
317 lines
11 KiB

from migen import *
from migen.genlib.cdc import PulseSynchronizer, MultiReg
from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
class DDMTDSamplerExtFF(Module):
def __init__(self, ddmtd_inputs):
self.rec_clk = Signal()
self.main_xo = Signal()
# # #
# TODO: s/h timing at FPGA pads
if hasattr(ddmtd_inputs, "rec_clk"):
rec_clk_1 = ddmtd_inputs.rec_clk
rec_clk_1 = Signal()
self.specials += Instance("IBUFDS",
i_I=ddmtd_inputs.rec_clk_p, i_IB=ddmtd_inputs.rec_clk_n,
if hasattr(ddmtd_inputs, "main_xo"):
main_xo_1 = ddmtd_inputs.main_xo
main_xo_1 = Signal()
self.specials += Instance("IBUFDS",
i_I=ddmtd_inputs.main_xo_p, i_IB=ddmtd_inputs.main_xo_n,
self.specials += [
Instance("FD", i_C=ClockSignal("helper"),
i_D=rec_clk_1, o_Q=self.rec_clk,
attr={("IOB", "TRUE")}),
Instance("FD", i_C=ClockSignal("helper"),
i_D=main_xo_1, o_Q=self.main_xo,
attr={("IOB", "TRUE")}),
class DDMTDSamplerGTP(Module):
def __init__(self, gtp, main_xo_pads):
self.rec_clk = Signal()
self.main_xo = Signal()
# # #
# Getting the main XO signal from IBUFDS_GTE2 is problematic because
# the transceiver PLL craps out if an improper clock signal is applied,
# so we are disabling the buffer until the clock is stable.
main_xo_se = Signal()
rec_clk_1 = Signal()
main_xo_1 = Signal()
self.specials += [
i_I=main_xo_pads.p, i_IB=main_xo_pads.n,
Instance("FD", i_C=ClockSignal("helper"),
i_D=gtp.cd_rtio_rx0.clk, o_Q=rec_clk_1,
attr={("DONT_TOUCH", "TRUE")}),
Instance("FD", i_C=ClockSignal("helper"),
i_D=rec_clk_1, o_Q=self.rec_clk,
attr={("DONT_TOUCH", "TRUE")}),
Instance("FD", i_C=ClockSignal("helper"),
i_D=main_xo_se, o_Q=main_xo_1,
attr={("IOB", "TRUE")}),
Instance("FD", i_C=ClockSignal("helper"),
i_D=main_xo_1, o_Q=self.main_xo,
attr={("DONT_TOUCH", "TRUE")}),
class DDMTDDeglitcherFirstEdge(Module):
def __init__(self, input_signal, blind_period=128):
self.detect = Signal()
self.tag_correction = 0
rising = Signal()
input_signal_r = Signal()
self.sync.helper += [
rising.eq(input_signal & ~input_signal_r)
blind_counter = Signal(max=blind_period)
self.sync.helper += [
If(blind_counter != 0, blind_counter.eq(blind_counter - 1)),
If(input_signal_r, blind_counter.eq(blind_period - 1)),
self.detect.eq(rising & (blind_counter == 0))
class DDMTD(Module, AutoCSR):
def __init__(self, counter, input_signal):
self.arm = CSR()
self.tag = CSRStatus(len(counter))
# in helper clock domain
self.h_tag = Signal(len(counter))
self.h_tag_update = Signal()
# # #
deglitcher = DDMTDDeglitcherFirstEdge(input_signal)
self.submodules += deglitcher
self.sync.helper += [
self.h_tag.eq(counter + deglitcher.tag_correction)
tag_update_ps = PulseSynchronizer("helper", "sys")
self.submodules += tag_update_ps
self.comb += tag_update_ps.i.eq(self.h_tag_update)
tag_update = Signal()
self.sync += tag_update.eq(tag_update_ps.o)
tag = Signal(len(counter))
self.specials += MultiReg(self.h_tag, tag)
self.sync += [
If( & self.arm.r, self.arm.w.eq(1)),
If(self.arm.w, self.tag.status.eq(tag)),
class Collector(Module):
"""Generates loop filter inputs from DDMTD outputs.
The input to the main DCXO lock loop filter is the difference between the
reference and main tags after unwrapping (see below).
The input to the helper DCXO lock loop filter is the difference between the
current reference tag and the previous reference tag after unwrapping.
When the WR PLL is locked, the following ideally (no noise/jitter) obtain:
- f_main = f_ref
- f_helper = f_ref * 2^N/(2^N+1)
- f_beat = f_ref - f_helper = f_ref / (2^N + 1) (cycle time is: dt=1/f_beat)
- the reference and main DCXO tags are equal to each other at every cycle
(the main DCXO lock drives this difference to 0)
- the reference and main DCXO tags both have the same value at each cycle
(the tag difference for each DDMTD is given by
f_helper*dt = f_helper/f_beat = 2^N, which causes the N-bit DDMTD counter
to wrap around and come back to its previous value)
Note that we currently lock the frequency of the helper DCXO to the
reference clock, not it's phase. As a result, while the tag differences are
controlled, their absolute values are arbitrary. We could consider moving
the helper lock to a phase lock at some point in the future...
Since the DDMTD counter is only N bits, it is possible for tag values to
wrap around. This will happen frequently if the locked tags happens to be
near the edges of the counter, so that jitter can easily cause a phase wrap.
But, it can also easily happen during lock acquisition or other transients.
To avoid glitches in the output, we unwrap the tag differences. Currently
we do this in hardware, but we should consider extending the processor to
allow us to do it inside the filters. Since the processor uses wider
signals, this would significantly extend the overall glitch-free
range of the PLL and may aid lock acquisition.
def __init__(self, N):
self.ref_stb = Signal()
self.main_stb = Signal()
self.tag_ref = Signal(N)
self.tag_main = Signal(N)
self.out_stb = Signal()
self.out_main = Signal((N+2, True))
self.out_helper = Signal((N+2, True))
self.out_tag_ref = Signal(N)
self.out_tag_main = Signal(N)
tag_ref_r = Signal(N)
tag_main_r = Signal(N)
main_tag_diff = Signal((N+2, True))
helper_tag_diff = Signal((N+2, True))
# # #
fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
self.submodules += fsm
NextValue(self.out_stb, 0),
If(self.ref_stb & self.main_stb,
NextValue(tag_ref_r, self.tag_ref),
NextValue(tag_main_r, self.tag_main),
NextValue(tag_ref_r, self.tag_ref),
NextValue(tag_main_r, self.tag_main),
NextValue(tag_ref_r, self.tag_ref),
NextValue(tag_main_r, self.tag_main),
NextValue(main_tag_diff, tag_main_r - tag_ref_r),
NextValue(helper_tag_diff, tag_ref_r - self.out_tag_ref),
If(main_tag_diff - self.out_main > 2**(N-1),
NextValue(main_tag_diff, main_tag_diff - 2**N)
).Elif(self.out_main - main_tag_diff > 2**(N-1),
NextValue(main_tag_diff, main_tag_diff + 2**N)
If(helper_tag_diff - self.out_helper > 2**(N-1),
NextValue(helper_tag_diff, helper_tag_diff - 2**N)
).Elif(self.out_helper - helper_tag_diff > 2**(N-1),
NextValue(helper_tag_diff, helper_tag_diff + 2**N)
NextValue(self.out_tag_ref, tag_ref_r),
NextValue(self.out_tag_main, tag_main_r),
NextValue(self.out_main, main_tag_diff),
NextValue(self.out_helper, helper_tag_diff),
NextValue(self.out_stb, 1),
def test_collector_main():
N = 2
collector = Collector(N=N)
# check collector phase unwrapping
tags = [(0, 0, 0),
(0, 1, 1),
(2, 1, -1),
(3, 1, -2),
(0, 1, -3),
(1, 1, -4),
(2, 1, -5),
(3, 1, -6),
(3, 3, -4),
(0, 0, -4),
(0, 1, -3),
(0, 2, -2),
(0, 3, -1),
(0, 0, 0)]
for i in range(10):
tags.append((i % (2**N), (i+1) % (2**N), 1))
def generator():
for tag_ref, tag_main, out in tags:
yield collector.tag_ref.eq(tag_ref)
yield collector.tag_main.eq(tag_main)
yield collector.main_stb.eq(1)
yield collector.ref_stb.eq(1)
yield collector.main_stb.eq(0)
yield collector.ref_stb.eq(0)
while not (yield collector.out_stb):
out_main = yield collector.out_main
assert out_main == out
run_simulation(collector, generator())
def test_collector_helper():
N = 3
collector = Collector(N=N)
# check collector phase unwrapping
tags = [((2**N - 1 - tag) % (2**N), 0) for tag in range(20)]
tags += [((tags[-1][0] + 1 + tag) % (2**N), 2) for tag in range(20)]
tags += [((tags[-1][0] - 2 - 2*tag) % (2**N), -1) for tag in range(20)]
def generator():
for tag_ref, out in tags:
yield collector.tag_ref.eq(tag_ref)
yield collector.main_stb.eq(1)
yield collector.ref_stb.eq(1)
yield collector.main_stb.eq(0)
yield collector.ref_stb.eq(0)
while not (yield collector.out_stb):
out_helper = yield collector.out_helper
assert out_helper == out
run_simulation(collector, generator())
if __name__ == "__main__":