mirror of https://github.com/m-labs/artiq.git
408 lines
15 KiB
408 lines
15 KiB
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import count
import struct
import logging
from artiq.protocols.analyzer import MessageType, ExceptionType
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
OutputMessage = namedtuple(
"OutputMessage", "channel timestamp rtio_counter address data")
InputMessage = namedtuple(
"InputMessage", "channel timestamp rtio_counter data")
ExceptionMessage = namedtuple(
"ExceptionMessage", "channel rtio_counter exception_type")
StoppedMessage = namedtuple(
"StoppedMessage", "rtio_counter")
def decode_message(data):
message_type_channel = struct.unpack(">I", data[28:32])[0]
message_type = MessageType(message_type_channel & 0b11)
channel = message_type_channel >> 2
if message_type == MessageType.output:
parts = struct.unpack(">QIQQ", data[:28])
data, address, rtio_counter, timestamp = parts
return OutputMessage(channel, timestamp, rtio_counter, address, data)
elif message_type == MessageType.input:
parts = struct.unpack(">QIQQ", data[:28])
data, _, rtio_counter, timestamp = parts
return InputMessage(channel, timestamp, rtio_counter, data)
elif message_type == MessageType.exception:
exception_type, rtio_counter = struct.unpack(">BQ", data[11:20])
return ExceptionMessage(channel, rtio_counter,
elif message_type == MessageType.stopped:
rtio_counter = struct.unpack(">Q", data[12:20])[0]
return StoppedMessage(rtio_counter)
raise ValueError
DecodedDump = namedtuple(
"DecodedDump", "log_channel dds_onehot_sel messages")
def decode_dump(data):
parts = struct.unpack(">IQbbb", data[:15])
(sent_bytes, total_byte_count,
overflow_occured, log_channel, dds_onehot_sel) = parts
expected_len = sent_bytes + 15
if expected_len != len(data):
raise ValueError("analyzer dump has incorrect length "
"(got {}, expected {})".format(
len(data), expected_len))
if overflow_occured:
logger.warning("analyzer FIFO overflow occured, "
"some messages have been lost")
if total_byte_count > sent_bytes:
logger.info("analyzer ring buffer has wrapped %d times",
position = 15
messages = []
for _ in range(sent_bytes//32):
position += 32
return DecodedDump(log_channel, bool(dds_onehot_sel), messages)
def vcd_codes():
codechars = [chr(i) for i in range(33, 127)]
for n in count():
q, r = divmod(n, len(codechars))
code = codechars[r]
while q > 0:
q, r = divmod(q, len(codechars))
code = codechars[r] + code
yield code
class VCDChannel:
def __init__(self, out, code):
self.out = out
self.code = code
def set_value(self, value):
if len(value) > 1:
self.out.write("b" + value + " " + self.code + "\n")
self.out.write(value + self.code + "\n")
def set_value_double(self, x):
integer_cast = struct.unpack(">Q", struct.pack(">d", x))[0]
class VCDManager:
def __init__(self, fileobj):
self.out = fileobj
self.codes = vcd_codes()
self.current_time = None
def set_timescale_ns(self, timescale):
self.out.write("$timescale {}ns $end\n".format(timescale))
def get_channel(self, name, width):
code = next(self.codes)
self.out.write("$var wire {width} {code} {name} $end\n"
.format(name=name, code=code, width=width))
return VCDChannel(self.out, code)
def set_time(self, time):
if time != self.current_time:
self.current_time = time
class TTLHandler:
def __init__(self, vcd_manager, name):
self.name = name
self.channel_value = vcd_manager.get_channel("ttl/" + name, 1)
self.last_value = "X"
self.oe = True
def process_message(self, message):
if isinstance(message, OutputMessage):
logger.debug("TTL write @%d %d to %d, name: %s",
message.timestamp, message.data, message.address, self.name)
if message.address == 0:
self.last_value = str(message.data)
if self.oe:
elif message.address == 1:
self.oe = bool(message.data)
if self.oe:
elif isinstance(message, InputMessage):
logger.debug("TTL read @%d %d, name: %s",
message.timestamp, message.data, self.name)
class TTLClockGenHandler:
def __init__(self, vcd_manager, name, ref_period):
self.name = name
self.ref_period = ref_period
self.channel_frequency = vcd_manager.get_channel(
"ttl_clkgen/" + name, 64)
def process_message(self, message):
if isinstance(message, OutputMessage):
logger.debug("TTL_CLKGEN write @%d %d to %d, name: %s",
message.timestamp, message.data, message.address, self.name)
frequency = message.data/self.ref_period/2**24
class DDSHandler:
def __init__(self, vcd_manager, dds_type, onehot_sel, sysclk):
self.vcd_manager = vcd_manager
self.dds_type = dds_type
self.onehot_sel = onehot_sel
self.sysclk = sysclk
self.selected_dds_channels = set()
self.dds_channels = dict()
def add_dds_channel(self, name, dds_channel_nr):
dds_channel = dict()
dds_channel["vcd_frequency"] = \
self.vcd_manager.get_channel("dds/" + name + "/frequency", 64)
dds_channel["vcd_phase"] = \
self.vcd_manager.get_channel("dds/" + name + "/phase", 64)
if self.dds_type == "AD9858":
dds_channel["ftw"] = [None, None, None, None]
dds_channel["pow"] = [None, None]
elif self.dds_type == "AD9914":
dds_channel["ftw"] = [None, None]
dds_channel["pow"] = None
self.dds_channels[dds_channel_nr] = dds_channel
def _gpio_to_channels(self, gpio):
gpio >>= 1 # strip reset
if self.onehot_sel:
r = set()
nr = 0
mask = 1
while gpio >= mask:
if gpio & mask:
nr += 1
mask *= 2
return r
return {gpio}
def _decode_ad9858_write(self, message):
if message.address == 0x41:
self.selected_dds_channels = self._gpio_to_channels(message.data)
for dds_channel_nr in self.selected_dds_channels:
dds_channel = self.dds_channels[dds_channel_nr]
if message.address in range(0x0a, 0x0e):
dds_channel["ftw"][message.address - 0x0a] = message.data
elif message.address in range(0x0e, 0x10):
dds_channel["pow"][message.address - 0x0e] = message.data
elif message.address == 0x40: # FUD
if None not in dds_channel["ftw"]:
ftw = sum(x << i*8
for i, x in enumerate(dds_channel["ftw"]))
frequency = ftw*self.sysclk/2**32
if None not in dds_channel["pow"]:
pow = dds_channel["pow"][0] | (dds_channel["pow"][1] & 0x3f) << 8
phase = pow/2**14
def _decode_ad9914_write(self, message):
if message.address == 0x81:
self.selected_dds_channels = self._gpio_to_channels(message.data)
for dds_channel_nr in self.selected_dds_channels:
dds_channel = self.dds_channels[dds_channel_nr]
if message.address == 0x2d:
dds_channel["ftw"][0] = message.data
elif message.address == 0x2f:
dds_channel["ftw"][1] = message.data
elif message.address == 0x31:
dds_channel["pow"] = message.data
elif message.address == 0x80: # FUD
if None not in dds_channel["ftw"]:
ftw = sum(x << i*16
for i, x in enumerate(dds_channel["ftw"]))
frequency = ftw*self.sysclk/2**32
if dds_channel["pow"] is not None:
phase = dds_channel["pow"]/2**16
def process_message(self, message):
if isinstance(message, OutputMessage):
logger.debug("DDS write @%d 0x%04x to 0x%02x, selected channels: %s",
message.timestamp, message.data, message.address,
if self.dds_type == "AD9858":
elif self.dds_type == "AD9914":
def _extract_log_chars(data):
r = ""
for i in range(4):
n = data >> 24
data = (data << 8) & 0xffffffff
if not n:
return r
r += chr(n)
return r
class LogHandler:
def __init__(self, vcd_manager, vcd_log_channels):
self.vcd_channels = dict()
for name, maxlength in vcd_log_channels.items():
self.vcd_channels[name] = vcd_manager.get_channel("log/" + name,
self.current_entry = ""
def process_message(self, message):
if isinstance(message, OutputMessage):
message_payload = _extract_log_chars(message.data)
self.current_entry += message_payload
if len(message_payload) < 4:
channel_name, log_message = \
self.current_entry.split(":", maxsplit=1)
vcd_value = ""
for c in log_message:
vcd_value += "{:08b}".format(ord(c))
self.current_entry = ""
def get_vcd_log_channels(log_channel, messages):
vcd_log_channels = dict()
log_entry = ""
for message in messages:
if (isinstance(message, OutputMessage)
and message.channel == log_channel):
message_payload = _extract_log_chars(message.data)
log_entry += message_payload
if len(message_payload) < 4:
channel_name, log_message = log_entry.split("\x1E", maxsplit=1)
l = len(log_message)
if channel_name in vcd_log_channels:
if vcd_log_channels[channel_name] < l:
vcd_log_channels[channel_name] = l
vcd_log_channels[channel_name] = l
log_entry = ""
return vcd_log_channels
def get_single_device_argument(devices, module, cls, argument):
ref_period = None
for desc in devices.values():
if isinstance(desc, dict) and desc["type"] == "local":
if (desc["module"] == module
and desc["class"] == cls):
if ref_period is None:
ref_period = desc["arguments"][argument]
return None # more than one device found
return ref_period
def get_ref_period(devices):
return get_single_device_argument(devices, "artiq.coredevice.core",
"Core", "ref_period")
def get_dds_sysclk(devices):
return get_single_device_argument(devices, "artiq.coredevice.dds",
"CoreDDS", "sysclk")
def create_channel_handlers(vcd_manager, devices, ref_period,
dds_sysclk, dds_onehot_sel):
channel_handlers = dict()
for name, desc in sorted(devices.items(), key=itemgetter(0)):
if isinstance(desc, dict) and desc["type"] == "local":
if (desc["module"] == "artiq.coredevice.ttl"
and desc["class"] in {"TTLOut", "TTLInOut"}):
channel = desc["arguments"]["channel"]
channel_handlers[channel] = TTLHandler(vcd_manager, name)
if (desc["module"] == "artiq.coredevice.ttl"
and desc["class"] == "TTLClockGen"):
channel = desc["arguments"]["channel"]
channel_handlers[channel] = TTLClockGenHandler(vcd_manager, name, ref_period)
if (desc["module"] == "artiq.coredevice.dds"
and desc["class"] in {"AD9858", "AD9914"}):
dds_bus_channel = desc["arguments"]["bus_channel"]
dds_channel = desc["arguments"]["channel"]
if dds_bus_channel in channel_handlers:
dds_handler = channel_handlers[dds_bus_channel]
if dds_handler.dds_type != desc["class"]:
raise ValueError("All DDS channels must have the same type")
dds_handler = DDSHandler(vcd_manager, desc["class"],
dds_onehot_sel, dds_sysclk)
channel_handlers[dds_bus_channel] = dds_handler
dds_handler.add_dds_channel(name, dds_channel)
return channel_handlers
def get_message_time(message):
return getattr(message, "timestamp", message.rtio_counter)
def decoded_dump_to_vcd(fileobj, devices, dump):
vcd_manager = VCDManager(fileobj)
ref_period = get_ref_period(devices)
if ref_period is not None:
logger.warning("unable to determine core device ref_period")
ref_period = 1e-9 # guess
dds_sysclk = get_dds_sysclk(devices)
if dds_sysclk is None:
logger.warning("unable to determine DDS sysclk")
dds_sysclk = 3e9 # guess
if isinstance(dump.messages[-1], StoppedMessage):
messages = dump.messages[:-1]
logger.warning("StoppedMessage missing")
messages = dump.messages
messages = sorted(messages, key=get_message_time)
channel_handlers = create_channel_handlers(
vcd_manager, devices, ref_period,
dds_sysclk, dump.dds_onehot_sel)
vcd_log_channels = get_vcd_log_channels(dump.log_channel, messages)
channel_handlers[dump.log_channel] = LogHandler(
vcd_manager, vcd_log_channels)
slack = vcd_manager.get_channel("rtio_slack", 64)
if messages:
start_time = get_message_time(messages[0])
for message in messages:
if message.channel in channel_handlers:
get_message_time(message) - start_time)
if isinstance(message, OutputMessage):
(message.timestamp - message.rtio_counter)*ref_period)