * Fraction(a, b)
f = x / Fraction(a, b)
return f.numerator*1000 + f.denominator
def array_test():
a = array(array(2, 5), 5)
a[3][2] = 11
a[4][1] = 42
a[0][0] += 6
acc = 0
for i in range(5):
for j in range(5):
acc += a[i][j]
return acc
def corner_cases():
two = True + True - False
three = two + True//True - False*True
two_float = three - True/True
one_float = two_float - (1.0 == bool(0.1))
zero = int(one_float) + round(-0.6)
eleven_float = zero + 5.5//0.5
ten_float = eleven_float + round(Fraction(2, -3))
return ten_float
def _test_range():
for i in range(5, 10):
yield i
yield -i
class CodeGenCase(unittest.TestCase):
def _test_float_arith(self, op):
arith_c = CompiledFunction(arith, {
"op": base_types.VInt(),
"a": base_types.VFloat(), "b": base_types.VFloat()})
for a in _test_range():
for b in _test_range():
self.assertEqual(arith_c(op, a/2, b/2), arith(op, a/2, b/2))
def test_float_add(self):
def test_float_sub(self):
def test_float_mul(self):
def test_float_div(self):
def test_is_prime(self):
is_prime_c = CompiledFunction(is_prime, {"x": base_types.VInt()})
for i in range(200):
self.assertEqual(is_prime_c(i), is_prime(i))
def test_frac_simplify(self):
simplify_encode_c = CompiledFunction(
simplify_encode, {"a": base_types.VInt(), "b": base_types.VInt()})
for a in _test_range():
for b in _test_range():
simplify_encode_c(a, b), simplify_encode(a, b))
def _test_frac_arith(self, op):
frac_arith_encode_c = CompiledFunction(
frac_arith_encode, {
"op": base_types.VInt(),
"a": base_types.VInt(), "b": base_types.VInt(),
"c": base_types.VInt(), "d": base_types.VInt()})
for a in _test_range():
for b in _test_range():
for c in _test_range():
for d in _test_range():
frac_arith_encode_c(op, a, b, c, d),
frac_arith_encode(op, a, b, c, d))
def test_frac_add(self):
def test_frac_sub(self):
def test_frac_mul(self):
def test_frac_div(self):
def _test_frac_frac_arith_int(self, op, rev):
f = frac_arith_encode_int_rev if rev else frac_arith_encode_int
f_c = CompiledFunction(f, {
"op": base_types.VInt(),
"a": base_types.VInt(), "b": base_types.VInt(),
"x": base_types.VInt()})
for a in _test_range():
for b in _test_range():
for x in _test_range():
f_c(op, a, b, x),
f(op, a, b, x))
def test_frac_add_int(self):
self._test_frac_frac_arith_int(0, False)
self._test_frac_frac_arith_int(0, True)
def test_frac_sub_int(self):
self._test_frac_frac_arith_int(1, False)
self._test_frac_frac_arith_int(1, True)
def test_frac_mul_int(self):
self._test_frac_frac_arith_int(2, False)
self._test_frac_frac_arith_int(2, True)
def test_frac_div_int(self):
self._test_frac_frac_arith_int(3, False)
self._test_frac_frac_arith_int(3, True)
def test_array(self):
array_test_c = CompiledFunction(array_test, dict())
self.assertEqual(array_test_c(), array_test())
def test_corner_cases(self):
corner_cases_c = CompiledFunction(corner_cases, dict())
self.assertEqual(corner_cases_c(), corner_cases())